The Road to Discovery


Gamer Extraordinaire
Nalvis sees the Graggorid and can not help but notice the comparisons between their faces and the one that he sees reflected in still water. They do not stop to engage the threats of the tribals so that maybe one day they can become something more. He says to the group, "Perhaps people like these are the examples used to push this 'cleansing' ideology."

Mekric says, "But the actions of those from Eastaboga under the sway of this Shon Yu defeat their own argument. If their point is that they have to protect themselves from the threats and aggression of other people, and then respond with threats and aggression, they have proven no better than anyone else. No matter how large a group, the choices of that group are made up of individual decisions. Most people follow a leader, even into harmful actions, because it is easier to follow along and cooperate than it is to struggle against violent opposition. Before long the decisions become a chain of thought that people feel invested in for their own security. If the group goes down, then they go down too. That's what happened in Eastaboga and in the same way in that Graggorid camp. Leadership helps the group along with one hand, and hampers with the other. If only there was some way to rotate leadership positions to new people. That way society would constantly learn from it's own mistakes instead of having to be forced into change." She rubs her chin as she thinks.

Arbrine exchanges a glance with Quill and replies, "Just let me know what to burn, and I'll do it." She gives a meaningful look to the Graggorid camp, holds up her hands, and manipulates Way to allow them to burst into flame, hopefully where the tribe can see it as they pass by. They continue on their way to the Right Branch Heights.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Heading to Right Branch Heights

Nalvis sees the Graggorid and can not help but notice the comparisons between their faces and the one that he sees reflected in still water. They do not stop to engage the threats of the tribals so that maybe one day they can become something more. He says to the group, "Perhaps people like these are the examples used to push this 'cleansing' ideology."
Vik nods at him, responding without having given it much thought. "I am not sure as to the reason, but that makes sense. They have no language an no social development. They move like bears or lions, hunting killing and eating."

Having considered his words a bit more Veera adds, "Your adoptive parents are evidence enough that people can advance beyond the violent stature of their birth. I suspect this Shon Yu has ulterior motives in his manipulation of those soldiers from Eastaboga."

Kwargrow said:
Mekric says, "But the actions of those from Eastaboga under the sway of this Shon Yu defeat their own argument. If their point is that they have to protect themselves from the threats and aggression of other people, and then respond with threats and aggression, they have proven no better than anyone else. No matter how large a group, the choices of that group are made up of individual decisions. Most people follow a leader, even into harmful actions, because it is easier to follow along and cooperate than it is to struggle against violent opposition. Before long the decisions become a chain of thought that people feel invested in for their own security. If the group goes down, then they go down too. That's what happened in Eastaboga and in the same way in that Graggorid camp. Leadership helps the group along with one hand, and hampers with the other. If only there was some way to rotate leadership positions to new people. That way society would constantly learn from it's own mistakes instead of having to be forced into change."She rubs her chin as she thinks.
Vik pauses to think and Veera nods vigorously at her words. "Exactly! Our people have a saying, which is why we pride ourselves on our lack of prejudice. It is that 'most accuse others of the evil they find in themselves'. These Eastabin soldiers have become the embodiment of the very malevolence they propose to eradicate."
Kwargrow said:
Arbrine exchanges a glance with Quill and replies, "Just let me know what to burn, and I'll do it." She gives a meaningful look to the Graggorid camp, holds up her hands, and manipulates Way to allow them to burst into flame, hopefully where the tribe can see it as they pass by. They continue on their way to the Right Branch Heights.
GM: A burst of flame erupts between Arbrine's hands. In a flash, it is gone. The threatening sounds and actions of those on the beach change dramatically at the sight. The Graggorid back away in fear, jabbering noises and making odd gestures in the air.

Quill giggles. "You are going to be a bad influence on me." She raises her right hand toward the beach as crackles of electricity dance between her fingers.
GM: The Graggorid panic and grab what little supplies they have, fleeing their encampment.

[sblock=Character Data]Nalvis: full health
Mekric: full health
harnin arrows: 20
Abrine: full health
Rekyavik: full health
Renyaveer: full health
harnin arrows: 23
Quill: full health
javelins: 5[/sblock]
[sblock=Group Inventory]Animals:
  • nothing at this time
  • Slate: 1 rock: (sound x2)
  • Flint: 1 rock: (heat x2)
  • Heartstone: 1 stones: {+ Confluence}
  • Coal: 1 lump: (Heat x3)
  • Lodestone: 1 stone: (Shock x3)
  • Slickstone: 1 stone: (-Heat x3)
  • Yellow rock (Sulfur): 1 lump: ?
  • bluish rock (Waterstone): 1 stone: ?
  • Zinc: 1 ingot: {+ Health} (+Body x2)
  • Tin: 1 ingot: {+ Persona} (-Mind x2)
  • Lead: 1 ingots: (-Body x2)
  • Iron: 1 ingots: {+ Confluence} (+Body x2)
  • Copper: 1 ingot: {+ Persona} (Shock x2)
  • dark metal (Nickel): 1 ingot: ?
  • heavy metal (Manganese): 1 ingot: ?
  • yellowish metal (Molybdenum): 1 ingot: ?
  • dark metal (Palladium): 1 ingot: ?
  • Muddle Leaves: 4 measures: (-Mind x2)
  • Rend Leaves: 1 measure: (-Body x2)
  • Muddle Flowers: 1 measure: (-Mind x3)
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Right Branch Heights

Right Branch Heights has been built upon a largely cleared area on the right, or east, bank of the river. The village sprawls out along a sharp rocky rise and tapers downstream. The river itself is no longer navigable beyond the village as a significant falls splashes down the rocky incline.

Small fishing boats are tied to various mooring and only the smoke of what seems like cookfires wafts up from within the village. Archers draw bead from the docks and other strategic points, aiming arrows at the approaching boat. Seeing the vessel's mixed occupants and friendly disposition, the archers ease their bowstrings. An Hebrian man walk out on the central dock and gestures a greeting as the group's sailboat drifts close.
[sblock=Character Data]Nalvis: full health
Mekric: full health
harnin arrows: 20
Abrine: full health
Rekyavik: full health
Renyaveer: full health
harnin arrows: 23
Quill: full health
javelins: 5[/sblock]
[sblock=Group Inventory]Animals:
  • nothing at this time
  • Slate: 1 rock: (sound x2)
  • Flint: 1 rock: (heat x2)
  • Heartstone: 1 stones: {+ Confluence}
  • Coal: 1 lump: (Heat x3)
  • Lodestone: 1 stone: (Shock x3)
  • Slickstone: 1 stone: (-Heat x3)
  • Yellow rock (Sulfur): 1 lump: ?
  • bluish rock (Waterstone): 1 stone: ?
  • Zinc: 1 ingot: {+ Health} (+Body x2)
  • Tin: 1 ingot: {+ Persona} (-Mind x2)
  • Lead: 1 ingots: (-Body x2)
  • Iron: 1 ingots: {+ Confluence} (+Body x2)
  • Copper: 1 ingot: {+ Persona} (Shock x2)
  • dark metal (Nickel): 1 ingot: ?
  • heavy metal (Manganese): 1 ingot: ?
  • yellowish metal (Molybdenum): 1 ingot: ?
  • dark metal (Palladium): 1 ingot: ?
  • Muddle Leaves: 4 measures: (-Mind x2)
  • Rend Leaves: 1 measure: (-Body x2)
  • Muddle Flowers: 1 measure: (-Mind x3)


Gamer Extraordinaire
OOC: Group name: how about River Crew?

The River Crew are friendly and wave before mooring their boat at the dock. Nalvis steps up first and says, "Greetings. We are travelers from the sea shore, and we come here with peaceful intentions. We followed a group of Eastaboga soldiers to this river and we have come to tell your village that this group of people have been stopped at the Orngaddrin village. If you are open to trade and talk with strangers, we can come into your village and tell you all of the story."

Mekric and Arbrine will speak when it is polite, but keep their eyes on their surroundings. They are looking for any evidence that the teachings of Eastaboga have taken root here.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Re-Establishing Trade Routes

OOC: Group name: how about River Crew?

GM: I like it. Let's go with it.

The River Crew are friendly and wave before mooring their boat at the dock. Nalvis steps up first and says, "Greetings. We are travelers from the sea shore, and we come here with peaceful intentions. We followed a group of Eastaboga soldiers to this river and we have come to tell your village that this group of people have been stopped at the Orngaddrin village. If you are open to trade and talk with strangers, we can come into your village and tell you all of the story."
The man presses the palms of his hands together in front of himself and gives a slight bow. He speaks in Eastabin since he was addressed in such. "Welcome to Right Branch Heights. I see by the Norikadians with you, that you are from the rocky shores out on the point. With what has transpired here, I feared trade would be lost with you. We lit our signal fire after the soldiers left. It is good to hear of the Orngaddrin. I speak Norikadian as well if you would prefer. I have never before met a friendly Graggorid, and I have never before seen the likes of the dark little woman. You have a well mixed crew. It is good to see such harmony. Please disembark we will share tea and speak."

Vik responds in Eastabin as he disembarks to tie the vessel. "Thanks, we all speak Eastabin. It will be fine. It is the more common language of trade about the marsh and river folk."
Kwargrow said:
Mekric and Arbrine will speak when it is polite, but keep their eyes on their surroundings. They are looking for any evidence that the teachings of Eastaboga have taken root here.
GM: Most of the locals actually seemed relieved to see the river crew. It seems that whatever was driving the soldiers from Eastaboga, that contagion is not common to all of the Hebrian race, though quite a few openly gape at the little dark woman and the civil Graggorid. It appears these villagers are already used to the sight of Norikadians. Many of the people give friendly greeting, several of whom actually speak to Quill.

OOC: Arbrine is unaware of the actual name for her tribe, but she knows that she is Faethrin.

[sblock=Character Data]Nalvis: full health
Mekric: full health
harnin arrows: 20
Abrine: full health
Rekyavik: full health
Renyaveer: full health
harnin arrows: 23
Quill: full health
javelins: 5[/sblock]
[sblock=Group Inventory]Animals:
  • nothing at this time
  • Slate: 1 rock: (sound x2)
  • Flint: 1 rock: (heat x2)
  • Heartstone: 1 stones: {+ Confluence}
  • Coal: 1 lump: (Heat x3)
  • Lodestone: 1 stone: (Shock x3)
  • Slickstone: 1 stone: (-Heat x3)
  • Yellow rock (Sulfur): 1 lump: ?
  • bluish rock (Waterstone): 1 stone: ?
  • Zinc: 1 ingot: {+ Health} (+Body x2)
  • Tin: 1 ingot: {+ Persona} (-Mind x2)
  • Lead: 1 ingots: (-Body x2)
  • Iron: 1 ingots: {+ Confluence} (+Body x2)
  • Copper: 1 ingot: {+ Persona} (Shock x2)
  • dark metal (Nickel): 1 ingot: ?
  • heavy metal (Manganese): 1 ingot: ?
  • yellowish metal (Molybdenum): 1 ingot: ?
  • dark metal (Palladium): 1 ingot: ?
  • Muddle Leaves: 4 measures: (-Mind x2)
  • Rend Leaves: 1 measure: (-Body x2)
  • Muddle Flowers: 1 measure: (-Mind x3)
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Gamer Extraordinaire
OOC: I will name the leader of Right Branch Heights: Yannif

After their boat is secured, Nalvis and Mekric go with Yannif to have tea. They tell their story to him, up to and including the execution of the leader and their last trip from the marsh. Nalvis ends with, "We still have business with the Orngaddrin so we are travelling there next. Do you have any quests we could perform for you?"

Mekric says, "We will need a lot more experience to prevent further aggression from Eastaboga."

Arbrine explores the village with Quill, being friendly.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds

OOC: ;).Yannif is a really strange name for a culture based on ancient Japan, but okay.

After their boat is secured, Nalvis and Mekric go with Yannif to have tea. They tell their story to him, up to and including the execution of the leader and their last trip from the marsh. Nalvis ends with, "We still have business with the Orngaddrin so we are travelling there next. Do you have any quests we could perform for you?"
Yannif sips his tea. "We lost the Norikadian and the Orngaddrin families that lived here. Their homes were torched by those soldiers proclaiming purity for the people of the river land. Very odd mentality, that. The emperor was rumored to have had a Spiofthest pillow mate. Something must have certainly changed in Eastaboga. If you know of or learn of and specifics, it would help my people to know."
He spins his bowl and takes another sip from his tea. "If more of your people are still out on the Rocky Shore, we will gladly continue to trade for sharkskin and whale fat. We can still offer your people lye and berries. Since you still have business with the Orgaddrin village, what news do you bring? Did they suffer loss?"

Mekric said:
"We will need a lot more experience to prevent further aggression from Eastaboga."
Yannif spins his bowl another quarter turn. "Yes, I am sure that would be wise. Much is left unknown in this situation."

Kwargrow said:
Arbrine explores the village with Quill, being friendly.
GM: The people of the Heights seem to be put at ease by the extreme difference in Arbrine's appearance rather than harboring some prejudice that would make them suspicious. Whatever development has promoted the Empire seat to send out soldiers it was not born of something natural within this tribe of people. Arbrine and Quill see the two homes that were destroyed by the soldiers, but villagers are working to clean up the remains. They learn that the victims have already been given last rites.

[sblock=Character Data]Nalvis: full health
Mekric: full health
harnin arrows: 20
Abrine: full health
Rekyavik: full health
Renyaveer: full health
harnin arrows: 23
Quill: full health
javelins: 5[/sblock]
[sblock=Group Inventory]Animals:
  • nothing at this time
  • Slate: 1 rock: (sound x2)
  • Flint: 1 rock: (heat x2)
  • Heartstone: 1 stones: {+ Confluence}
  • Coal: 1 lump: (Heat x3)
  • Lodestone: 1 stone: (Shock x3)
  • Slickstone: 1 stone: (-Heat x3)
  • Yellow rock (Sulfur): 1 lump: ?
  • bluish rock (Waterstone): 1 stone: ?
  • Zinc: 1 ingot: {+ Health} (+Body x2)
  • Tin: 1 ingot: {+ Persona} (-Mind x2)
  • Lead: 1 ingots: (-Body x2)
  • Iron: 1 ingots: {+ Confluence} (+Body x2)
  • Copper: 1 ingot: {+ Persona} (Shock x2)
  • dark metal (Nickel): 1 ingot: ?
  • heavy metal (Manganese): 1 ingot: ?
  • yellowish metal (Molybdenum): 1 ingot: ?
  • dark metal (Palladium): 1 ingot: ?
  • Muddle Leaves: 4 measures: (-Mind x2)
  • Rend Leaves: 1 measure: (-Body x2)
  • Muddle Flowers: 1 measure: (-Mind x3)


Gamer Extraordinaire
Nalvis says, "The Orngaddrin did well in the fight against the Eastabin cleansers. We assisted as much as we could, but it was really their fantastic machines that won the day. The Orngaddrin are a noble people and convinced us to set the Eastabin prisoners free, minus their leader, to tell their tale of defeat to their city. We have yet to travel to Eastaboga but we were able to extract some information from the cleanser leader before he was executed. Apparently there is a new ruler named Shon Yu in Eastaboga, and he is the one pushing this ridiculous purity agenda. We are not planning on going back to pedestrian lives, so we will not be trading in regular goods, but if you have any items you require that we might come across in our travels we will trade with you. The Orngaddrin were crafting some items for us, so if there's nothing else we will depart."

Mekric adds, "We have been given a house in Marsh village so if you need to find us, leave word there."


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
The Heights

Nalvis says, "The Orngaddrin did well in the fight against the Eastabin cleansers. We assisted as much as we could, but it was really their fantastic machines that won the day. The Orngaddrin are a noble people and convinced us to set the Eastabin prisoners free, minus their leader, to tell their tale of defeat to their city. We have yet to travel to Eastaboga but we were able to extract some information from the cleanser leader before he was executed. Apparently there is a new ruler named Shon Yu in Eastaboga, and he is the one pushing this ridiculous purity agenda. We are not planning on going back to pedestrian lives, so we will not be trading in regular goods, but if you have any items you require that we might come across in our travels we will trade with you. The Orngaddrin were crafting some items for us, so if there's nothing else we will depart."

Yannif listens intently and waits to respond. "Catapults, the Orngaddrin call them. Interesting concept, I am glad to hear they performed well. Shon Yu is not a name that I know. The Emperor is called Tau Ming. He alone rules the city. If someone else is giving orders, then something has happened to the Emperor, which would be bad to know. He is a good ruler, kind and fair. His son would not have done this either. This is all very foreboding."

Kwargrow said:
Mekric adds, "We have been given a house in Marsh village so if you need to find us, leave word there."
Yannif nods and smiles. "Ah, this is good. I will do so. How shall I ask after you?"

Vik answers, proudly, "Just call us the River Crew."
[sblock=Character Data]Nalvis: full health
Mekric: full health
harnin arrows: 20
Abrine: full health
Rekyavik: full health
Renyaveer: full health
harnin arrows: 23
Quill: full health
javelins: 5[/sblock]
[sblock=Group Inventory]Animals:
  • nothing at this time
  • Slate: 1 rock: (sound x2)
  • Flint: 1 rock: (heat x2)
  • Heartstone: 1 stones: {+ Confluence}
  • Coal: 1 lump: (Heat x3)
  • Lodestone: 1 stone: (Shock x3)
  • Slickstone: 1 stone: (-Heat x3)
  • Yellow rock (Sulfur): 1 lump: ?
  • bluish rock (Waterstone): 1 stone: ?
  • Zinc: 1 ingot: {+ Health} (+Body x2)
  • Tin: 1 ingot: {+ Persona} (-Mind x2)
  • Lead: 1 ingots: (-Body x2)
  • Iron: 1 ingots: {+ Confluence} (+Body x2)
  • Copper: 1 ingot: {+ Persona} (Shock x2)
  • dark metal (Nickel): 1 ingot: ?
  • heavy metal (Manganese): 1 ingot: ?
  • yellowish metal (Molybdenum): 1 ingot: ?
  • dark metal (Palladium): 1 ingot: ?
  • Muddle Leaves: 4 measures: (-Mind x2)
  • Rend Leaves: 1 measure: (-Body x2)
  • Muddle Flowers: 1 measure: (-Mind x3)


Gamer Extraordinaire
The emperor was rumored to have had a Spiofthest pillow mate
If someone else is giving orders, then something has happened to the Emperor

Nalvis shrugged, "I don't really know what its like to have an emperor."

Mekric nodded, "The purist leader repeated the same phrases over and over. One of them was a reference to ending geriatric leadership, and then putting a foreign concubine and his defiled seed out to sea. Possibly his pillow-mate, as you call it, became pregnant by the emperor and this is what caused Shon Yu and his followers to rebel. Whatever the reason, we find it abhorrent. Are there any other communities along the river that you know about?"

Once the River Crew has finished talking with Yannif they will collect Quill and Arbrine and sail to the Orngaddrin village.
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