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They're Bringing Evil Back. ( 3.5 DnD )


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Serin, Erik the Gray, Nairb, Yun

Somehow, someway a scrolled parchment finds its way to you. The only hints as to where it came from is the H stamped in the red sealing wax. The letter pleads for you to come to Hommlet, a town familiar to you from your past. The dual 'mayors' Rufus and Burne go on to explain how they didn't know who to turn to. They believe that Evil has moved back into the Temple and as they once adventured with someone close to you, they figure that you are the best man ( or half-man) for the job. They are in dire need of your assistance and had the old party not have fallen apart, some deceased .. others too aged to fight the good fight, they would've called upon them to once again vanquish Evil. The letter goes on to say that if they answer the town's prayer, to come to the Inn of the Welcome Wench and let the owner Ostler Gundigoot know they are here upon Burne and Rufus' request. After gathering up your items, and saying your goodbyes.. you set out for Hommlet. It doesn't take too long to make the voyage, and you have just arrived in town. First things first, you have to find this Inn that Rufus and Burne mentioned. Shouldn't be too hard, right?

Your aunt has persuaded you to go back to Hommlet, back to the original Temple that she once destroyed for a number of reasons. Sure, she has promised Brian a gift of a life time, but she has convinced you that there are the most powerful of all soul melds within the temple's ruins. Of course the intrigue of advancing your 'magics' appeals to you and you leave for once for Hommlet. Of course, she has no idea that the town is in danger once again. In fact, majority of the town has no idea that evil is a-foot. Finding your way to the local Inn to take up room and board, you happen upon the Inn of the Welcome Wench. This should do. Now all you have to do is find the person with whom to speak of booking a room.

Unfortunately for you, your past hasn't been that pleasant. No father, no family.. nothing to keep your attention back home ( not to mention the unwelcomed visitors) you decide to venture out. Your journey has become quite an adventure, meeting quite the unsual beings along your way. Never has a wizard survived this long upon his own. But you did what you had to do. Living off the land and others, you got by. And somehow your travels have lead you to Hommlet. Mayhaps it was fate? Or perhaps it would just coincidence, either way. Here you are. Exhausted from the long days behind you, you're in desperate need of a bath and a decent meal. The Inn of the Welcome Wench. Well then, that sounds.. heh, welcoming! You make way inside and take a seat. Your next adventure? Getting a waitress to grab you some grub.

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Erik stopped at the outskirts of town and hooked both of his thumbs into his broad belt and took in the measure of the town with an appraising eye. Everything seemed perfectly normal. The sun hung low in the afternoon sky and some small children, obviously done with thier chores, were playing in a field nearby. He waggled one bushy eyebrow upwards and said in a booming voice that was used to bringing fire and brimstone to a congregation then to speaking to children; "You there..BOY! Tell me where the nearest Inn is at!"
He refused to use the name Welcome Wench...especially to a child.
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First Post
OOC: Ignore my previous post, as I have things to add.

Jayla heads inside the tavern, and looks around for the person who appears to be in charge. Not terribly comfortable in a town, away from her best friend, she starts to drum her fingers on the bar.

Although she's decent looking-enough, there's something about her that makes even the most casual observer notice that she's not quite normal. It might be the eyes, which are entirely blue except for the pupils. Or her unbrushed hair, which comes to her chin and appears to have feathers and bones woven in. Or even the fact that her clothing, completely made of leather, is decorated with porcupine quills, and includes a golden headband which seems to almost float about her head, a scaly purple belt which seems to almost be part of her body, and a long black cloak which seems to darken the area around her. Whatever it is that makes people stare at her, Jayla seems unconcerned.
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Dire Lemming

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(OOC: Eh? Clergy of St. Cuthbert are prudes?)

Yun surveys the quiet town from the driver's seat of his wagon. He was beginning to worry that he had perhaps wasted his time. There were surely neither strong warriors, nor bounties in this peaceful village. Sighing, he starts driving into town, looking for someone to ask for directions.


First Post
Sitting in the thieves guild, a fire burns and the stench of the last short-raid junk is tossed on the fire, burning with the fury of the gods looking down on the victims from which the items were lifted. Nobody is rejoicing however, as it seems everyone is busy counting their share of the taking, making sure they weren't introduced to the short end of the stick.
A long haired man sits back a-ways, eyes barely visible with his dark hair dangling down from his brow, flipping a scroll in the air end-for-end, flipping it one full revolution, then two, then back to one, for a duration it seems that will last longer than the fire. "What is it?" an obviously young teen asks him, not being allowed to partake in the raid, yet still acting like a child in a sugar-shop waiting to taste the sweets. The long, dark haired man pushes back one side of his hair tucking it behind his somewhat pointed ear, then turns his head as he snags the flipping scroll from the air on its last half of a double-spin, looking at the youngster; "Have I opened it yet?" he asks the boy in a calm, quiet voice, knowing the answer already but anxiously awaiting for his reaction. The boy looks at him from big open eyes, as if asking the question "Please open it and read it to me" hoping to read along and add some words to his limited ability to read script. After what seemed like an eternity to the young boy, still with the long haired man staring at him with his cold, dark, un-pupiled eyes, the boy gets impatient and urges him, "Come on Serin, what's it say? OPEN it already!"
Serin, turning his head back down toward the scroll, letting the hair behind his ear fall back down hiding the elfish feature, slips the string holding the scroll in its rolled position away and opens it all in one motion as if the scroll had been open the whole time. He looks at it with the boy peering over his shoulder, "Hmph" he says, the boy wondering what he is looking at, "The 'mayors' Rufus and Burne are asking me for MY help, as if I haven't done enough to help myself already to these 'fine' people of Hommlet." The puzzled boy, asks "What does that mean, Serin?" Looking back, setting the parchment down in his lap, he answers, "It means, young friend, that either the mayors are in need of some help in defending the city from an unknown evil, or, they are trying to ambush me into submission by trickery."


First Post
The youth screeches to a halt, dust flying up from his suddenly stopped feet. He blinks several times, sizing up the cleric. Now.. he had two choices. Run away or actually obey. Opting for the second option he nods and trots off towards the Inn of the Welcome Wench, every so often he glances over his shoulder to ensure that Erik is still following the leader. The boy stops outside the Inn's doors, his head bowed as he becomes rather interested in his feet.

A paled skinned woman with contrasting hair of ebony moves to face Jayla on the serving side of the bar. "What do you want?" Her tone wasn't friendly, nor was the expression she offered to the totemist. A jagged elbow dug into the bar's top as she casually leaned upon it, her cold blue eyes bore into Jayla's.

The monk's journey is not hindered by the distraction of dangers, in fact his travels are rather uneventful and boring. But, then again, that would be a matter of opinion. One may not want to over load on dangers when there is a good chance the reason they are drawn to Hommlet is for that reason alone. Yun's wagon rolls into town, about the same time as an older man barks out orders to a young boy. "You there..BOY! Tell me where the nearest Inn is at!" The boy hesitates at Erik's orders, but complies and runs off down the street.
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Dire Lemming

First Post
Yun tries to determine what direction it was the boy pointed, not wanting to waste time on going to the wrong in if there was more than one, he also looks around for anyone else to ask directions from.


First Post
((Edited due to personal stupidity and inabilty to read the last part of the first post.))

As Nairb enters Homlett, he makes sure to display his weaponry and buckler. Yelling to the first local he sees, "You know where the Welcome Wench is? And are the Wenchs really that welcoming." After realising that his forced scowl looked like a smile, he adopted a natural frown while awaiting the villages response.
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