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The Ultimate Gamer Poll

Which categories apply to you? Check all that apply.

  • Male of age 13-45

    Votes: 135 84.9%
  • Liberal

    Votes: 87 54.7%
  • Somewhat socially inept w/non-gamers

    Votes: 42 26.4%
  • Tech-savvy

    Votes: 100 62.9%
  • Poorly dressed

    Votes: 54 34.0%
  • Monty Python Addict

    Votes: 40 25.2%
  • Somewhat odd

    Votes: 106 66.7%
  • Video/Computer gamer, too

    Votes: 115 72.3%
  • Overweight

    Votes: 53 33.3%
  • Scary

    Votes: 21 13.2%
  • Above-average intelligence

    Votes: 145 91.2%


First Post
Psionicist said:
Please note that while some of you might be quite intelligent, stating that on a message board is generally a no-no, and most people will take you for being ignorant or... anything but intelligent.

Yes, but the poll specifically asks if we're smarter than the average joe, so I think it's kosher in this thread.

There's a couple of things I feel like adding to what I said before. I am really not all that computer-savvy. I know my way around the Windows OS, and I know how to maintain and repair a computer. But I know practically nothing about programming; I am not a 1337 |-|4><0|2. I do ,however, have a good understanding of how mechanical things work, and can maintain and repair an automobile with a good degree of skill (both thanks to my dad's instruction.)

Also, some of my answers would have been very different if you asked me 5 years ago. As a teenager I had long, curly, Robert Plant-like hair, and the way I dressed drew more puzzled looks than compliments. Not only was I freaky as hell, I didn't get along with anyone, gamer or no. Of course, I didn't discover RPGs until my senior year in high school, so I wouldn't have qualified for this poll as it is meant for roleplayers only.

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First Post
You know,

Something like 84% of people (random sample) answer that they are of above average intelligence when asked......

I saw that on the teev the other day, when some TV IQ test was on.

34% of people must be wrong :)


First Post
Let's see here...

Male of age 13-45
Yup, male 19. Rest of the group: Male 32, Male 14, Female 35 (Family game)

Nope, very conservative, as well as my entire gaming group. We do all tend to have an environmentalist bent, but nothing as extreme as Greenpeace.

Somewhat socially inept w/non-gamers
Not really, at least not in the spirit of the question. I'm socially inept in general, whether with gamers or not.

Kinda, I like gadgets and various computer/electronic devices, but I wouldn't go as far as to call myself savvy.

Poorly dressed
Hey, I resemble that remark! Black jeans, Black T-Shirt, Black shoes (Always Reeboks, nothing else), and a black ball cap with a red dragon and flames on it. Occasionally I'll wear a nice shirt with a collar, but that's only because it looks cool; it has a nice dragon pattern to it.

Monty Python Addict
Never seen it, but would probably qualify if I ever did.

Somewhat odd
What do you mean, "somewhat"? ;)

Video/Computer gamer, too
Diablo series, Starcraft, Warcraft, Baldur's Gate, NWN, and Civilization. Also a fan of the SNES video game era.

Opposite end of the scale (pun most definitely intended :D) 5'4", 105 lbs.

BOO! I've had several people cringe in fear from me. Some people are genuinely uncomfortable around me; this kinda mixxes in with "Somewhat odd" from above.

Above-average intelligence
Yup. Saludatorian in high-school, made Dean's List since I started college, and currently have a 3.8xx something. Pick up on things quickly and am somewhat envied by my intelligence. Last measured IQ score was around 145-150, for whatever its worth. Scored a 31 on my ACT.


House Ruler
Male of age 13-45?
Yes, male but older.

Was Attila the Hun liberal?

Somewhat socially inept w/non-gamers?
Checked yes. Socially inept, period.

Somewhat. Can't program, but hold my own in HTML.

Poorly dressed?

Monty Python Addict?

Somewhat odd?
Checked yes. Probably.

Video/Computer gamer, too?


Only with a gun.

Above-average intelligence?

And you forgot grubby, dirty or scuzzy?
Last edited:


A suffusion of yellow
Male of age 30
Liberal - I'm a conservative anarchist. but since I'm neither American nor European this term means absolutely nothing to me. Socialist/Tory/Communist thos are labels I understand (and reject all of them)
Somewhat socially inept Shy but not socially inept. Get on with a wide range of people and am liked:p
Tech-savvy I can use the internet:p
Poorly dressed I wear whatever my wife irons and since she has very good taste in clothes I am genewrally welldressed:)
Monty Python Addict No but do chuckle
Somewhat odd Yes
Video/Computer gamer, too Well I would be if my wife approved and my son didn't keep turning the power off
Overweight unfortunately yes
Scary Psychotic maybe:) though I tend to be described as a cuddly teddybear:(
Above-average intelligence Yes I did an IQ test about 10 yrs ago and got a result of 178/100 but then again I don't beleive in IQ tests! I just tell everyone that I have a good memory and a well developed vocabulary


First Post
Male of age 13-45: yep.. male of 27 years... (not sure before that.. ;)
Liberal: I certainly think so...
Socially inept: strike one...! far from it...
Tech-savvy: not so much savvy as 'literate', I think...
Poorly dressed: Not if I can help it... gotta maintain my goth-cred... :)
Monty Python addict: not an addict but certainly a big fan...
Somewhat odd: goes without saying for someone who wears nothing but black and alot of leather & pvc in the middle of summer in Australia..
Computer gamer: time permitting, absolutely...
Overweight: until about 2 years ago, yes... but now I train too hard to put weight back on...
Scary: for some reason, my fencing students seem to think so...
Above-average intelligence: I like to think so, but I could be mistaken...



-29 yr old male.

-Classic liberal, but modern (American) conservative/libertarian. I think there is a definite "right" way to behave, but what people do in private is their own business. I sat on the local Republican platform committee last election.

-I can be wicked sarcastic, but I've been a graduate assistant in a Dale Carnegie course, so I wouldn't say I'm socially inept at all. Although in D&D terms, I've probably just got a charisma of 10 and quite a few levels of diplomacy.

-Tech savvy: yup. Computer programmer by trade.

-Not poorly dressed. I'm usually in Levis, but they're clean and I wear button-up shirts most of the time.

-Monty Python is cool, but not something of which I can take a steady diet.

-Somewhat odd: Probably. I do remember somebody's girlfriend stating that she was unnerved by the fact that our group of friends was always "in character" in some way: I'm a vampire, one guy is a wizard, and a gal is a werewolf. (for the record, I don't _really_ believe this)

-Computer gamer: Civ 3 addict.

-Overweight: Kinda. According to some tables, I'm as much as 50 pounds overweight (6', 225#). On the other hand, I've got a nearly flat stomach (it's expanded a bit since the weather got cold) and last I checked I had a nearly 300 lb. bench press. I've also been voted the guy in the group everyone wants with them in a fight.

-Scary: Only if I go into geek mode or get into a fight. Based on my size, though, I _can_ give "the look".

-Intelligence: I took a self-administered (i.e. consider the source) IQ test and scored a 155.

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