Unearthed Arcana The Unearthed Arcana Is Back With Cleric's Unity Domain!

This week's Unearthed Arcana has reappeared, with a renamed cleric domain and a replaced cleric ability! "Unearthed Arcana presents three new subclasses for you to playtest: the College of Creation for the bard, the Unity Domain for the cleric, and the Clockwork Soul for the sorcerer."

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The Love Domain is now the Unity Domain:

"A sense of oneness shines at the heart of healthy communities, whether bound together by friendship, blood, faith, or some other uniting force. The gods of unity deepen such bonds and delight in their strength.

Clerics of these gods preside over marriages and other familial bonding customs, but they also nurture the emotional bonds of friendship and camaraderie. Their divine blessings bolster and protect allies in battle through these deep bonds and turn aside malign influences."

The Impulsive Infatuation power has been replaced with Shared Burden which allows you to distribute an ally's damage taken amongst other willing creatures.

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LOVE the improved Clockwork Soul! Would be the first Sorcerer I play.

Still no Ceremony in the Cleric's spell list. I don't think it would be OP to just add a third Level 1 spell.

The Bard's pet could use some options to add variety, but as it is, it's at least functional and a neat concept. Especially the way you get to give it command while granting Bardic Inspiration to an ally.

Just looked through it. Didn't look at the Bard (not interested), but the Unity Cleric is changed. New spell list, and one I actually like that seems thematically appropriate. The Channel Divinity is kinda interesting...spread the damage amongst your party members instead of one target getting the critical sneak attack damage. Not bad. The other abilities are pretty much the same as they were in the previous incarnation of the Love Cleric.

The Clockwork Sorcerer is slightly changed, the biggest being Clockwork Calvalgade. Much better!!! It now heals a pool of 100 hitpoints, repairs damaged objects, and dispels spells that are 6th level or lower. I now seriously want to play one!

Edit: Oh! The Sorc's Bulwark of Law uses d8's now instead of d6's!

While this is a fine alteration, there is also a gap in the coverage for the concept they attempted to address. That gap may best be characterized as an evil leaning concept, much as death or (t a lesser extent) war lend themselves towards evil more than good.

There are character archetypes for someone that overwhelmes the senses with desire. Often, these are non-player characters, but there is a place for it with player characters for certain games.

While this is a fine alteration, there is also a gap in the coverage for the concept they attempted to address. That gap may best be characterized as an evil leaning concept, much as death or (t a lesser extent) war lend themselves towards evil more than good.

There are character archetypes for someone that overwhelmes the senses with desire. Often, these are non-player characters, but there is a place for it with player characters for certain games.

Nothing prevents them from trying again. shrugs

I won't get into the teapot tempest over the original presentation of the subclass,

Yeah let's just discuss the document as presented.

Feels like the Bard is still missing something... not necessarily stronger, but just more...flavorful. The notes are great but the pet is very generic. It could be a summoned animal and it wouldn't change anything.

And probably not calling it "Love."

That too wouldn't be a bad idea.

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