the tablet war is heating up

John Crichton

First Post
Reports i got from relatively neutral folks who have owned both android and ithing says android ui sucks. Not unexpected given google's lackluster ui trackrecord compared to apple writing the book on ui.
Both my Droid phone and iPod touch's interfaces are just fine. At the moment I prefer Android. I have no idea how this will play out with tablets as I will only be owning an iPad 2 soon and not a Droid tablet until the finish playing catch-up.

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Hand of Evil

One of the biggest issues with the Android OS (Linux) is that is not the same from unit to unit. Different makers of phones and tablets are using different parts of the OS or even changing the code. Add to that, mix-match of parts.

Apple is a closed system, no one but apple changes it.

History repeats itself, Windows vs Mac; where windows is blamed for issues with PC makers hardware. ;) Now it is Android vs Apple OS and the Android OS is getting blamed for tablet's hardware configuration.


Hand of Evil

I have no problem with the different flavors of Android. It allows upgrades and tweaks which means options. That's a good thing. :)

yes it is. It is I just don't know that the market of the tablet will like that or not, as most of the tablets seem to be coming from the phone carriers. The users aren't that geek, sure they like bright and shinny but it is amazing how little most of them know about their devices.


First Post
After surfing the web, video watching is my next most likely yogajournaltv (flash), (flash), and a bunch of other flash sites. I know, someday flash wont' matter, but you know what, it does now.

THAT is why I don't own an iPad.

And, I really want to see what the android tablets are doing by this summer....

Hey Zaukrie, did you see the Nook Color is getting flash in April? I'm really hopeful that plays on that device, I might have to try and pick one up if it does.

John Crichton

First Post
yes it is. It is I just don't know that the market of the tablet will like that or not, as most of the tablets seem to be coming from the phone carriers. The users aren't that geek, sure they like bright and shinny but it is amazing how little most of them know about their devices.
There will always be folks who are clueless. However, most folks that are getting in on tablets early are going to be more tech savvy than not. Early adopters usually are.


All versions of Android prior to 3.0 Honeycomb weren't even designed for tablets and their displays. 3.0 is designed to deliver on touch tablets and does just as good a job as the iPhone and iPad, and in some ways significantly better.

The only real difference in what Apple offers is that they maintain their systems at premium price points. You'll get a perfectly good Android phone or tablet at a much lower cost, but the components are unlikely to be as good.

There'll also be a separate Android range at the Apple price level, with better components. Most of these things even come off the same production line, before being cased and badged.

For many the difference in components won't even come-up. For others it'll matter and they'll spend more/ get picky. Takes me back to the, now funny, day a mate put a £400 graphics card into a PC with a 250W power supply.


First Post
I read yesterday that there are less then 100 android apps optimized for tablets.
Can the people here who have the Galaxy tabs and the Xooms verifiy this?
Also have you used your android tablets in a game yet?

Voidrunner's Codex

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