• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Long Journey Home

OOC: Aleksandra will spend some time getting to know some of the crew she's met so far better. In particular, tami, meia, ezra and perhaps meet this alyssa tami referred me to though I can do that in rp instead at some point. She's also spend some time looking for VI enthusiasts. I'll also write up and post another blog post soon.

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Arthur Campbell

First Post
OOC: Arthur will try investigate paksis as much as he can, investigating the engine and discussing what are probably the basics of paksis with various engineers and scientists. He will also talk to Meia about the amount of ordinance we have at our disposal and how long it will last. In terms of getting to know people it'll probably be Meia, Damiano (specifically what the current state of geology is like) and the rest of his squad mates but the latter can happen via posts. :D

He'll maintain and escalate the "prank war" with Meia to see if she can keep up with him, making the bombs increasingly dangerous but not fatal. He will also familiarize himself with the weapons the rest of his squad use, trying to think of ways to "improve them" in future.

Mikhail Zhukov

First Post
Mikhail plans for next week.

1) Recruit the VI person(too lazy to go back and find her name)
2)Build the a body for the cube.(with screen and speakers, and hover engines cos those are cool, and a small hand so he can give high fives)
3) Socialize with team awesome members.
4)Avoid Ghost and Tsuba.
5) Go meet the person in charge of hangar bay. (determine if they are cool enough and therefor worth being friends with)
6) Build a trap for VI's or any other surveillance equipment that floats around. (Something to disable those)

7)Question the cube.
7.1) What would he prefer to be called.
7.2) Any information on the planets we are going to o the system in general.
7.3) Anything he can tell us about his kind.
7.4)Introduce him to the (insert cool name for the VI here once I come up with one).
7.5) Stop Dr.Serrano from doing any active brainwashing for now.

8)Keep avoiding Ghost and Tsuba.
9)Make bitching cocktails

OOC: Okay enough waiting, first round of downtime

Ghost: Brooding, every so often Sarah checks on him by sneaking up to him with a megaphone. Or planting stupid e-mails.

Alexander: You now meet up with all 4 members of Charlie. The two you know are Ayla and Jean-michelle. A knife expert and contortionist fist fighter respectively. They're captain is Zara a sword fighter who utilizes grappling hooks with her MDA. Lastly the support of the team Selwa a battlefield nurse who knows how to use most the devices in her med kit as a weapon. Both Zara and Selwa are from the UK. Sparring with them you can tell they are all light on their feet. Using their lighter frames and MDAs for maneuvering purposes. You find out that Zara and Selwa used to be in the same squad once upon a time and signed up to the program together. They were originally part of the SRR though they don't tell you much more than that. Ayla and Jean-michelle are quite friendly with each other or rather Jean-michelle is very patient with Ayla though they have never worked together before arriving here. They did train a lot together hoping to be in the same squad when they were eventually left on board. Ayla clams up when you ask her anything whereas Jean michelle reveals that he was originally a Banter weight champion boxer and martial artist. He found that beating up other people for fun was not much use and wanted to do it for real.

Aleksandra: Tami is a little aloof at times when you talk to her, she seems to want to talk about work first before herself. After a little while she opens up though you find out she does have a few hobbies outside of work, namely basketball and chess (you also find out pretty much everything in her NPC profile entry). She says the main reason she likes chess is due to being able to think of theories between turns. Meia is far more amicable, she tells you a few tales of how she used to beat up her brothers for standing out of line. She talks a bit about her life in the countryside and wonders if she'll ever see it again. She also seems quite trusting of people even at first glance, Meia also talks about the fun she's having winding up Arthur. Ezra doesn't have much of a grand tale to tell, she worked on remote islands previous to joining this crew. Usually working with large radio towers and the like to get information in to the outpost she was working at. She seems to think of the ship as a moving island that just has a more advanced radio connection to what she's used to. Ezra has started trying to figure out information that Rey has given to Naomi. She says that the hunter seems to be a dead end though she is starting to figure out a rudimentary communication that the robots are using similar to Morse code, though is only a hunch at the moment.

Arthur: Meia is far more amicable, she tells you a few tales of how she used to beat up her brothers for standing out of line. She talks a bit about her life in the countryside and wonders if she'll ever see it again. She also seems quite trusting of people even at first glance, she tells you that she likes to give people a chance regardless of who they are. Damiano is a little enthusiastic about his rocks, he seems to drone on and on for times when you ask almost like it's white noise. In terms of how geology was on earth he says sadly most good geologists go off to work for companies in industries such as oil or fuel. Very few look at the ideas of terraforming and alien geology. Made his job easy getting onto the team since not many were applying, he's glad he's here though.

Meia seems to be keeping up she almost even catches you in a rope that would have had you dangling in front of the armory. As you get more and more explosive she decides to use as little as possible in her traps and when she does use explosives the explosions seem precise and not excessive.

Mikhail: Karen seems up to joining your endeavour. Sarah talks about her hair brained schemes, most of which work just about though mostly get tossed as they aren't cost effective or resource effective. She also tells you a bit about her sister, a girl who used to work in the armed forces though unfortunately died. Sarah didn't know much about her work though she recently found out that Ghost used to work with her a while time ago. Dr. Serano seems like an upstanding kind of guy. He seems to respect people's boundaries and doesn't like it when people don't do the same. Dr.Serano talks about himself in on odd manner almost like he's trading information, it could be due to his job though. He tells you a little about his life in Italy, he tries to learn a little Russian from you. Karen doesn't have much time to socialise due to her work with Bart, the bridge and Okado, despite that you find out a little about her. Originally she wanted to be a doctor though was a little squeamish about the whole thing, got through 2 years of medical training before that though. She took what she learned from there and applied it to VI training and integration, now she works as someone who designs VIs that are linked to people closely as opposed to being projections.

You don't finish the body over the course of the week but at least you have the shell of it, it can't move yet but you think you can finish it soon. Karen helps you build a few traps for VIs that you can place around at your leisure. Think of them as either claymores or C4s bet sort of EMP versions.

Cube: He prefers just 'helmsman', he says he knows little of the planets except Radio planet. Often 'sleepers' are placed to harvest the inhabitants of the planet, he doesn't elaborate more than that. Helsman doesn't delve much into how his kind works except that what you have of him is a very small part of his greater whole. He refers to the ship that was destroyed as his 'true' body.


First Post
OOC: I didn't do enough brooding, this must be improved upon. I'm guessing the recon has returned and we know who will have been given then report.

Ghost heads off to whoever he was told would get the report from the scouting droids. Upon arrival he salutes then lowers his hand.

Captain Ghost reporting, what did the droids preliminary scan of the radio planet's surface show?

J. D. Tsuba

First Post
OOC: well, obviously I would like to fall asleep at various times, also I will spend time with Hans Shafer, Tami Tirrel, Karina ashwell (head of science department maybe?) and probably the Zhukovs as well. Other than that, I'll wander around telling whoever will listen about science. Its great isn't it!


First Post
OOC: Sorry guys athesia and stuff has had me delayed, anyway

Over the course of the time Rey would spend some of the time examining the tactical strength of the wanderer, find out by watching them training the general military units of Starseeker, how many Close combat stabby dudes, how many ranged dudes, how many vehicle pilots etc.

She would want to talk to a Paksis Expert about possibly using the Paksis core in a more combat Focused role, casting Paksis shields and other types of utility for the wanderer.

She would also take time to go to every other player character, just generally chatting with them about things and asking about them. (I figure the fair way to do this is if you want to take part you can ask Rey as many questions as you want (Up to say 5) and she will answer honest, then she would ask you questions in turn (that I hope you don't lie about).


First Post
OOC: Let's see if I can get this ball rolling

Ghost tracks down Rey at some point.

I've heard that you were looking for ways to reinforce the wanderer using paksis, I was just wondering if you had made any progress with that and what types of ideas you've come up with. The wanderer is very exposed at the minute, and if we go away on planetside missions I'd like to know we have somewhere to come back to. Also the first day you met me, you mentioned you knew of ways to improve my precision, I'm pretty sure I can hit any target but you must have meant something by what you said, so what thoughts did you have? I've read the reports about our first engagement and from what I understand you fill a similar role to Sarah, strong support.

Ghost will also head to Dr Serano's office at some point, once he and Serano have sat down..

On the first day we met you said something that's been plaguing my thoughts, because you got hold of information I thought impossible to obtain. Doc, how did you know my real name? That information was destroyed as soon as I joined up with my previous squad, my identity was wiped out for obvious reasons. That information will only have existed in highly secured files held by my CO. How did you get your hands on it?

OOC: Not sure if this was what you intended for downtime, the convos with NPCs rather then general chit-chat, but thought I'd post it anyways.

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