The Orville Season Two - Thoughts?


That was actually a very well-done episode, although I was dreading it more and more the more I saw of it. With rumors that Alara was going to leave this season, when I saw it was an Alara-themed episode I started to worry that this might be it; when I saw it was called "Home" I was convinced it was; and when she walked into Capt Mercer's office there at the end after they had found a way for her to stay with the ship I was all "Aw crap - she's going to resign her commission!" Dang it - she was my favorite character on the show.

So now I'm left hoping the actress had an opportunity to go star in a movie or something and will be back later after that's over with - they did leave the door open for Alara to return, after all. I guess we'll see.

But at least she got to go out on a high note, because this was a really good episode. So I wonder if Patrick Warburton's going to be a permanent replacement as the new security officer? (I also wonder how he puts that shirt-with-a-hole-in-it on if his second esophagus is actually permanently attached to his stomach, because I didn't see any flaps or anything.)


Also my favourite character. I was dreading this.

If I remember correctly it was landing a role in this movie that had her leave:

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If there's been a theme so far it has been to stick it to those disliking it - talk about doubling down on social progressiveness and maudlin sentimentality.

(Before you jump to the conclusion I'm one of those, keep in mind I'm still watching)


Mod Squad
Staff member
I can easily see that before she left the show, they'd keep a lid on it.

But once that show has aired, if her departure were permanent, why stay tight-lipped about it? It is easy enough to say, "Hey, she had a really great opportunity, and had to make a hard choice. The schedules didn't work out, so we wish her all the best!"

However, if she's coming back at *some point* then you don't talk about it because you don't want the audience to prethink the plot too much... Maybe?


I had no idea the bartender was Jason Alexander. The episodes have been interesting so far. Sad to see Halston Sage go for now, but I will hope we get her back at some point. Was great to see doctor v doctor ; ) .

I read an interview with Scott Grimes that said the show gets "big" after the first few episodes of the season so I think we will have to wait and see for the real structure of the show. Whether they have some sort of over-arching story coming on, like a transition to a more DS9 kinda metaplot, or whether their world dramatically expan- ... wait, I guess part of the plot of DS9 was also the world getting bigger with access to a new quadrant.


Pretty good episode tonight. It was a pretty good take on the Enemy Mine plot. The Space Orcs were an interesting element too. And the B plot with Gordon was handled well too, I'd say maybe even better than Trek usually does.


Pretty good episode tonight. It was a pretty good take on the Enemy Mine plot. The Space Orcs were an interesting element too. And the B plot with Gordon was handled well too, I'd say maybe even better than Trek usually does.

They fooled me - I did not recognize the returning actress (understandably). The final gesture (letting Teleya go) was predictable, but how they got to that point was very good.

Gordon was quite in character. Humor should emerge from the natural behavior of the characters, and this is an instance. OTOH, I will not be sorry to see Warburtun's character leave. He was an example of forcing humor to happen.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I prefer it when they lay off the jokes and just pretend to be Star Trek. When it gets into the fart jokes and the like it takes me out of it.

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