the tablet war is heating up


First Post
After surfing the web, video watching is my next most likely yogajournaltv (flash), (flash), and a bunch of other flash sites. I know, someday flash wont' matter, but you know what, it does now.

THAT is why I don't own an iPad.

And, I really want to see what the android tablets are doing by this summer....

There are apps that will let you run flash. Check out Skyfire or Iswifter.
I don't blame you wanting to check out android.

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First Post
Being able to transfer information to/from external hard drives would be something I'd need USB for.

Also, when I have people over for game night, being able to display a pdf of a map or something of that nature on my TV would be helpful.

Being able to get music and media without going through iTunes would also be a preference of mine. (this may be doable, I'm not sure)

Those three spring to mind right away.

There are apps that will let you transfer data such as " USB disk for ipad". Or over the cloud with apps like " dropbox"

With the Ipad 2 you can now mirror what ever is showing on the ipad2 to a tv with the hdmi adapter or the av adapter.


First Post
I just read this on "" about ipad 2 sales.

Philip Elmer-DeWitt at the Apple 2.0 blog has compiled a list of estimates from analysts, and they vary pretty widely, with the average being 6.26 million. The numbers cover 14 days of U.S. sales, plus the first 2 days of international sales. The lowest estimate, a conservative 5 million, came from Chris Whitmore of Deutsche Bank. The highest number, a whopping 8.8 million, was predicted by Hendi Susanto of Gambelli.

iPad 2 News: 5 ? 9 Million iPad 2s Sold In Two Weeks? –


Out of curiosity:

is there any vetting or testing of Android apps that are submitted to the official android store or the Amazon store (not really sure why they need 2 stores...)

do the android pads have cellular data plans available (I suspect so), or is it just WiFi

What major book readers apps are on Android (ipad has apple, amazon, kobo, but not sony). Note, I'm talking apps that represent the major publishers, not like Stanza which is just an ebook reader). Having an app means you don't have to buy a Kindle or a Nook, or a Sony E-Reader.

Have there been any serious security issues with Android apps (if I recall, there were a few naughty Apple Apps, but they mostly get pulled when detected).

How does the "average" user feel about the user interface/ease of use on Android?

Some of my questions are a bit loaded. I favor Apple's approval system for apps over an unregulated system. Given that they have a ginormous app store, it's not like it's hurting creativity or ability to publish. That said, those rat bastards did reject Sony's reader app, which would have solved my getting access to all the e-books my wife bought for her Sony reader.

I'm not hopping off the iThing train anytime soon. All our iPhones are hooked into my share storage for iTunes. and my free iPad1 with 16GB and only WiFi seems plenty useful. Given all they can do, it's only inconvenient on the things they can't do.

And unlike products we've all purchased in the past, all of these devices' capabilities have increased over time. You can't say that about your plain old phone, toaster or SD TV. So some shortcomings can be overcome.

Relique du Madde

is there any vetting or testing of Android apps that are submitted to the official android store or the Amazon store (not really sure why they need 2 stores...)
amazon's app store is stated to have a builtin android emulator.

do the android pads have cellular data plans available (I suspect so), or is it just WiFi
Both are available.
What major book readers apps are on Android (ipad has apple, amazon, kobo, but not sony). Note, I'm talking apps that represent the major publishers, not like Stanza which is just an ebook reader). Having an app means you don't have to buy a Kindle or a Nook, or a Sony E-Reader.
Android has Google books, nook, kindle, sony, kobo, etc.

But it should be noted that Nooks ARE ANDROID devices. :D

Have there been any serious security issues with Android apps (if I recall, there were a few naughty Apple Apps, but they mostly get pulled when detected).
Yes, and when google hears about malicious apps they have been known to pull them.

How does the "average" user feel about the user interface/ease of use on Android?
What is an "average" user? I know that some iDevice users/tech commenter seemed to have been scared by Honeycomb's apparent complexity. However, it took me a few minutes at most to realize what the new buttons do on my Xoom (the layout changed from 2.x to 3.0) and a non 3.0 friendly app I placed several invisible widgets on my home screen (my previously mentioned "bug"). Thankfully when that ap updated last night I saw all those 1x1 widget icons.

When I got my droid I figured things out immediately though and this is having not having used had an iDevice since my 2005 iPod video become corrupt back in 2006. After all, one row of icons device interface is just like the next row of icons device interface.
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Argyle King

There are apps that will let you transfer data such as " USB disk for ipad". Or over the cloud with apps like " dropbox"

With the Ipad 2 you can now mirror what ever is showing on the ipad2 to a tv with the hdmi adapter or the av adapter.

Can I plug a USB drive into an iPad?

I've been told there aren't any ports on the iPad.

Argyle King

Do I have to use official iPad apps or am I able to install other things? In a previous message I mentioned that I'd prefer to not use iTunes.

Also, how hardware/software intensive is it to adapt iPad to USB output? I don't want to buy one just to find out that I need a bunch of 'official' iPad material just to be able to perform simple functions.

Some of the alternatives do have the ports and such that I want; however, they cost more and give me less memory and computing power from what I can gather from online comparisons of the specs.


First Post
Can I plug a USB drive into an iPad?

I've been told there aren't any ports on the iPad.

You can get an adapter that makes the 30 pin connection to a usb port. Usb drives will not work. But other items such as usb keyboards, media card readers,
The way that "USB Disk" works is that it lets you use the free space as storage.
Once it is setup you can transfer files from your computer to your ipad going through Itunes.

Dropbox is more what your looking for. It is cloud storage.

Voidrunner's Codex

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