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The Ultimate Gamer Poll

Which categories apply to you? Check all that apply.

  • Male of age 13-45

    Votes: 135 84.9%
  • Liberal

    Votes: 87 54.7%
  • Somewhat socially inept w/non-gamers

    Votes: 42 26.4%
  • Tech-savvy

    Votes: 100 62.9%
  • Poorly dressed

    Votes: 54 34.0%
  • Monty Python Addict

    Votes: 40 25.2%
  • Somewhat odd

    Votes: 106 66.7%
  • Video/Computer gamer, too

    Votes: 115 72.3%
  • Overweight

    Votes: 53 33.3%
  • Scary

    Votes: 21 13.2%
  • Above-average intelligence

    Votes: 145 91.2%


First Post
I want to be above intelligence too awwwh come on man can't I be smart I want long post and cool answer but me not thin
kin very gute

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Male of age 13-45: Yes. Liberal: Partially. Somewhat socially inept w/non-gamers: No. Tech-savvy: Yes. Poorly dressed: No. Monty Python Addict: No. Somewhat odd: No, although other people think I am. Video/Computer gamer, too: Yes. Overweight: No. Scary: No. Above-average intelligence: I don't know.


Edena_of_Neith said:
I will state for the record that I consider Gamers to be of above average intelligence in general.


RP Gamers or gamers in general? I would hardly consider your typical computer or console gamer to be smarter than the avarage Joe, just look at Counter-Strike players. :)


First Post
I am:

... a 23 year old male.
... very much a liberal.
... comfortable in most social situations.
... somewhat tech-savvy.
... frequently complimented for my taste in clothing.
... amused by Monty Python, but I don't go around quoting it all the time.
... an oddball, but I hide it pretty well.
... also a computer/video gamer (although less so these days.)
... very skinny. short, too. (5'7", 120 lbs.)
... not scary at all. (Like I said, I hide my oddness well.)
... extemely intelligent. People have been telling me I was smart my whole life. According to a recent psychological evaluation, I have, "remarkable mental faculties." (Those might not be the exact words, but they were something to that effect. In any case, it isn't just idle boasting on my part to say that I'm smart.)

Having said all that, I think it's pretty telling to look at the results. The three most common choices are, in order; above average intelligence, male age 13-45, and computer/video gamer. The least common are scary, Monty Python addict, and somewhat socially inept with non-gamers. There are three possible conclusions one can draw from this: (1) most people who have the more embaressing qualities on the poll aren't responding, (2) some people are lying, or (3) there really are more well-balanced gamer types than freaks. I think it's some combination of the above.


I am 15. Been gaming for 2/3 of that.

I am not liberal. It really depends upon the issue, though.

I am 'tech-savvy', as the poster of this poll put it. I run a linux box, and I like it. I own two TI calculators (85 and 86).

I am not overweight - in fact, I'm underweight. I weigh 133 pounds or so (and I'm around 5' 6" tall last time I checked).

I dress poorly: T-shirt and jeans. Always. And black.

I have problems relating to non-gamers. I can't understand how they live without some form of gaming.

I play video games and computer games. Final Fantasy and StarCraft are the best for the two, respectively - though the Mario RPG comes in for a close second to FF in terms of sheer amusement.

I am a big Monty Python fan, and can quote whole scenes from 'Quest for the Holy Grail'.

I am 'somewhat odd'. What exactly that means, though, I'll leave to someone else to decide...

I am intelligent to an above-average level. For WKCE and Terra-Nova tests and what-not, I usually score in the upper 90's (for those with a scale of 1-100).

EDIT - please do *not* take the last note there as bragging. I realize that it may come off that way, but I am simply stating fact.
Last edited:


I am . . .
- 13 years old.
- Definitely liberal in my world outlook.
- Used to be an extreme introvert, but am no longer.
- Can use a computer, but am not capable of programming.
- usually wearing jeans, a t-shirt, and a sweatshirt (it seems as if I'm the only person in the univers who regularly wears a one).
- able to quote the most of the Holy Grail script by heart and am working on the rest.
- The strangest kid you've ever (not) met.
- horrable at computer/video games. I don't even own a game system.
- 95 pounds. No, I wouldn't say I'm over weight.
- freaky. Anyone who doesn't know me is prone to give me one of those looks and just hurry on past.
- very smart. And yes, arrogant as can be, too.


Please note that while some of you might be quite intelligent, stating that on a message board is generally a no-no, and most people will take you for being ignorant or... anything but intelligent.


Princess of Florin
That may be true, psionicist. But do you really expect someone to say they're stupid?

I'll bet you responded to the poll, and I'll bet you checked that box. You've just decided not to post about it. ;)

Voidrunner's Codex

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