TUW: Welcome to the Jungle

... you had acquired some new skins

The Seekers show Swift Raven and Fallen Leaf the tapir hides and volantin skins, accepting store credit for the trade. They also show them the Volantin talons and Sannit says, "What about these? Could you use them as buttons or accent pieces?"

The Seekers take the huge beetle carapace over to Maeli's and trade them to her. They will also inquire as to any new information from the herbalist.

You have a weaver here in town, right?

The Seekers introduce the pickers to the town weaver. If there is still no blacksmith in Southroad Fair, Seekers will try to find someone that will trade the metals, iron bricks - 10, tin ingots - 80 (keep 30), iron ingots - 30 (keep 7), carbone - 25 (keep 10)

Sannit strokes his beard as he considers Giodavi's words about meeting with Magister Cotone. "I am ready to meet these Magisters. I am not afraid of them, but we must minimize risk to ourselves. I propose we move as two groups, one to speak with Cotone eye to eye and another to sneak in and protect against betrayal. I of course will go in and speak and Bolo will sneak in to watch our backs. Let each Seeker determine their own place in these groups. Most likely we will have to leave all of the animals behind."

Later San-Bolo will seek out Lyndha for her counsel. Sannit says, "I know there are benders in Asylim, and I suppose it would be bad if the Magisters discover we can manipulate Way. Could they detect the ability in us?"
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Day 277 - 284: The Tannery

The Seekers show Swift Raven and Fallen Leaf the tapir hides and volantin skins, accepting store credit for the trade. They also show them the Volantin talons and Sannit says, "What about these? Could you use them as buttons or accent pieces?"
Swift Raven and Fallen Leaf look over the skins. Raven comments, "You killed six of these!?" He continues to look over the skins before replying, "Yes, we will take the claws, too." He continues to exanine all of the hides with Fallen Leaf, the two discussing matters among themselves before Raven nods. "We can offer you 12,000 in credit for the lot."

Kwargrow said:
The Seekers take the huge beetle carapace over to Maeli's and trade them to her. They will also inquire as to any new information from the herbalist.
Maeli and Alba greet everyone. Alba, Indigo's mother, hugs everyone. Maeli says that there has been no new developments since the Seekers were last in town. She offers 105 clams for the 21 pair of elytrum. "I would also buy any extra medicinal herbs, and though the value is not much, I will buy common feathers at 2 clams for a set and uncommon for 4 clams a set, if you so choose."

Kwargrow said:
The Seekers introduce the pickers to the town weaver. If there is still no blacksmith in Southroad Fair, Seekers will try to find someone that will trade the metals, iron bricks - 10, tin ingots - 80 (keep 30), iron ingots - 30 (keep 7), carbone - 25 (keep 10)
GM: There is no blacksmith in town, though his facility is still standing. To trade ores and such, the Seekers will need to travel to Bergbaulager.

Kwargrow said:
Sannit strokes his beard as he considers Giodavi's words about meeting with Magister Cotone. "I am ready to meet these Magisters. I am not afraid of them, but we must minimize risk to ourselves. I propose we move as two groups, one to speak with Cotone eye to eye and another to sneak in and protect against betrayal. I of course will go in and speak and Bolo will sneak in to watch our backs. Let each Seeker determine their own place in these groups. Most likely we will have to leave all of the animals behind."
Sheldon says that he will accompany the delegation, but offers a bit of a negative thought. "I do not think that there are any Da'Roneh inside Asylim. Bolo could not blend in. She would have to try to remain completely hidden."

Kwargrow said:
Later San-Bolo will seek out Lyndha for her counsel. Sannit says, "I know there are benders in Asylim, and I suppose it would be bad if the Magisters discover we can manipulate Way. Could they detect the ability in us?"[/COLOR]
Lyndha listens to the concerns. "I suspect some of the Magisters are Benders and keep that fact hidden from the others, but to answer your question simply, yes. It is a little more complicated, but basically if another Bender has a stronger talent than you do, they can sense yours, which makes anyone who can know your talent, dangerous, if they intend you harm."
[sblock=Character Data]
OOC: Sheldon: full health
Indigo: full health
Tor: full health
Merin: full health
Bolo: full health
Sannit: full health
Turtle:full health
Saemund: full heath
Feroz: full health
Vadin: full health
[sblock=Purchasing Power]
Store Credit in Southroad Fair: 1123 clams
60 Plates: (platinum coin, 3000 clams)
10 Gold Ingots (200 clams)
50 Dublins: (gold coin, 1000 clams)
50 Rupees: (silver coin, 500 clams)
76 Ocrin: (tin coin, 76 clams)
20% Southroad Fair Olive Trade Proceeds
[sblock=Current Party Holdings]
2 Windrunner Stallions
8 Windrunner Mares
3 decorative saddles (San-Bolo, Saemund)
4 standard saddles (Tor, Sheldon, Indigo, Merin, Vadin)
4 Windrunner Colts (with pack rigs)
2 Harnin Mining Mauls
2 Harnin Mining Spikes
2 Harnin Pick Axes
drawing of Assassins' Guild symbol
parchment containing known message
[sblock=Current Inventory]
OOC: Animal:
  • Anhinga Talisman: 1 (++ Cohesion)
  • Calling Bird Feet: 1 pair {+ Will}
  • Calling Bird Tail Feathers: 5 (1 item) {+ Will}
  • Chicken Feet: 2 pair {+ Confluence}
  • Chicken Tail Feathers: 3 (1 item) {+ Confluence}
  • Duck Tail Feathers: 3 (1 item) (+ Cohesion)
  • Duck Feet: 1 pair (+ Cohesion)
  • Flycatcher Talisman: 3 (+ Motility)
  • Gallinule Talisman: 1 (++ Confluence)
  • Harvester Feet: 1 pair (+ Health)
  • Harvester Tail Feathers: 5 (1 item) {+ Health}
  • Hawk Tail Feathers: 3 (1 item) {+ Strength}
  • Hawk Feet: 2 pair (+ Strength)
  • Huge Beetle Elytrum: 21 pairs
  • Mink Skulls: 4 (+ Adhesion)
  • Songbird Tail Feathers: 5 (1 item) {+ Persona}
  • Songbird Feet: 1 pair (+ Persona)
  • Tapir Hides: 9 (262% cover)
  • Volantin Skins: 6 (360% cover)
  • Volantin Venom Glands: 2 (- Persona x3)
  • Volantin Talons: 120 (++ Motility)
  • Vulture Talisman: 1 (+ Adhesion)
  • Zinc Ingots: 14 (+ Health) {Mend x2}
  • Tin Ingots: 110 (+ Persona) {Muddle x2, - Persona x2}
  • Lead: 2 {Rend x2, -Health x2}
  • Iron Ingots: 37 (+ Confluence) {Mend x2}
  • Iron Bricks: 10
  • Aluminum Ingots: 7 (+ Motility) {Thump x2}
  • Chromium Ingots: 10 (+ Strength) {Rejuvenate x2}
  • Magnesium: 2 (+ Will) {Soothe x2, Mend x2, +Health x2}
  • Copper: 2 (+ Persona) {-Persona x2, Shock x2}
  • Molybdenum: 9 (+ Motility)
  • Palladium: 2 {sound x3}
  • Silver: 1 (+Will) {-Will x3}
  • Muddle Leaf: 1 {Muddle x2}
  • Soothe Leaf: 2 (Soothe x2)
  • Rend Leaf: 1 {Rend x2}
  • Mend Leaf: 2 (Mend x2)
  • Muddle Flower: 1 {Muddle x3}
  • Soothe Flower: 1 {Soothe x3}
  • Leaves of Harmony: 1 (Harmony x2)
  • Slate: 16 (Thump x2)
  • Bloodstone: 4 (+ Health) {Mend x2}
  • Sunstone: 1 (+ Persona) {Charm x2}
  • Heartstone: 3 (+ Confluence) {Mend x2}
  • Carbone Bricks: 35 (Heat x3)
  • Lodestone: 1: {Thump x2}
  • Slickstone: 1: {Cool x2}
  • Livestone: 2 (+ Strength) {Restoration x2}
  • Milkstone: 1 (+ Will) {Harmony x2}
  • Emberstone: 1 (+ Cohesion) {Charm x2}
  • Soft Brimstone Brick: 1: {heat x3}
  • Waterstone: 1 (+Motility)
  • Nightstone: 1 (+Adhesion) {darken x3}
  • Ruddystone: 1 (+Health)
  • Pietrazulfo Brick: 1 (Acidify x4, Heat x4)
[sblock=Unknown Items]
OOC: Bird Skull (Heron): 1
[sblock=Party Discoveries]
Hidden Valley in the Western Jungle
Secluded Lake in Western Jungle with Mysterious Island
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You killed six of these!?

Bolo replies, "They were after our horses."

I do not think that there are any Da'Roneh inside Asylim. Bolo could not blend in. She would have to try to remain completely hidden.

It is a little more complicated, but basically if another Bender has a stronger talent than you do, they can sense yours

Sannit strokes his beard as he thinks. "Bolo would not have to be completely hidden, but certainly in disguise. There's no rule that says we all have to be part of the delegation. We should also try to recruit some other town members to go with us so that the Magisters don't know how many benders are in our group. Also since this will be an official meeting, our voice should come from all over town. So I propose all of the Seekers go to Asylim with some volunteers from town, but only some of us will go in to meet the Magisters. That way if something goes wrong we won't all be trapped." San-Bolo will ask other people around town including Swift Raven, Fallen Leaf, Maeli, and Alba if any wish to accompany the Seekers to Asylim and speak to the Magisters on behalf of Southroad Fair.

Since there is no reason to carry the 10 iron bricks with the group, we can leave them at the blacksmiths shop in case someone in town decides to starting beating on hot metal with a hammer.
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Bolo puts a hand on Sannit's arm and says, "I know you enjoy overthinking things, but I think this time we should just go and meet with these people, show them we are not afraid to look them in the eye. The pickers and guards we recruited were surprised to find out that we are the Southroad Seekers. I think if we do not tell anyone we are the Seekers, then our enemies will not know."
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Vadin thinks for a moment running his hands over his head straightening his hair. He responds to Sannit, "I will go to Asylim, but do not think it will be a good idea to meet with the Magisters. My big mouth almost got us into trouble. I will stay behind and help if things go south."

Sannit replies to Vadin, "We all have our part to play in this group, and we all have just as much to lose. This trip will not be about saying the right things, for I believe nothing will convince the Magisters to give up their greed. We are going to show them that it is in their best interest to deal peacefully with Southroad Fair instead of trying to dominate us."

Day 284: Deciding on the Delegation

Sannit strokes his beard as he thinks. "Bolo would not have to be completely hidden, but certainly in disguise. There's no rule that says we all have to be part of the delegation. We should also try to recruit some other town members to go with us so that the Magisters don't know how many benders are in our group. Also since this will be an official meeting, our voice should come from all over town. So I propose all of the Seekers go to Asylim with some volunteers from town, but only some of us will go in to meet the Magisters. That way if something goes wrong we won't all be trapped."
Sheldon intervenes. "Hold that thought a minute. It is not Bolo who should go in disguise. It is you, Sannit."

Bolo puts a hand on Sannit's arm and says, "I know you enjoy overthinking things, but I think this time we should just go and meet with these people, show them we are not afraid to look them in the eye. The pickers and guards we recruited were surprised to find out that we are the Southroad Seekers. I think if we do not tell anyone we are the Seekers, then our enemies will not know."
Vadin thinks for a moment running his hands over his head straightening his hair. He responds to Sannit, "I will go to Asylim, but do not think it will be a good idea to meet with the Magisters. My big mouth almost got us into trouble. I will stay behind and help if things go south."
Sheldon continues his thought. "We are getting ahead of ourselves. It would stand to reason that a delegation would need guards. As delegates, we would insist that our guards accompany us at all times. Here is where we use a bit of a ruse on the part of Sannit. Sannit physically looks and is attired more like a guard than a diplomat. Bolo, Merin, and I should enter as the delegates. The rest should pose as our guards. Bolo can lend her bow and arrows to Indigo while we enter the city. Once facing our adversaries, it will be to late to bother when Sannit or any of us decide to speak. We can even use it as an indication of the liberties of Southroad Fair, where every citizen can feel free to have a voice.

I see three separate issues for us, entering the city, the negotiation, and exiting the city
[sblock=Character Data]
OOC: Sheldon: full health
Indigo: full health
Tor: full health
Merin: full health
Bolo: full health
Sannit: full health
Turtle:full health
Saemund: full heath
Feroz: full health
Vadin: full health
[sblock=Purchasing Power]
Store Credit in Southroad Fair: 1123 clams
60 Plates: (platinum coin, 3000 clams)
10 Gold Ingots (200 clams)
50 Dublins: (gold coin, 1000 clams)
50 Rupees: (silver coin, 500 clams)
76 Ocrin: (tin coin, 76 clams)
20% Southroad Fair Olive Trade Proceeds
[sblock=Current Party Holdings]
2 Windrunner Stallions
8 Windrunner Mares
3 decorative saddles (San-Bolo, Saemund)
4 standard saddles (Tor, Sheldon, Indigo, Merin, Vadin)
4 Windrunner Colts (with pack rigs)
2 Harnin Mining Mauls
2 Harnin Mining Spikes
2 Harnin Pick Axes
drawing of Assassins' Guild symbol
parchment containing known message
[sblock=Current Inventory]
OOC: Animal:
  • Anhinga Talisman: 1 (++ Cohesion)
  • Calling Bird Feet: 1 pair {+ Will}
  • Calling Bird Tail Feathers: 5 (1 item) {+ Will}
  • Chicken Feet: 2 pair {+ Confluence}
  • Chicken Tail Feathers: 3 (1 item) {+ Confluence}
  • Duck Tail Feathers: 3 (1 item) (+ Cohesion)
  • Duck Feet: 1 pair (+ Cohesion)
  • Flycatcher Talisman: 3 (+ Motility)
  • Gallinule Talisman: 1 (++ Confluence)
  • Harvester Feet: 1 pair (+ Health)
  • Harvester Tail Feathers: 5 (1 item) {+ Health}
  • Hawk Tail Feathers: 3 (1 item) {+ Strength}
  • Hawk Feet: 2 pair (+ Strength)
  • Huge Beetle Elytrum: 21 pairs
  • Mink Skulls: 4 (+ Adhesion)
  • Songbird Tail Feathers: 5 (1 item) {+ Persona}
  • Songbird Feet: 1 pair (+ Persona)
  • Tapir Hides: 9 (262% cover)
  • Volantin Skins: 6 (360% cover)
  • Volantin Venom Glands: 2 (- Persona x3)
  • Volantin Talons: 120 (++ Motility)
  • Vulture Talisman: 1 (+ Adhesion)
  • Zinc Ingots: 14 (+ Health) {Mend x2}
  • Tin Ingots: 110 (+ Persona) {Muddle x2, - Persona x2}
  • Lead: 2 {Rend x2, -Health x2}
  • Iron Ingots: 37 (+ Confluence) {Mend x2}
  • Iron Bricks: 10
  • Aluminum Ingots: 7 (+ Motility) {Thump x2}
  • Chromium Ingots: 10 (+ Strength) {Rejuvenate x2}
  • Magnesium: 2 (+ Will) {Soothe x2, Mend x2, +Health x2}
  • Copper: 2 (+ Persona) {-Persona x2, Shock x2}
  • Molybdenum: 9 (+ Motility)
  • Palladium: 2 {sound x3}
  • Silver: 1 (+Will) {-Will x3}
  • Muddle Leaf: 1 {Muddle x2}
  • Soothe Leaf: 2 (Soothe x2)
  • Rend Leaf: 1 {Rend x2}
  • Mend Leaf: 2 (Mend x2)
  • Muddle Flower: 1 {Muddle x3}
  • Soothe Flower: 1 {Soothe x3}
  • Leaves of Harmony: 1 (Harmony x2)
  • Slate: 16 (Thump x2)
  • Bloodstone: 4 (+ Health) {Mend x2}
  • Sunstone: 1 (+ Persona) {Charm x2}
  • Heartstone: 3 (+ Confluence) {Mend x2}
  • Carbone Bricks: 35 (Heat x3)
  • Lodestone: 1: {Thump x2}
  • Slickstone: 1: {Cool x2}
  • Livestone: 2 (+ Strength) {Restoration x2}
  • Milkstone: 1 (+ Will) {Harmony x2}
  • Emberstone: 1 (+ Cohesion) {Charm x2}
  • Soft Brimstone Brick: 1: {heat x3}
  • Waterstone: 1 (+Motility)
  • Nightstone: 1 (+Adhesion) {darken x3}
  • Ruddystone: 1 (+Health)
  • Pietrazulfo Brick: 1 (Acidify x4, Heat x4)
[sblock=Unknown Items]
OOC: Bird Skull (Heron): 1
[sblock=Party Discoveries]
Hidden Valley in the Western Jungle
Secluded Lake in Western Jungle with Mysterious Island
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Upon hearing Sheldon's plan Bolo's face shows what the Seekers have seldom seen from her, genuine fear. Her hand goes self-consciously to the scar on her cheek, and she needlessly tugs her curly hair to try and cover it more. She takes a deep breath and nods before saying. "I will do my part."

Sannit says, "We agree to this plan. Should we leave our custom armor behind and dress ourselves in some kind of uniform to make our guard outfit more believable?"

OOC: I don't mention it often, but the scar on Bolo's cheek causes her to slur her words, which is one of the reasons Sannit does most of the talking

Day 284: Further Deliberation

Upon hearing Sheldon's plan Bolo's face shows what the Seekers have seldom seen from her, genuine fear. Her hand goes self-consciously to the scar on her cheek, and she needlessly tugs her curly hair to try and cover it more. She takes a deep breath and nods before saying. "I will do my part."
Having become such close friends, not only during the travels but with the shared hardships, the rest of the Seekers tend to forget about the scar that mars Bolo's face, nor do they notice the modification to her speech. Indigo gives Sheldon a sharp look. He immediately tries to clarify what he is thinking. "Whoa, I am only thinking about getting us in the gate with as little call for manipulation as possible. Once we are actually within the meeting, the role reversal will be irrelevant. I fully expect Sannit to do the talking while you (Bolo), Indigo, and Vadin keep an eye on our surroundings. I am trying to see a visual of ourselves from an unknown other's point of view.

We all have a say as to what goes on with us, even if Sannit or I do most of the talking. When we walk in, I am thinking the physical appearance of Sannit and Tor make for a show of force. The Magisters will not be expected that all of us are thinkers

Kwargrow said:
Sannit says, "We agree to this plan. Should we leave our custom armor behind and dress ourselves in some kind of uniform to make our guard outfit more believable?"
Sheldon runs his left hand through his long reddish blond hair, pulling it back from his face. "Hmm. It should take 17 days to reach Asylim, since we really need to leave the Windrunners behind. Merin and I just happen to not wear much for armor or carry melee weapons. Thinking about it now, a bow is not really considered much of a weapon when it comes to the confines of a city, Bolo could just shoulders hers and I doubt anyone would give it a second thought."

"As to the armor?" He shrugs. "We may encounter hostilities over the 17 day walk. That should be up to each of you individually. I should not interfere with such decision, since I wear no armor."
[sblock=Character Data]
OOC: Sheldon: full health
Indigo: full health
Tor: full health
Merin: full health
Bolo: full health
Sannit: full health
Turtle:full health
Saemund: full heath
Feroz: full health
Vadin: full health
[sblock=Purchasing Power]
Store Credit in Southroad Fair: 1123 clams
60 Plates: (platinum coin, 3000 clams)
10 Gold Ingots (200 clams)
50 Dublins: (gold coin, 1000 clams)
50 Rupees: (silver coin, 500 clams)
76 Ocrin: (tin coin, 76 clams)
20% Southroad Fair Olive Trade Proceeds
[sblock=Current Party Holdings]
2 Windrunner Stallions
8 Windrunner Mares
3 decorative saddles (San-Bolo, Saemund)
4 standard saddles (Tor, Sheldon, Indigo, Merin, Vadin)
4 Windrunner Colts (with pack rigs)
2 Harnin Mining Mauls
2 Harnin Mining Spikes
2 Harnin Pick Axes
drawing of Assassins' Guild symbol
parchment containing known message
[sblock=Current Inventory]
OOC: Animal:
  • Anhinga Talisman: 1 (++ Cohesion)
  • Calling Bird Feet: 1 pair {+ Will}
  • Calling Bird Tail Feathers: 5 (1 item) {+ Will}
  • Chicken Feet: 2 pair {+ Confluence}
  • Chicken Tail Feathers: 3 (1 item) {+ Confluence}
  • Duck Tail Feathers: 3 (1 item) (+ Cohesion)
  • Duck Feet: 1 pair (+ Cohesion)
  • Flycatcher Talisman: 3 (+ Motility)
  • Gallinule Talisman: 1 (++ Confluence)
  • Harvester Feet: 1 pair (+ Health)
  • Harvester Tail Feathers: 5 (1 item) {+ Health}
  • Hawk Tail Feathers: 3 (1 item) {+ Strength}
  • Hawk Feet: 2 pair (+ Strength)
  • Huge Beetle Elytrum: 21 pairs
  • Mink Skulls: 4 (+ Adhesion)
  • Songbird Tail Feathers: 5 (1 item) {+ Persona}
  • Songbird Feet: 1 pair (+ Persona)
  • Tapir Hides: 9 (262% cover)
  • Volantin Skins: 6 (360% cover)
  • Volantin Venom Glands: 2 (- Persona x3)
  • Volantin Talons: 120 (++ Motility)
  • Vulture Talisman: 1 (+ Adhesion)
  • Zinc Ingots: 14 (+ Health) {Mend x2}
  • Tin Ingots: 110 (+ Persona) {Muddle x2, - Persona x2}
  • Lead: 2 {Rend x2, -Health x2}
  • Iron Ingots: 37 (+ Confluence) {Mend x2}
  • Iron Bricks: 10
  • Aluminum Ingots: 7 (+ Motility) {Thump x2}
  • Chromium Ingots: 10 (+ Strength) {Rejuvenate x2}
  • Magnesium: 2 (+ Will) {Soothe x2, Mend x2, +Health x2}
  • Copper: 2 (+ Persona) {-Persona x2, Shock x2}
  • Molybdenum: 9 (+ Motility)
  • Palladium: 2 {sound x3}
  • Silver: 1 (+Will) {-Will x3}
  • Muddle Leaf: 1 {Muddle x2}
  • Soothe Leaf: 2 (Soothe x2)
  • Rend Leaf: 1 {Rend x2}
  • Mend Leaf: 2 (Mend x2)
  • Muddle Flower: 1 {Muddle x3}
  • Soothe Flower: 1 {Soothe x3}
  • Leaves of Harmony: 1 (Harmony x2)
  • Slate: 16 (Thump x2)
  • Bloodstone: 4 (+ Health) {Mend x2}
  • Sunstone: 1 (+ Persona) {Charm x2}
  • Heartstone: 3 (+ Confluence) {Mend x2}
  • Carbone Bricks: 35 (Heat x3)
  • Lodestone: 1: {Thump x2}
  • Slickstone: 1: {Cool x2}
  • Livestone: 2 (+ Strength) {Restoration x2}
  • Milkstone: 1 (+ Will) {Harmony x2}
  • Emberstone: 1 (+ Cohesion) {Charm x2}
  • Soft Brimstone Brick: 1: {heat x3}
  • Waterstone: 1 (+Motility)
  • Nightstone: 1 (+Adhesion) {darken x3}
  • Ruddystone: 1 (+Health)
  • Pietrazulfo Brick: 1 (Acidify x4, Heat x4)
[sblock=Unknown Items]
OOC: Bird Skull (Heron): 1
[sblock=Party Discoveries]
Hidden Valley in the Western Jungle
Secluded Lake in Western Jungle with Mysterious Island
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Merin says, "After giving this matter careful consideration, I agree with Sheldon's idea; we should go boldly to Asylim as the Delegation Party from Southroad Fair. Sannit and Tor both should act as guards. I don't think we should 'dumb down' our armor, because fine leatherwork is a mark of prestige. It will be a sign to the Magisters that we are a people of resources, honed skills, and strength. Such a display will cause them to take us more seriously; if we go into that place looking rag-tag, then the impression we shall generate will be one of low ability, and succeptibility to takeover. The best way to invite a would-be conquerer to Southroad would be to show up looking like a bunch of vagrants. No offense, Sannit, but I think we can scarcely afford not to look our best, and create the best impression possible."

Tor nods, adding: "Agreed. Weakness is something we dare not show. I like the idea of posing as a guard. It's the natural assumption for someone of my size, I see no reason not to play into that. If it comes to combat, we will need every advantage that we can get."

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