Too Young to Retire

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Merin, whose Centrin is only 88%, has the similar habit of having a heavy accent (Amiradthan) and slurring some of the words.

Merin smiles and says, "We are from Boga City, and we're looking for a little bit of everything. Any trade items that would be higher end, and somewhat unique; such as local wines, textiles, and whatnot. Also, we will, of course, need a nice place to stay. We want private rooms, not the common room, and we'll need the services of a good tailor to mend our travel-worn clothes. Also, is there anywhere nice nearby to bathe, a waterfall or lagoon perhaps? Even a river will do, as long as the riverbed isn't too muddy."


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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Merin... says...
The youngish clerk straightens his garment and stands a bit straighter. "Oh, oh, well, yes, I facilitate trade and handle the recording, or I am one of the people. There is another plaza across the ford. You can pay to take the cart across in order to stay dry. There are cottages to let on both side of the river. You will need to inquire at one of the tavern for that. You really need to try our apple cider. We grow more apples than Outpost and West Cove combined. Of course there is also a fermented cider. There are others who speak Centrin, since the caravans come from there."

Bidding "adieu" the two men mill about town, allowing the locals to become more accustomed to their presence. The Temple of Dawn, as it is called, is on the East side of the river along with a tavern, a tannery, a bathhouse, a bowyer, a smoke house, and farther upstream a grist mill and an apiary. The Constabulary and its plaza are on the West side of the river along with another tavern, a brewery, a smith, a butcher, a brothel, a weaver, loggers' guild, a cooper, a grist mill, and a fish market.

The river is currently experiencing its salmon run and people, especially children, will try to catch them by hand as they swim across the enhanced ford.
Merindell: full wellness
Surcoat: 79 - 2 = 77
Tunic: 56
Sheldon: full wellness
A-tunic: 59
Cockatrice feathers: 1 pair, (Motility & Cohesion +3)
Cockatrice venom: 2 measures, (toxicity x4)
Jackal Canines: 8 pair: (Strength +3)
Jackal Dew Claws: 7 pair: (Strength +3)
Jackal Hearts: 8: {+strength x 3, +athleticism x 3}
Quillion Quills: 1: (Health +3), {toxicity x4}
Lizard Claws: (Motility & Strength +3)
Ram's Horn: 1, (Will +3)
Spectral Spider Fangs: 1, (Cohesion +4)

Nebulastone: 1, (Confluence +4)
Nightstone: 1, (Adhesion +3)
Slickstone: 1: {- heat x2}
Sulfur: 1 brick, {heat or acidity x4}
Waterstone: 1, (Motility +3)

Copper: 1, (Persona +3), {shock or -Mind x4}
Manganese: 2, {any Mind x4}

Mend Leaves: 10 measures, {Mend x2}
Seeds: 2 measures, ??

modified cave west of Boga City
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal intentions. Provided a random roll.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Merin talks to Sheldon in a low whisper, in Ansylin: "We should perhaps purchase a few odds and ends to maintain our cover. Maybe a bottle of wine, and some fresh clothes. And perhaps make use of the bath house. Do you think the people we're trailing stopped here? Or do you suppose they bypassed the town?"



Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Merin talks to Sheldon... in Ansylin...
Sheldon responds back, as they walk around, using Ansylin. "I could certainly use a bath. We should see about renting a room or whatever it is they have to offer. Let's start with the tavern here on this side."

"With a town like this and having to ford the river, I cannot see travelers just walking on through. It would draw too much attention. I think whomever we are looking for is here."

Since trade would be coming from Boga City, it stands to reason that, at least, proprietors in town would speak Centrin, and they do, if only a bit passably. The tavern is marked with an obvious placard and a written name. The written language is unfamiliar. The eastern tavern is run by a Markidian man named Taucer, he is more task oriented than friendly, but the servers make up for it, and the food is good. He also controls the cottages and shelters for rent on this side of the river. The two men pay for several nights of a cottage, up front.

As it is the Chilling Season and no caravan is currently in town, business is light. It appears that the other customers are locals. Servers are female but of both local tribes, Spiofthest and Markidian.
Merindell: full wellness
Surcoat: 79 - 2 = 77
Tunic: 56
Sheldon: full wellness
A-tunic: 59
Cockatrice feathers: 1 pair, (Motility & Cohesion +3)
Cockatrice venom: 2 measures, (toxicity x4)
Jackal Canines: 8 pair: (Strength +3)
Jackal Dew Claws: 7 pair: (Strength +3)
Jackal Hearts: 8: {+strength x 3, +athleticism x 3}
Quillion Quills: 1: (Health +3), {toxicity x4}
Lizard Claws: (Motility & Strength +3)
Ram's Horn: 1, (Will +3)
Spectral Spider Fangs: 1, (Cohesion +4)

Nebulastone: 1, (Confluence +4)
Nightstone: 1, (Adhesion +3)
Slickstone: 1: {- heat x2}
Sulfur: 1 brick, {heat or acidity x4}
Waterstone: 1, (Motility +3)

Copper: 1, (Persona +3), {shock or -Mind x4}
Manganese: 2, {any Mind x4}

Mend Leaves: 10 measures, {Mend x2}
Seeds: 2 measures, ??

modified cave west of Boga City
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provided a random roll, or reprint unused rolls.
Last edited:

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Merin will have a bath, and make use of any scented oils they have; Merin prefers lavender and frankincense if he can get it. He likes the smells of those two particular oils. He applies a generous amount of each to his arm pits after emerging from the bath.

After dressing, he will rejoin Sheldon, asking him how he wants to proceed.



Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Merin will have a bath... lavender and frankincense...
The middle-aged Spiofthest woman, who had identified herself as Caerren, stares at Merindell as he speak. She responds back, "Ní thuigim aon rud a deir tú."

Sheldon laughs at his friend, not in a mean way, but picking. He points to some wooden canisters he notices on the wall before commenting in Amiradtha. "You may have to just select one yourself. Those canisters look right for what you are asking... and I want a private room. I hate lavender."

Caerren shrugs and shakes her head. "Parlen vous Markidian?"

It is not the same language she used the first time. Realizing that she cannot communicate with her affluent looking customers, she uses overt body language and gesture. The canisters do contain herbs and others oils, but none is frankincense, which would have to come all the way from the scrubland above the Ansylin desert. Lavender she has aplenty.

The men languish in the bath for as long as they can stand to be in it, then retire to the cottage they had rented, together. A definitive plan of action is difficult to conceive as their is very little data and communication with the locals is going to prove very difficult. Sheldon finally suggests that they speak with the priest, who seemed friendly, and inquire about regular harvests and festivals and caravan schedules. He has no idea where to begin to look for at least one Bender of considerable power who would have come into this particular town, but he doubt they would have continued through, as this is the only village close to where the killer wolf was being handled.
Merindell: full wellness
Surcoat: 79 - 2 = 77
Tunic: 56
Sheldon: full wellness
A-tunic: 59
Cockatrice feathers: 1 pair, (Motility & Cohesion +3)
Cockatrice venom: 2 measures, (toxicity x4)
Jackal Canines: 8 pair: (Strength +3)
Jackal Dew Claws: 7 pair: (Strength +3)
Jackal Hearts: 8: {+strength x 3, +athleticism x 3}
Quillion Quills: 1: (Health +3), {toxicity x4}
Lizard Claws: (Motility & Strength +3)
Ram's Horn: 1, (Will +3)
Spectral Spider Fangs: 1, (Cohesion +4)

Nebulastone: 1, (Confluence +4)
Nightstone: 1, (Adhesion +3)
Slickstone: 1: {- heat x2}
Sulfur: 1 brick, {heat or acidity x4}
Waterstone: 1, (Motility +3)

Copper: 1, (Persona +3), {shock or -Mind x4}
Manganese: 2, {any Mind x4}

Mend Leaves: 10 measures, {Mend x2}
Seeds: 2 measures, ??

modified cave west of Boga City
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP and improves in Markidian by 2%. State nominal actions and intentions. Provided a random roll, or reprint unused rolls.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Merin nods in agreement, telling Sheldon that talking to the priest seems like a good idea; in the meantime, Merin will walk around the town some more, trying to memorize the layout so that he can make a map of it.



Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Merin nods... telling... will walk... make a map...

This moderately populated village is located on the northern-most branch of the Southern River, which the local Markidians call the King's Far Branch. Most residents just shorten the name to Far Branch. Westford was originally a small Spiofthest village that became integrated with Markidians only about 50 cycles back. The credit of the successful integration and introduction of the Religion of Light is credited to a benevolent priest named Kittrep, who died more than 30 cycles back and was honored with the title of Lumen and has a marker stone placed for him along the river just south of town. There is a celebration held each Cycle, during the Shifting Season in his honor, which is now. The man was apparently born or died during the Shifting Season, no one can remember which, and no one finds it to be of much importance, hence the time of the celebration. Copious amounts of alcohol, made from apples instead of cherries, are consumed during the celebration. This is also the time that the cherry trees blossom, and the Spiofthest are used to celebrating that, as their indication of the rebirth of the Cycle.

Though technically under the control of the Kingdom of West Cove, the village is physically situated much closer to Boga City, it being about 4 days' walking distance to the East by a definitive path called the Western Road. Outpost is about 6 days' walking distance to the West along the same path. The path fords the river, hence the name of the town. The ford has been improved by the relocation of a considerable amount of river rock, making the crossing much more shallow and sturdy than it was naturally.

Expanded upon an original Spiofthest village, the residents are now composed of about 60% Spiofthests and 40% Markidians. Being on a main trade route, other peoples will often be in town, especially those of the Centrin tribe from Boga City. Spiofthests and Markidians are rather similar in height and build, though Markidians are Aedamans and Spiofthests are Faethrins. Markidians tend to be on the thinner side of the Aedaman species. There is no possible confusion between the two tribes, however, since Spiofthests are pale skinned and have pale hair, while Markidians have gray skin and dark hair. There is, now, some amorous integration among town members but, as yet, no mixed offspring, since the likelihood is negligible, due to being two different species of people. If such couplings did produce a child, it would be a non-viable hybrid, called a Bajinin, which would likely create new problems with the natural prejudice of less educated or religiously fanatical people. Many Spiofthest residents actively participate in the Religion of Light, though some still hold to their older beliefs. All Markidians participate in the official religion.

There is an official spokesperson for the village, whom is decided by general assembly. There are no specific qualifications for this position, and it is, as yet, not campaigned, being decided based upon unadulterated local reputation. Law and order are maintained by a Constable who was assigned to the town from the kingdom seat of West Cove. The constable also has a say in local commercial activity. A Priest of Dawn, who was sanctioned by the Cathedral in West Cove is the other voice in local commerce. The Constabulary is on the West side of the river. The Homage to Dawn is on the East side of the river. There is no official building for the spokesperson, who lives in his own home.

Voice of the People: Spe'ir gan Scamall (Spiofthest man)
Constable: Halcion (Markidian man)
Priest of Dawn: Bishop Roqueir (Markidian man)

Commerce and Agriculture:
The base currency is a coin, called a Mark, manufactured from Ocrin, the alloy of tin and zinc, and minted in West Cove. Being on a branch of a river that empties into the relatively cold, deepwater bay of West Cove, salmon make their way upstream once every Cycle to spawn, late in the Shifting Season when the water levels are fairly high. The Drenching Season will sometimes produce even higher water levels. Since this river originates in the Dragon's Spine Mountains to the North, the water is unusually cool and holds plenty of fish, even without the salmon run. The fish are consumed locally, not being much necessary as a trade item.

To the north of the village proper, on the East side of the river is a natural apple orchard that has been cultivated even beyond its natural potential. Apples are the main trade item of the village, all of which are sent to Boga City. The orchard also attracts a significant amount of game animals that are also harvested for local fare. On the West side of the river, farther north than the apple orchard, is a smaller cherry orchard that has also been cultivated to a greater potential. Cherries are traded whole but more often brewed into an alcoholic beverage, that is more readily desired.

For the benefit of locals and travelers alike, the town has a competent tannery, weaver, smith, and bowyer. On the West side of the river, there is a trade plaza, brewery, butcher, tavern, brothel, logger, cooper, grist mill, and a fish market. On the East side of the river, there is a tannery, tavern, bathhouse, apiary, grist mill, bowyer, and a smokehouse.
GM: The priest is very forthcoming with information and friendly in conversation. He has a patterned manner of speaking that is a bit annoying but Merindell and Sheldon both quickly realize that he is not very bright. They can also sense that he has a very minor bending talent, as seems expected for any priest. In fact, being around the priest and exposed to the other three clergy who can read and write, the talent can be sensed in all of them.

Merindell: full wellness
Surcoat: 79 - 2 = 77
Tunic: 56
Sheldon: full wellness
A-tunic: 59
Cockatrice feathers: 1 pair, (Motility & Cohesion +3)
Cockatrice venom: 2 measures, (toxicity x4)
Jackal Canines: 8 pair: (Strength +3)
Jackal Dew Claws: 7 pair: (Strength +3)
Jackal Hearts: 8: {+strength x 3, +athleticism x 3}
Quillion Quills: 1: (Health +3), {toxicity x4}
Lizard Claws: (Motility & Strength +3)
Ram's Horn: 1, (Will +3)
Spectral Spider Fangs: 1, (Cohesion +4)

Nebulastone: 1, (Confluence +4)
Nightstone: 1, (Adhesion +3)
Slickstone: 1: {- heat x2}
Sulfur: 1 brick, {heat or acidity x4}
Waterstone: 1, (Motility +3)


Mend Leaves: 10 measures, {Mend x2}
Seeds: 2 measures, ??

modified cave west of Boga City
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP and improves in Markidian by 2%. State nominal actions and intentions. Provided a random roll, or reprint unused rolls.
Last edited:

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Merin says to the priest, in a friendly and polite tone, "Kind sir, would you by chance have noticed any newcomers in the last few days, coming in on the east side of town? Two men traveling together?"

OOC: 71, 68


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Merin says...
Merindell: 41(coerce) + 63(befriend) + 71(d100) = 175
The young bishop strains with the look of concentration on his face. Remembering the language barrier, Merindell repeats his question a bit slower. The man bobs his head and rolls up his eyes, as if trying to look into his own skull. After a few seconds he replies. HIs speech is simple due to his lack of greater familiarity with Centrin.

"Odd you ask that. I think it is nothing; but before you, one of the Hand came into town, on foot, with Trout. I remember because even I do not like talking to the Hand. Everyone afraid. The Hand are intimidating without trying. Trout, not his name but that is what everyone calls him because he catches so many fish. He is a Spiofthest of about 40 Cycles who lives upstream. Both men walked and spoke together. I remember because the Hand never converse. Both men walked like they were going to where Trout lives. I guess the Hand had left his horse, there, after he road in from the west."
Merindell: full wellness
Surcoat: 79 - 2 = 77
Tunic: 56
Sheldon: full wellness
A-tunic: 59
Cockatrice feathers: 1 pair, (Motility & Cohesion +3)
Cockatrice venom: 2 measures, (toxicity x4)
Jackal Canines: 8 pair: (Strength +3)
Jackal Dew Claws: 7 pair: (Strength +3)
Jackal Hearts: 8: {+strength x 3, +athleticism x 3}
Quillion Quills: 1: (Health +3), {toxicity x4}
Lizard Claws: (Motility & Strength +3)
Ram's Horn: 1, (Will +3)
Spectral Spider Fangs: 1, (Cohesion +4)

Nebulastone: 1, (Confluence +4)
Nightstone: 1, (Adhesion +3)
Slickstone: 1: {- heat x2}
Sulfur: 1 brick, {heat or acidity x4}
Waterstone: 1, (Motility +3)


Mend Leaves: 10 measures, {Mend x2}
Seeds: 2 measures, ??

modified cave west of Boga City
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP and improves in Markidian by 2%. State nominal actions and intentions. Provided a random roll, or reprint unused rolls.

Voidrunner's Codex

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