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The Ultimate Dungeon


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The githyanki lass looks the minotaur over, carefully finding the weak points in his blustery defenses. With a smirk she winks at the eladrin. In order to kill or hunt, one must stay alive, she purrs. I will trust you, fey-blood, she says. If you didn't see anything, it likely isn't there.

[sblock=ooc] Don't forget, you never get below your passive score on perception or insight checks, so you have your passive of 18 for that check. [/sblock]

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The minotaur looks at the strange little girl, and erupts in a short fit of laughter. Still grinning, Ah, but you have backwards little girl, you must hunt and kill to live. It's the nature of things.

Lord Sessadore

"Well, minotaur, are you just going to talk about opening the door, or are you going to open the door?" The eladrin raises an eyebrow, but otherwise doesn't move, remaining as static and unchanging as an oak through the little debate.
[sblock=OOC]Right, I always forget about that. Thanks Red :)[/sblock]


First Post
"Don't be silly," the elf interrupts in a surprisingly playful tone. "It looks like I've got the best armor here - I should open it." Taking a couple of quick breaths and finishing with one long, calming exhalation, she opens the door, scourges at the ready.

OOC: Hope this is ok with everyone - I'm eager to get started!


You open the door into an even smaller dungeon room. Except for the size, though, it is just like the one you just came from. Except this one is not completely empty.

A figure wrapped in a hide blanket stands up, apparently awakened by the door opening. He seems speechless at first, but finally speaks. "I can't believe I've finally found someone!" he shouts. You now can tell that this figure is a male deva, wearing leather, with five silvery shurikens dangling from his belt. He continues talking in frantic glee. "I've been wandering these dungeon corridors for days. You see, I found myself in this dungeon along with five others who, like me, and like you I assume, could not remember their own identities. We ventured through these rooms and stumbled across a horde of monsters, mismatched from each other, but they were still too much for us. I was the only survivor of our group, and I still don't know what's going on here. The only clue I have is my tag." He takes a silver pendant from beneath his shirt that hangs on a beaded string around his neck. "It says 'Sekoqa,' so I took that as my name." He notices your confused expressions. "You have them too, do you not?" You look down and realize that you all have similar tags around your necks, each with letters written in Common, that you assume to be your name. Sekoqa looks at you after you figure out that bit of your identity. "Please, you must let me join you. I have to find a way out of this dungeon."

[sblock=OOC]Sekoqa is the proper spelling of his name. I think I might've spelled it wrong elsewhere. Now you all know your own names, too. There is another door across the room from you, by the way.[/sblock]


First Post
Sek looks down at her nametag... then over at Sekoqa's tag and glowers at him a bit... filthy captors couldn't have given me a name NOT already used or at least in part used by someone else down here, and even leave him alive to mock me with it?" she grumbles as she moves to the door to inspect it... if nothing stands out in her slightly 'miffed' mood, she'll fling it open in huff and move to the next room.... alone if need be....

[sblock=Perception Check]Perception Roll to check the door... 1d20+8=21[/sblock]
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The githyanki girl looks at her own name-gift. Nyjry? That means nothing to me, she says angrily. It's all I have, however, so it will have to do. As her gaze takes in the others she notices the tiefling's movement. Don't do anything foolish, fiend-touched, she cautions. We must work together if we are to survive whatever is out there. They left us our weapons for a reason.


Sek flings the door wide. Even if you hadn't had amnesia, this sight would probably be the oddest you've ever laid eyes upon. The door opened up into an octagonal room, about 15 feet on each side, scattered with rubble. On the opposite side of the room are two green lizards on four legs, a green lizard-like humanoid, two purple scorpions whose claws are crackling with electricity, and four disembodied hands. Immediately, these monstrosities assume combat positions. They are going to attack you, and the only option is to fight back!

[sblock="Initiative"]To save time, I'm rolling initiative for all of you.

Wil: 9+2=11
Nyjry: 15+0=15 (after Sek)
Sek: 14+1=15 (after Sekoqa)
Buna: 3+3=6
Xuxgu: 9+1=10
Sekoqa: 12+3=15 (first)

Sekoqa gets to go first, so I'll post his move in a second. We're still waiting for a player for the poor guy. Good luck! PS: I can't make a map (I'm using a mac) so we'll see how we can get by with our imaginations. =) Sorry to all the visual thinkers. The monsters are in a row 7 squares from the door, and the octagon is 8 squares from wall to wall.[/sblock]
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"No!" Sekoqa gasps. "This is just like last time!"

The monsters, save for the lizard humanoid, creep closer to you, waiting for you to enter the room, as if they can't attack you when you are in the room. If you try to attack while still outside of the room, you realize you can't will yourself to make the attack.

Sekoqa steps into the room, where he's surrounded by undead hands and a four-legged lizard. "Not this time!" he shouts, and taking a shuriken out of his pouch, stabs at the lizard.

[sblock="Piercing Strike"]8+4=12 vs. Reflex. 2+1=3 damage.[/sblock]

Sekoqa's shuriken nicks the lizard's skin, but doesn't seem to do anything except make it prepare a retaliation.


First Post
Sek feels something within her leap from her body with a ghostly bears roar... a good sized hazy figure materializes in front of her in the doorway.. the figures hair seems slightly matted in places over a large and muscular body.... it's head is massive and broad and it's eyes glow an eerily pale white. The beast seems to be protecting her as she turns back to the rest of those with her...

[sblock=Minor Action]Call Spirit Companion in a square next to Sekoqa if there is one open[/sblock]

uh oh.... ummm.. little help please!" she barks as she sees the deva wisk past her something in her tells her to send the beast before her with him before moving into position next to her bear companion and attacks one of the hands accosting Sekoqa!

[sblock=Move Action:]Moving to a square aginst my bear.[/sblock]

[sblock=Standard Action]Attacking one of the disembodied hands with:
Protecting Strike (Implement, Primal, Spirit)
Standard Action Melee spirit 1
Target: One creature
Attack: +4 (Wis+Feat) vs. Will
Hit: 1d8+3 damage, and each ally adjacent to your spirit companion gains temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier.

1d20+4=18, 1d8+3=8[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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