The "I Didn't Comment in Another Thread" Thread

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It's so funny to me to watch folks who will trumpet to the end of days about how RPG's are all about the imagination, will at the same time show such a spectacular lack of imagination and will actively work to shut down any attempt to use imagination to resolve a question.


If you find yourself asking a question like, "how can X work in the game world?" and then refuse to accept that there might be answers (just not answers you personally might like), then this is very, very much a you problem.


Bruce Baugh, Writer of Fortune

Thomas Shey

The vast majority of food isn't cheese and sauce baked on a flat crust - why do you keep insisting these things are important for pizza!

Because those things aren't really, food you see; its just people deluding themselves it is so they can indulge in their perverse little gustatory experiences.


(Absolutely nothing about anything for here, but Watching the A&E series)

Killer fog notwithstanding, I root for there being one of the alternate realities where Archie and Lucy stay together. I assume Lily will get by just fine -- Wolfe and the Brownstone I'm not so sure. I assume Lucy arranges something.

(Similar thoughts after the book, but without worrying about fog)
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