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The Shackled City - Golarion Prelude


First Post
Encounter Maps Round 2


West Gate

North Wall


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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Val steps up into the cover provided by the wagon and supplies to avoid the beetles' flank and tries once more to find a chink in the animal's armor. In spite of the dire threat of their situation, he finds himself feeling unaccountably cheerful and begins humming one of the songs he was always called on to sing in his father's tavern. "Good thinking, Svexyn! We'll have 'em turned back in no time!"

[sblock=OOC/Actions]I've plainly got to step up my RP game here to keep up . . .

  • Free: 5' Step to -F/-8
  • Standard: Rapier (1d20+1=11) vs. Beetle (-F/-9) (a miss, I suspect)
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Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Svexyn looks at the wagon and the scurrying of the beetles underneath as they try to get out from underneath it. A wicked grin would have been evident on his face, had his hooded cloak not hidden it from view as a plan formed in his mind. Quickly turning to the guards, he barks out more orders.

"Break the wheels! Crush them underneath!"

He then tries to assist them in breaking the axles or pins on the wheels of the cart in hopes that it will come crashing down to crush the bugs underneath. It would also slow down the enemies, as they would have to burrow even more to find another place to dig their way to the surface.

"Someone might want to get a torch ready as well..."


First Post
Caytis Maggerin, half-elf magus

Caytis shifts around so that Tamecia and he flank their beetle, and lashes out with his Quadrens. This time, the quadruple points of his odd weapon sink deeply into the creature, crunching past chitin to the soft flesh underneath.

"I know you don't want your girls in trouble, but I think our best bet to hold the grate closed is going to be getting that wagon on top of it!" he calls out.

[sblock=actions]5'step to -H4 to flank, attack with quadrens:

Flanking, Arcane Enhancement Quadrens attack; damage (1d20+5=19, 1d6=6)

Unless these things are a lot tougher than I think (and if they are, we're in big trouble), I'm assuming 19 hits. 6 damage.

Continuing plans: get the grate back in place and roll the wagon on top of it to provide extra weight to hold it in place.[/sblock]

HP: 10/10 AC: 15(19) AC(T): 12 AC(FF): 13 Init: +02
BAB: 00 CMB/CMD: 00/12 ACP: -1 ASF: 00 Spot: +05

* Shield (+4 AC). 7/10 rounds remaining. Current AC: 19
* Arcane Enhancement: +1 melee attacks for 1 minute. 9/10 rounds remain

Saving Throw Total Base Mod Misc Special
Fort: 03 2 +1
Ref: 01 0 +2 -1*
Will: 03 2 +1

* -1 Reflex (Wyrm Blooded trait)
** Conditional: Immune sleep, +2 vs enchantments, +4 vs acid

Weapon Attack Damage Critical Special
Quadrens +2(+3) 1d6 19-20/x2 1 pt bleed on crit
Quadrens, Spell Combat +0 1d6 19-20/x2 1 pt bleed on crit
Composite Shortbow +2 1d6 20/x3 Range 70 ft.

* Conditional: +1 attack with Arcane Pool enhancement.

Arcane Pool: 4/5 remaining

Spells Prepared:
* 0 Level (3): Prestidigitation, Detect Magic, Light
* 1st Level (2, DC 15): Shield, Shield[/sblock]


First Post
OOC: I realized today looking over the swarm rules that I missed an extra attack of opportunity for Marcus and the unfortunate caravan guard and that the swarm counters should be 4 squares instead of 1. I'll get retcon for marcus's extra attack and update the map tonight


First Post
OOC: Additional Attacks

Marcus swats at the beetles as they try and climb his body, but fails to deter them

The Caravan guard uses his makeshift club to smash the bugs as they get near him. The heat of the torch and the ferocity of the attacks manages to break up the swarm as the remaining insects scatter.

OOC: Results: Swarm 2 dies/disperses

OOC: Time will advance this evening. If anyone wants any further changes, please get them in before tonight. I had planned on doing this sooner but enworld being down on wed night kind of threw off my schedule. Sorry :p
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First Post
Am I currently swarmed or not? I don't think the map got updated, but with the site down for a while, I totally understand why.

If I'm not swarmed, then continue actions as before. If I am covered in swarming beetles... then I suppose, try to get out of their area and go after any adult beetles. I just hope the dice roller gives me better than it has. :p A 1, a 7 and a 9? Jeez...


First Post
[sblock=ooc]You are swarmed, and have taken 1 damage. I failed to roll your AoO for some reason in the initial pass. For that I apologize. And ya....the dice have not been kind to you. I wish I could through them in the trash and get a new one like I would for a home campaign heh :)[/sblock]


First Post
Combat Round 2

Svexyn and the guards strike the cart with their heavy weapons. The cart is well made, but the wheels splinter and shatter under the direct assault. The cart bed falls to the earth with a crash and crushes the hapless beetles pinned beneath it. Gore splatters out from underneath the cart in all directions.

Marcus keeps his cool and manages to escape the raging swarm, taking a small step back and then violently sweeping his guisarme through the mass of insects. The edged weapon doesn't prove as effective as one might hope, but many bugs still die on its razor edge or simply get buffeted out of the swarm from the force of the sweep. The swarm crawls towards him again, Marcus is unable to bring his weapon to bear fast enough and finds himself covered with bugs for a second time. A beetle manages to work its way onto Marcus's neck drawing blood before Marcus manages to knock it aside.

As the gate is now relatively secure, Adofo changes his focus to attacking the swarm currently harassing Marcus. His heavy falchion sweeps through the insect, sending a few more of the bugs to their death. The swarm seems to be losing cohesion, but it still focuses on Marcus, hungry for flesh.

North Wall

At the north wall, Caytis, and Tamecia continue to fight of the beetles coming up through the storm drain. Caytis's strikes like a serpent and pins the insect to his quadren, stabbing completely through one of the beetles. He disgustedly flings the dead bug into the storm drain then grasps the side of the coach, shouting his plan to Tamecia. The remaining beetles snap at Tamecia and the girls, but their useless attacks do little except further frighten the youths. Tamecia kicks one of the beetles against the wall with a crunch, then grabs a hold of the cart. With a grunt, Caytis and Tamecia drag the laden cart over the storm drain.

Val continues his merry dance with his prickly dance partners. One finally manages to catch his wrist with its sharp pincers and cuts deep, leaving a large gash along his forearm. The bleeding does little to break Val's enthusiasm. Finding himself surrounded, he backs up to a nearby cart for cover and continues to do his best to protect Svexyn's flank. His blade sweeps high, missing a particularly fat beetle. A crossbow bolt loosed by one of the outpost guards strikes the beetle that took Val's blood and pins it to the side of a crate. It wriggles madly before expiring. Orin comes to Val's defense, flanking one of his attackers, but his inexperience in combat causes him to stumble, his swing going wide.

Nia moves up behind Orin and throws her javelin, but the small beetle jumps aside at the last moment, as if somehow sensing its impending doom. Shelob chitters encouragingly while he jumps around...almost driven mad by the proximity of so many prey creatures.

East Gate

Wilbur rushes through the east gate and views the ongoing scene. The front gate appears to be somewhat secure, but a swarm is lose inside the outpost and is harassing Marcus. Several adult beetles can be seen along the north wall causing destruction among Garthun's caravan goods.

OOC: Results:
Val takes 4 DMG
Beetle 5 dies (Crossbow)
Swarm 1 takes 7 DMG (1/2 slashing weapons)
Marcus takes 2 DMG
Beetle 1 dies (Caytis)
Marcus takes 2 DMG
Beetle 8 dies (cart)
Beetle 9 dies (cart)
Beetle 10 dies (cart)
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