• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Long Journey Home


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Rey hummed as she put on the suit, setting up a few augmentations as she had time to look at the new interfaces"So I can borrow your cute little robot Right, Fedor do you have any medical supplies with you, First aid or triage... if so would you be so kind as to give it to this cute little explorer" she then tapped Kabboom and engaged her paksis core, linking herself, Alexander Fedor and the lil' guy so they could each see through eachothers eyes.
"I shall go check for survivor's, I am not much of a physician so Fedor if you could advise us with your medical expertise, if they are I will patch them in to our little session, should allow us to map out most of the debris more accurately right?"

She packed up the supplies, adding her communicator in case the people's were damaged, once the spell was cast should be easy to communicate right?
For every survivor they encountered her Paksis core would flare up, covering them in a small barrier and bringing them into the link.
So pretty much as said, letting us see through the bot's eyes and exploring in the time it takes him to setup, if we meet a survival letting the good doctor do his thing to try and patch them up, casting barrier on them and then bringing them in, the communicator is so we can talk to them :)

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Aleksandra nodded her head and got to work wherever she could help. She did some paksis calculations in her head using her Holos to run additional numerical data. As she did so the floated around the area cutting off un-salvageable debris and applying quick weld where it is needed.

OOC: There isn't that much I can do skills wise here, I can use acrobatics to get around quickly and science, craft and I dunno a magic attack to use my lance for welding and a paksis check ofc.

Acro: 3 degrees success, Sci: straight pass, Craft: fail by two. magic roll: 15, Paksis: 2 degrees of success. I'll spend 1 on the Sci, 3 on Craft and 3 on Paksis for 1 degree, 1 degree and 5 degree's respectively. leaving me on 8 points.

Aleksandra spoke on the channel to Tami. "Thanks for the list, well see if we can see any abnormal paksis reactions at this end, thankfully most of this damage is external. I should be able to use my thermal lance to melt down much of the scrap into workable slag for quick patches." she pauses as she shifts a particularly large sharp fragment away carefully. "The pleasure, of course, is all mine. We'll have to do this in a less professional setting sometime, we can talk extensively about Paksis theory, hell if there are other Paksis nuts on board we could make it an evening."

OOC: And another Paksis at straight pass. I'll spend 3 on this for 3 degrees putting me on 5 destiny, cause who needs that.

Echo Squad

Fedor looks impressed at Alexander.

"Such wonderful physique, if everyone had strength like yours.. well I'd be nearly out of a job. Surely less people would die." He nods.

Turning to Rey he continues.

"I do have several supplies though I'm not sure if that .. thing.. will be able to do much. I can give some to .. it.. creepy thing. Though I will be able to advise if someone is alive or dead, I suspect that much will be easy. A ... thing... like this has a torch so I can at least check vitals. I do not much trust that for finesse, though I see no reason why we can't try."

Setting Kaboom along he tries to patch up people who seem worse for wear.

OOC: Kaboom can make medicare due to Fedor's aid though on a TN of 10. I will need him to make 5 checks, two of them with advantage.

Sierra Squad

For a instant you feel yourself on board the boarding ship as it was. Your head shoots round looking at your surroundings, you see a purple hue fill the air. Then feel yourself being shaken, you blink and you see Sarah holding onto you shaking you about. "Hey Ghostie, snap out of it! Jeez you keep spacing out, anyway I'm mostly done here. You seem to have been out for the past errr... how long has it been... some time. At least a quarter of an hour since I last checked. Shall we get back to the ship with the salvage?"

With your aid you and J.D. Tsuba are able to repair a substantial part of the damaged areas by the end. The two of you working together cut the time down to about half an hour of work. After Mikhail returns you think you can report in. The engineers look like they have a handle of the situation from here. Tami replies to you on the comms.

"If you'd like, come up to the mess hall during the next R&R. There's a few of us in the engine room though not of all them are Paksis 'nutters'. Good luck with the repairs, I don't envy you out there."

Thinking about the jump it is impossible to have gone that far. At least without help from something, perhaps if you knew a bit more about Astronomy you could work something out. You know at least the if it was paksis on its own doing something it can't have gone that far, unless the core was a lot bigger that it is.

You are unsure how the paksis might have reacted strangely, paksis has a bizarre pattern of acting anyway which is what accommodates the different coloured special cores that Episilon suits use. Most of the time that is through repeated use in a certain fashion that a core would change colour, though it flashing brightly means it is generating a lot of power. These are all best guesses at the moment, likely you'll need to inspect the core for yourself.

You go through the remains of the ship slowly. Your suit begins to vibrate quickly, holding your hand to the your chest it feels like it is vibrating at the rate of your heart. A pang of fear wells up in your stomach before you notice that the vibration has stopped. You press on looking for something of value, searching around for a little while you eventually find a small cube. The cube is sitting near where you expect a helmsman to be standing. All that is left is a small pedestal holding the cube that is facing towards the front of the ship, similar to a lectern. The cube is about 10" x 10", wholly intact, you reach out to take it. An ominous sense of dread fills the air, you push it to the back of your mind and grab the cube. The edges of the cube are constantly exerting a force outwards, yet something is keeping it together. You presume it's an important part of the ship. Perfect gift for an engineer.
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OOC: Did I work anything out with those two paksis checks, 5 degrees for the feasibility of the jump, 3 dergees on if the paksis seems to have reacted strangely at the engine end.

Arthur Campbell

First Post
OOC: I will say Kaboom is small sized (he looks a bit like Wall-e) so I doubt it will be able to "bring in" anyone it finds in the debris assuming I've understood what you've meant, so it'll have to leave that to you guys :D

As kaboom received instructions it whirred as it memory tried to store this new information. Explosives it was used to, but this was new and wholly complex. Loaded up and ready to go it rolled off into the debris it's small and foldable frame perfectly suited to navigating the debris. Following instructions from its new instructors it reached the first of several targets. Approaching the body it opened its main storage compartment and withdrew the medical supplies, finding its operation programme inadequate, its robotic arms fiddled slightly clumsily with the unfamiliar implements.

OOC: 5 medicare rolls away, the first two with advantage
1:One degree of failure (+1 destiny point for a flat pass)
2:One degree of failure (+1 destiny point for a flat pass)
3:One degree of success
4:Two degrees of failure
5:Three degrees of failure

Alexander slowly nodded at the proceedings, watching over the careful procedures his squad was undertaking.

"Arthur, this debris doesn't look too heavy to me. I can run and grab my armour, and between me and it's glorious servos, I'm certain I can shift the more delicate debris that would otherwise endanger the crewmen. Would that help?"

He looks concerned. Not because of the plan; he trusted his more intellectual soldiers with this plan. He just wanted to do what he could.

Arthur Campbell

First Post
OOC: I'm going to make some assumptions here just correct me if I'm wrong

Delicate debris...perhaps...Arthur looked at the survey There are a few problem pieces of debris that could be moved which would make the blast more effective and safe He turned to face Alexander The only question is time, the faster we blast this the better for those trapped it's a matter of how quickly you could get to the armoury and back He looked back at the survey and tapped his chin Though there are a few pieces you *might* be able to move without your MDA.
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OOC: @Aleksandra Oh, sorry, your post didn't say what the paksis check was used for anything so I assumed it was the repair, I've updated the post.

Echo Squad

The two men after some conversation can see that the debris can be shifted slightly to make the impacts safer, Alexander definitely should have the strength to, as does Raymond.
Arthur is right though, time is of the essence, Kaboom was able to patch up some of the badly wounded people though two of them are bleeding out and fast.

OOC: For those aiding in the moving of debris in Echo squad, make upper body checks.


First Post
Looking towards sarah

Really? I've been staring into nothing for that long? Seems only a minute has passed since I last asked if we should continue the salvage operation. Sarah how long have I been inactive?

She places one finger on her lower lip...

I make it to be 18 minutes 47 seconds since you last moved. I assumed you were planning something do you really have no recollection of the past 19 minutes?

Ghost is glad he's hidden behind his visor, he positions his head so the stars gleam off it's surface concealing his worried look.

What the hell is happening to me? I've never had this much trouble before. Seems I'm going to have to speak to the commodore, there's no way I can command if I freeze up like this, it'll only get people killed. Am I this unsuited to space? Or deep space as it is.

Returning his look towards Sarah after removing the worried expression

If you believe there is nothing left to salvage then it seems we're done here. Let's return to the wanderer.

Opening up a link to the squad

Sierra report in. I want a status update on the repairs and the engines

He then starts gliding lazily towards the wanderer, waiting for the rest of his squad to give him the report.

"Private Aleksandra sir, Almost done patching the engine sir." Aleksandra piped in "We can leave the engineers to finish, they were more than capable just needed more MDAs really. I'm going to go and detach these boarding vessels properly, I'm worried they could have an effect on the wanderer and there is no way we can move with them attached sir. Another note sir, at some point you or we should assign code names for brevity of radio contact. Over."

Aleksandra dropped the comm-link and turned to the engineers. "Thank you for your diligence and professionalism, good luck with the rest of this engine."

She re-called up Tami, as she did so she drew Olga back to a sub-function mode for transport and readied to use her jump pack to move out. "Tami, by my calculations the core we have shouldn't have behaved the way it sounds like it did also I think that we've managed an impossible jump, Private Tsuba Phd reckons we're out by a long way and I think that'll be a good starting point to discuss later. Sadly I feel it may have to be more serious than I'd like, at least to begin with. I'll bring down Tsuba in the next R&R and perhaps we can come up with some answers. Assemble your thought crew and we'll crunch some theory. Ciao for now."

She then turned to J.D. "Lets have a closer look at these alien ships then J.D, at the very least we'll need to cut the cables but I can handle that. Should we back up Mikhail or try the other one do you think?"

She floated over to him and detached a mooring cable from her MDA and started to look J.D's suit over for a connection point.

OOC: I'm aware that the suits probably have HUDs for radio contact and notification but I think call signs would be fun. IIRC they are often one word names that may or may not have anything to do with the actual soldier and often don't. Nicknames on the other hand frequently do. Might be fun to suggest our own but I don't know what you guys would like to do.

Voidrunner's Codex

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