Too Young to Retire

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Merin... helping Sheldon...
Merindell: 30 (medicine) + 78(restore) + 88(d100) = 196
Time: 70 days / (196 + 201) = 4 hours, 14 minutes
Sheldon: 70 + 53 + 78 = 201
Time: 130 days / (196 + 201) = 7 hours, 52 minutes
Allotting to the addition of mystical enhancement, Merindell will recover from his wounds in just over 4 hours, as opposed to naturally having required more than a season. Sheldon will recover in just under 8 hours as opposed to more than 2 seasons.
GM: NOTE: very important information was missed in the previous post.

Merindell: full wellness
Surcoat: 79 - 2 - 2 - 2 = 73
Tunic: 54
Sheldon: full wellness
A-tunic: 59 - 6 = 53
Cockatrice feathers: 1 pair, (Motility & Cohesion +3)
Cockatrice venom: 2 measures, (toxicity x4)
Jackal Canines: 8 pair: (Strength +3)
Jackal Dew Claws: 7 pair: (Strength +3)
Jackal Hearts: 8: {+strength x 3, +athleticism x 3}
Quillion Quills: 1: (Health +3), {toxicity x4}
Lizard Claws: (Motility & Strength +3)
Ram's Horn: 1, (Will +3)
Spectral Spider Fangs: 1, (Cohesion +4)

Nebulastone: 1, (Confluence +4)
Nightstone: 1, (Adhesion +3)
Slickstone: 1: {- heat x2}
Waterstone: 1, (Motility +3)


Mend Leaves: 10 measures, {Mend x2}
Seeds: 2 measures, ??

modified cave west of Boga City
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provided 1 random roll.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Merin, noticing that Trout's true form seems to be Amiradthan, is suddenly struck by an unusual thought: Trout's mastery of the camouflage skill must be on an incredible level; whereas Merin could change the color of his skin to match surrounding foliage, Trout could seemingly appear as a different tribe entirely, making himself look like a Spiofthest. ~Perhaps I should delve deeper into the study of this technique? And I wonder if there is anything to be learned from studying the flesh itself?~ Merin takes out his skinning knife, but then thinks better of it. ~It's not the flesh. This is a matter of willpower.~ He then begins to search Trout's clothes and belongings, looking for items of proclivity.

100 (+33) = 133
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Merin... takes... search...
Merindell: 30 (observation) + 133(d100) = 163
Merindell peruses through the man's clothing, finding several items of interest in addition to the numerous, well-made throwing weapons still in their places upon his body. The man is adorned with three feather talismans and has 6 curious stones hidden away in pouches. Two of the stones appear to be the same; the other 4 are all different.

As Merin is removing a feather talisman that was tied in the man's hair, he makes a wholly unexpected and startling discovery. This man once had earlobes, a trait not found in Faethrins. The lobes had been physically cut away at one time, long enough in the past that the scarring hardly shows. Anyone else would have to be as close as Merindell was at that moment to see the alteration. This man was not Spiofthest at all. He was not even Faethrin. He must be a Markidian, making him Aedaman, not even the same species. To maintain such thinness indicates incredible dedication to such deception.

Once conveyed to Sheldon, he feels compelled to make his way over to have a look for himself.
Merindell: full wellness
Surcoat: 79 - 2 - 2 - 2 = 73
Tunic: 54
Sheldon: full wellness
A-tunic: 59 - 6 = 53
Cockatrice feathers: 1 pair, (Motility & Cohesion +3)
Cockatrice venom: 2 measures, (toxicity x4)
Jackal Canines: 8 pair: (Strength +3)
Jackal Dew Claws: 7 pair: (Strength +3)
Jackal Hearts: 8: {+strength x 3, +athleticism x 3}
Quillion Quills: 1: (Health +3), {toxicity x4}
Lizard Claws: (Motility & Strength +3)
Ram's Horn: 1, (Will +3)
Spectral Spider Fangs: 1, (Cohesion +4)

Nebulastone: 1, (Confluence +4)
Nightstone: 1, (Adhesion +3)
Slickstone: 1: {- heat x2}
Waterstone: 1, (Motility +3)


Mend Leaves: 10 measures, {Mend x2}
Seeds: 2 measures, ??

modified cave west of Boga City
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provided 1 random roll.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Trout had made a bold statement about the two men not knowing anything about Enri, the Cathedral Guard from West Cove who was his accomplice, or how to locate him. It created a dilemma that the two desperately, well almost desperately, wanted to solve.

Cleaning up any evidence of the transpired battle and removing any sign of Trout's remains, the two took up residence in the house of their enemy in hopes that some inspiration would develop to allow them to complete their task.

It took less than a season. The man they sought found them. Enri, as it so happened, came looking for Trout. Not only did he insult and antagonize the two men, who found the situation petty and humorous, he confessed that he was the mastermind behind the whole nefarious ordeal.

Caring nothing for the structural integrity of the house of his former friend, he initiated combat against the two men, fully intent on killing them so that his desire to reek havoc upon the land could continue. is greatest talent, even better than his physical skill, was the ability to infect the mind of others. This tactic proved less than futile again such opponents as Merindell and Sheldon.

He died at the hands of the two men, faring little better than Trout. This time, it was Merindell who almost died, standing toe-to-toe with a slightly superior foe; but in the end, the teamwork of the two friends overcame him, his menace to society dying with him.
GM: This concludes Too Young to Retire

Voidrunner's Codex

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