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The Shackled City - Golarion Prelude


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The grey haired human brushes off Caytis's and Marcus's efforts to lead him outside and places a hand on Nai's shoulder.

An air of confused panic trembles in his voice.

What? Run? My people just finished unloading all the supplies I'm bringing in from Sasserine. Without that cargo, the common folk of Cauldron will suffer. Despite what Garthun said, the food shortage in Cauldron is very real. I will not abandon my cargo. Besides, surely the guards and walls around this place can keep out a few overgrown bugs. This is the safest place in the whole jungle.

Barkeep Orin grabs a large truncheon from behind the bar.

Now now, no need to be scaring folks missy. Lets all stay calm.

Orin reassures the human.

Your goods are perfectly safe Maavu. My boys will take care of any threats that might come out of the bush. And like you said, my ancestors built these walls with their blood and tears. They've kept this house safe for generations. I'm not about to abandon it because some wildling girl gets spooked by a cricket. I suggest you all stay inside...I'll go see to the boys

Orin walks past Svexyn and out of the common room into the night. Some of the merchants do as Orin instructs and retreat to their rooms. Adofo, the caravan master continues to drink with his small complement of caravan guards, completely unphased by Nai's warnings. Maavu looks around confused and unsure what to do. He looks at Nai, then at Marcus, Caytis, and Wilbur imploringly.
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OOC: Updated the previous story block to reflect the rapidly changing reality lol! You guys cranked up the intesity on me while I was writing a quick response :)


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The middle aged Hillfolk woman runs into the common room, as if trying to catch Orin. The look of terror is plain on her face.

Damn dat man. He is as brave as he is stupid

She turns to Adofo and his caravan guards.

Get up ya lazy oafs. Orin won't be dyin today to save your drunken asses.

The men groan into their cups and ignore her. One large guard, slips off his stool and collapses in a heap on the floor.

She huffs, disgusted at the caravan "guards" and looks around the room, addressing anyone who'll listen.

You best listen to dis girl, death be comin!


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Marcus is visibly disgusted by the people's apathy. Just as bad as the idiots in Cauldron who let the scum run roughshod.

He looks at the grey-haired man. "Show us your goods. We can help pack quickly and get you on the move." One hand reaches up to brush back a strand of long dark hair. "These people know their own damn country. Listen to their warnings. So if the rest of you want to stay here and die, fine. I've done my damn part trying to get your lazy asses moving."


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Nia races to the wall where a torch sits in a sconce, supplementing the light from the cookfire. She grabs the oilsoaked brand from its brace and jumps up onto a table, her face set in a terrible scowl.

"Dis be it, city-men! I'll not be wastin' another time on you if you want to stay! What is coming cannot be fought wit! It cannot be stopped! It'll crawl troo the cracks, troo the very earth to find you! Even de beasts have de sense to run, like dey'd run from a fire in the forest!"

Nia throws the torch down, where it explodes in shower of sparks. She jumps down after it and points at Marcus.

"Your shiny metal weapons won't do you any good! If you'd slow dem down, den get more torches! De smoke and heat will give dem pause up close...but dere be too many to fight. We run, or we die! ANYONE who wishes to live will follow me NOW!"

She runs to grab another torch, and looks at the older Hillfolk sympathetically, inviting her without words to come along.


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(OOC - No! Hee! She just wanted some visual display to shock people out of their complacency. If the torch she threw stays lit after hitting the floor, she'll pick it back up again rather than getting a new one. If there's a fire on the floor, she'll stomp it out.)


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Adofo spits his drink across the table as embers land in his long oiled beard. He slaps his beard drunkenly between foul Keleshite curses. His guards laugh slovenly. He stares hard at Nai, murder in his eyes.

His thunderous laughter rips through the common room.

This little child and her city friends shame us men.

He delivers a swift boot to the ribs of one of the guard on the floor.

ON YOUR FEET DOGS. Let us go see what has gotten the wildlings so worked up.

He locks eyes with the middle-aged woman

When we come back from squishing your vermin I expect my bill paid by the house Tamecia. My men and I do not work for free.

Adofo rounds up his men and head out the door, pausing to roughly bump into Marcus.

Under his breath he mutters to Marcus

Don't think I'll forget this boy.

With that, he and his men exit the inn.

The immediate tension broken, Maavu goes into admistrator mode. He quickly gathers up a few of his men and follows Adofo out.

Quickly, we must save as much as we can.

Voidrunner's Codex

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