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The Long Journey Home

J. D. Tsuba

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after a while the engineers seemed to grasp the simpler concepts and J.D thought they could be left to it.

thats it people, just like I showed you. I think me and miss zhukova had better be going now, we have other important things that need seeing to.

at that point ghost connected up via the comms and asked for reports, aleksandra seemed to have that covered pretty well so in the meantime between repairing spaceships and scavenging alien wrecks, he thought it might be prudent to do a quick local scan of space. Using the built in screens and some software he had never seen before (obviously came with the suit upgrade), he checked the position of their craft and examined the surrounding area for any abnormal activity, gravity waves, nuetrino bursts, singularities, higgs pulses, etc.

OOC: Science and astronomy, following your advice to see if I can find any more out
Science - 3 degrees of success
Astronomy - 4 degrees of success
if i'm barking up the wrong tree, just say

While his genetic algorithm crunched the numbers, aleksandra approached.

I am sure he has everything under control, or we probably would have heard about it by now. Lets check out the other wreck, there might be things in there that are not in the other.
Although I don't mind you looking me over, If you are trying to find my tether, here.

as he says this, he pulls on his belt, from the buckle a safety line appears, how it is stored in a mere belt is as mysterious as how he is wearing a three piece Armani suit in space.

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Mikhail Zhukov

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Mikhail inspected his find.

By the looks of it my little friend you have something to do with flying this vessel. Or rather had, since I don't think it is going to soar the vacuum and attack peaceful exploration ships ever again.And now my cubical friend I am declaring you a prisoner of war. Cant say we aren't civilized and everything, can you cubey? No that is a rubbish name. From now on you shall be known as Sir Maximilian-Albert Whetherby II, carry thine name with pride young Sir Maximilian. Well the rest of the ship looks dead so let us deal with the cables and reel it in.

Mikhail made his way back to the Snowdrop. His plan was too shoot the cables with the cannon, attach snowdrops own cable to any sturdy looking part and use the boosters to drag it closer taking care not to smash Sir Maximilian's craft into the wanderer.

Ghosts message caught him on the way back. He opened a channel to Sierra to report in.

Mikhail here. Second wreck is secured and seems deactivated, preparing to move it closer to the wanderer for salvage, internal systems don't look too damaged, secured a POW on the bridge.Over.

OOC: Rolled a pass on scavenge and 2 degrees of success on drive check in case I need them.


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Ghost raises an eyebrow at the message, a POW? What could have survived the explosion?

If you're certain the POW is of no threat then proceed. If there is any doubt in your mind bring the POW aboard the wanderer before moving the wreckage. The wreckage isn't going anywhere anytime soon, the POW might be a problem if left unchecked. Glad to hear the repairs are running smoothly, once you're finished up report back on board for debriefing. I'm assuming Private Tsuba is there with you, same applies to him.

What type of creature could have survived such a violent explosion? That's a little disconcerting.

As for call signs, I'll leave you to decide upon the call sign, when you have reached a decision inform me. I'm returning with chief engineer Taylor to the wanderer. We've salvaged as much as we can from the second vessel. Over and out.
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Alexander steps towards the rubble, and punches his fist into palm, looking over the debris scattered everywhere. With a mighty grunt, the buttons on his shirt pop off, and his top bursts from his body, leaving his exemplary musculature on display for all to see.

"Okay! Let me sow you the true power of the Bauhdric Lineage! Steel and iron are no match for my extraordinary power!"

Without further ado, he gets to work shifting rubble, working on areas as directed by Arthur, working like a madman to ensure not another man or woman is lost.

I rolled an 8 on my upper body check, that's 4 degrees of sucess. Willing to blow fate-points to make it work better/faster.

Ray Ray

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Raymond doesn't put on quite as much of a show, but taken into the spirit of their captain's showmanship, he flexed a little, following Alexander in.

"You may not be a match for steel, but maybe a Morrisette can match you, ey Cap'n?"

He took Arthur's directions, working alongside Alexander.

OOC: rolled a 6 (upper body check) 2 degrees of success. Wait, does this mean Raymond and Alexander both actually have the same target number on upper body strength? Sweet.

"Well from the sounds of things that's mission complete." Aleksandra said to J.D clipping the two cables together.
"I'll tow you back in to the ship, hold on." She jetted along the ship though space gently drifting at speed to the non-mauled dock. "It's a shame, I'd love to spend more time out here before we debrief. Well at least ole grumpy will let us make our own calls signs, that should be fun." She grinned mischievously.
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OOC: J.D Tsuba and Alexandra, there is only one wreck that can be explored currently. Most of the debris from Ghost's wreck has been disintegrated by Sarah as that was her purpose for being out there, though she has scavenged some bits.

Echo Squad

After Alexander and Raymond move everything to better positions Arthur sets off the bombs. This opens the passageway to the 10 men still alive, though two of them are looking in a very bad way currently. With the help of Fedor you are able to move the bodies off to the medbay without much hassle, the preparation work helped you not injure the people so readily.

Before leaving Fedor hands Alexander a small device. "Good sir, please take this, I think the commodore might need it. It is the current list of medical supplies and surviving personnel. I might need your wonderful regime at some point, it would be wonderful to see it in action. As that show of strength was quite impressive. Now hope to see you all when the ship is not breaking apart." He chuckles before leaving.

Sierra Squad

All of you report back into the main hanger with Sarah in tow.

"Ah that was a fun adventure, good to get out of the ship and stretch those brain muscles! Now, you guys need this I suppose! It's the supply list we have and the predicted salvage." She hands ghost a small device with the data presumably on it.

OOC: Sorry for late reply, got side tracked by stuff and Merry Christmas as we are getting oh so close now.

Arthur Campbell

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Another expertly calculated, perfectly detonated, small explosion, good job.

Arthur surveyed the now thoroughly defeated obstruction, now powerless to hamper his squads work in recovering the injured. The familiar elation of a successful blast filling him entirely, giving him a large smile and wide eyes. Not suited to the heaveir tasks of lifting and moving debris he was content to carry on overseeing the squad making sure that there were no other parts of the ship would collapse. Revelling in his own euphoria short-lived though it was.

Once the feeling had subsided and the injured had been dealt Arthur packed up the surveying equipment and what remained of the charges. He Headed over to Damiano See? a bit of controlled destruction can work wonders, have a little more confidence in explosions. Oh! and here's your equipment back, I may ask to borrow it again if any other sections of the ship are this bad, I hope that's ok.

He approached Alexander So Sir, would you say morale is suitably restored and our mission is complete? Or is there more to do? He looked up at the damaged ceiling and studied where the debris had fallen from. As I think we have serious questions to ask about the ships design.


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Ghost takes the device from Sarah, quickly glances over it, then places it into his pocket. As he starts to head towards the exit, whilst waiting for the rest of his squad, he has a closer look at the list given to him by Sarah. As he approaches the door a familiar voice can be heard from behind him.

Erm.....Ghost aren't you forgetting something?
He continues to walk towards the exit
I don't think so Sarah, I have the intel I was sent to gather and I have replaced all my equipment. Once my team arrives we'll head off to the bridge.
Sarah frowns a little then pouts.
You forgot to disable me ghost.
He turns briefly looking over his shoulder.
So I did, I'll deactivate you later Sarah there are more pressing concerns currently.

After which he turns and continues towards the exit, whilst Sarah gets a beaming wide smile as she floats around the armory, eventually settling near ghost and following him. She'll get to see more of the ship, see what ghost does outside combat, meet so many new people. She knew ghost hadn't forgotten, she held a secret smile for him before she continued dancing and twirling away.

OOC: Indeed, a merry christmas to all. Hope you have a great day and I look forward to us continuing, from ole' grumpy himself =D

Voidrunner's Codex

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