Too Young to Retire


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Merin... adds...
The deep bass of the man's quiet voice seems fascinating each time he speaks. At Merindell's first response, the man merely stares and blinks once, slowly. He seems to do everything slowly and deliberately, even speak, but he does not at all seem mentally slow. His words are articulate and precise. He nods once at the second statement.

"A Hebrian man from East Port once told me that business is war. I was not sure what he meant, then. The competitive nature of some people provokes aggression when none is needed. To me, economic war stems from the one who has an inferior product or presentation. The Masons Guild is indirect in business. They sell labor. Like the Carpenters Guild, there is only one."

He pauses for a moment and crosses his arms, looking up as if searching his own thoughts. "If these actions are not from that Kinamin alone, then I think they originate outside of the city, unless there is a purely destructive force within. I will think on this."

The man does not sit during the entire visit, nor does he even move much. Other than the deliberate one at Merin's first statement, he also does not seem to blink, as if he is in complete control of his physical faculties.
Merindell: full wellness
Surcoat: 79 - 2 = 77
Tunic: 56
Sheldon: full wellness
A-tunic: 59
Cockatrice feathers: 1 pair, (Motility & Cohesion +3)
Cockatrice venom: 2 measures, (toxicity x4)
Jackal Canines: 8 pair: (Strength +3)
Jackal Dew Claws: 7 pair: (Strength +3)
Jackal Hearts: 8: {+strength x 3, +athleticism x 3}
Quillion Quills: 1: (Health +3), {toxicity x4}
Lizard Claws: (Motility & Strength +3)
Ram's Horn: 1, (Will +3)
Boar Tusk: 1, (Strength & Confluence +3)

Amber: 1, (Persona +3)
Nebulastone: 1, (Confluence +4)
Nightstone: 1, (Adhesion +3)
Ruddystone: 1, (Health +4)
Slickstone: 1: {- heat x2}
Sulfur: 1 brick, {heat or acidity x4}
Waterstone: 1, (Motility +3)

Copper: 1, (Persona +3), {shock or -Mind x4}
Manganese: 2, {any Mind x4}

Mend Leaves: 10 measures, {Mend x2}
Seeds: 2 measures, ??

modified cave west of Boga City
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provided a random roll.

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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Merin nods, and says, "Ah, so perhaps another city trying to exert its influence."

Merin stands up, and motions to Sheldon to follow.

Merin says, "It might be worth keeping an eye on this situation. But now, we should go make our report, and get paid."

Merin bows politely to The Potter.

Merin says, "Thank you for your insights. May fair weather always follow you."

Merin will then head off to find their mutual employer.



Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Merin nods... motions...
As the two men stand to depart, in response to Merindell's departing words, the Potter simply says, "Happy Hunting," which is the common expression in Boga City.

Collecting payment is a matter of routine and offers no complications. During the course of their travels Sheldon shares his thoughts. "I think we are merely chasing whispers at this point, even the Potter. We do not have enough information about this situation to make any deductions. We are simply speculating on conjecture. If we really want to look into this matter, I think we should go back to that cave and look around. Obviously due to our injuries, we it would not have been advisable before."
Merindell: full wellness
Surcoat: 79 - 2 = 77
Tunic: 56
Sheldon: full wellness
A-tunic: 59
Cockatrice feathers: 1 pair, (Motility & Cohesion +3)
Cockatrice venom: 2 measures, (toxicity x4)
Jackal Canines: 8 pair: (Strength +3)
Jackal Dew Claws: 7 pair: (Strength +3)
Jackal Hearts: 8: {+strength x 3, +athleticism x 3}
Quillion Quills: 1: (Health +3), {toxicity x4}
Lizard Claws: (Motility & Strength +3)
Ram's Horn: 1, (Will +3)
Boar Tusk: 1, (Strength & Confluence +3)

Nebulastone: 1, (Confluence +4)
Nightstone: 1, (Adhesion +3)
Slickstone: 1: {- heat x2}
Sulfur: 1 brick, {heat or acidity x4}
Waterstone: 1, (Motility +3)

Copper: 1, (Persona +3), {shock or -Mind x4}
Manganese: 2, {any Mind x4}

Mend Leaves: 10 measures, {Mend x2}
Seeds: 2 measures, ??

modified cave west of Boga City
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provided a random roll.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Merin says, "Let's go back to the cave then, and look around. I'm sure there's some small detail we're missing."

Having said that, he departs, knowing that Sheldon is by his side, and in full agreement.

91 + (65) = 156


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Merin says... departs...
Following the road, the two men return to the camp of the clay gatherers, to visit and stay the night. The conversations reveal no new information, which brings to mind that no new is good news, especially considering the previous trouble.

Merindell and Sheldon move along the next day. They know their path and can walk it more quickly than before. The location of the cave should be reached within a few hours; however, shortly after entering the forest, the two men are ambushed.


Spiders: 117 + 116(d100) = 233
Merindell: 30(perception) + 156(d100) = 186 - 233 = -47%
Sheldon: 49(observe) + 52(vision) + 75(d100) = 176 - 233 = -57%
Spiders: 79(assault) + 116(d100) = 195

Merindell: 41(readiness) + 30(avoidance) + 42(analysis) + 156(d100) = 269 - 47(surprise) = 222
Sheldon: 41 + 40 + 42 + 75 = 198 - 57(surprise) = 141
195 - 141 = 54% * 2 = 1
Spiders: 39(dose) + 116(d100) = 155

Sheldon: 42(conditioning) + 33(fury) + 75(d100) = 150
155 - 150 = 5% * 10 = 1
The two spiders launch themselves from concealment. One lands on Sheldon sinking its fangs into his flesh and injecting its venom. By stroke of luck Merindell spins away causing the spider to miss its mark.
Merindell: full wellness
Surcoat: 79 - 2 = 77
Tunic: 56
Body: 10 - 1 = 9, irritated. Strength: 9 - 1 = 8.
A-tunic: 59
Cockatrice feathers: 1 pair, (Motility & Cohesion +3)
Cockatrice venom: 2 measures, (toxicity x4)
Jackal Canines: 8 pair: (Strength +3)
Jackal Dew Claws: 7 pair: (Strength +3)
Jackal Hearts: 8: {+strength x 3, +athleticism x 3}
Quillion Quills: 1: (Health +3), {toxicity x4}
Lizard Claws: (Motility & Strength +3)
Ram's Horn: 1, (Will +3)
Boar Tusk: 1, (Strength & Confluence +3)

Nebulastone: 1, (Confluence +4)
Nightstone: 1, (Adhesion +3)
Slickstone: 1: {- heat x2}
Sulfur: 1 brick, {heat or acidity x4}
Waterstone: 1, (Motility +3)

Copper: 1, (Persona +3), {shock or -Mind x4}
Manganese: 2, {any Mind x4}

Mend Leaves: 10 measures, {Mend x2}
Seeds: 2 measures, ??

modified cave west of Boga City
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State intentions. Provided two random rolls.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Merin will lay into the spider that attacked him with a flurry of blows from his two Hanbo. He follow this up with a feinting kick, whose purpose is not to injure, but rather, merely to touch. The touch attack with the kick is meant to facilitate a single purpose: the syphoning of the spider's life force.

Hanbo strikes = 61
Syphon = 80
Random additional roll = 77

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Finished updating Merin. I dropped his lesser Boar Tusks for the one in our current collection, which gives a better bonus. This also caused me to drop the Lizard Claws that Merin was wearing. So please remember to take the Boar Tusk out of our collection list.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Merin will... Hanbo... siphoning...
Sheldon simply grabs the spider and attempts to fling it from him, shocking the mess out of it as he lets it loose.
Spiders: 27(readiness) + 35(speed) + 17(clarity) + 76(d100) = 155
Merindell: 41 + 49 + 78 + 77 = 245
Sheldon: 41 + 40 + 74 + 75 = 240
Spiders: 100(bite/move) - 155 = ~0
Merindell: 200(bending) - 245 = ~0
Sheldon: 200(bending) - 240 = ~0
Merindell: 41(finesse) + 49(accuracy) + 78(clarity) + 61(d100) = 229
Sheldon: 41 + 40 + 74 + 75 = 240
Spiders: 79(assault) + 68(d100) = 147

Merindell: 41(readiness) + 30(avoidance) + 42(analysis) + 61(d100) = 174
Sheldon: 41 + 40 + 42 + 75 = 198
Spiders: 147
229 - 147 = 82% * 11 = 9 - 3(soak) = 6
240 - 147 = 93% * 2 = 2, 9 strides
Merindell: 50(bending) + 47(siphon) + 80(d100) = 177
Sheldon: 90(bending) + 61(shock) + 75 = 226
Spiders: 39(dose) + 78(d100) = 117

Sheldon: 42(conditioning) + 33(fury) + 75(d100) = 150, resisted
Spiders: 27(conditioning) + 17(fury) + 78 = 122 + 35(resilience) = 157
177 - 157 = 20% * 2 = ~1
226 - 122 = 104% * 6 = 6
S1: Mind: 10 - 6 = 4, confused. Body: 2 - 1 = 1, irritated.
S2: Mind: 10 - 2 = 8, dazed. Body: 2 - 6 = -4, incapacitated.
Functionally, all things happen at the same time. The spider on Sheldon ineffectively pulses its bite, while the other launches itself at Merindell. Merin hits the spider with his left hanbo, while it is still in the air, confusing the animal with the blow that sounds like wood striking rock. He then kicks the beast with his right foot, siphoning some of its life away. The confused and hurt spider begins to crawl away.

Sheldon grabs his spider by two of its legs flinging it 9 strides away and into a tree, which dazes the beast. As the creature flies, its insides are partially cooked by a mystical, electric shock which incapacitates it.
Merindell: full wellness
Surcoat: 79 - 2 = 77
Tunic: 56
Body: 10 - 1 = 9, irritated. Strength: 9 - 1 = 8.
A-tunic: 59
Cockatrice feathers: 1 pair, (Motility & Cohesion +3)
Cockatrice venom: 2 measures, (toxicity x4)
Jackal Canines: 8 pair: (Strength +3)
Jackal Dew Claws: 7 pair: (Strength +3)
Jackal Hearts: 8: {+strength x 3, +athleticism x 3}
Quillion Quills: 1: (Health +3), {toxicity x4}
Lizard Claws: (Motility & Strength +3)
Ram's Horn: 1, (Will +3)

Nebulastone: 1, (Confluence +4)
Nightstone: 1, (Adhesion +3)
Slickstone: 1: {- heat x2}
Sulfur: 1 brick, {heat or acidity x4}
Waterstone: 1, (Motility +3)

Copper: 1, (Persona +3), {shock or -Mind x4}
Manganese: 2, {any Mind x4}

Mend Leaves: 10 measures, {Mend x2}
Seeds: 2 measures, ??

modified cave west of Boga City
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. Combat is finished. State nominal intentions. Provided a random roll.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Merin will process the kills, taking anything that could either be sold for armor, or kept for proclivities. He will aid Sheldon, if necessary, and then continue toward the cave.

84, 73, 94 (+81) = 175


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Merin will process... aid... continue...
Having resisted any further arm from the venom, Sheldon is still grateful that Merin can detoxify the substance within him. After additional ministration, he will bodily recover in a matter of minutes instead of a day.

Sheldon spits a sound of frustration. "Blight! Spiders are sneaky buggers."

As suspected, the fangs of the animal are tuned to a particular proclivity which can be analyzed while traveling. It takes a bit of diligence, but the cave is again located without further incident. After re-entering from the river side, it takes all of 20 tics to realize that someone else has been there. The cave is void of its previous, artificial additions. Whomever tidied the place did not leave by the direction that the two men used to enter.

Sheldon muses aloud. "Obviously that aged Kinamin was not acting alone or there would have been no one else to empty this place after his demise. What, out of the Nine Abysses, is going on here?"
Merindell: full wellness
Surcoat: 79 - 2 = 77
Tunic: 56
Sheldon: full wellness
A-tunic: 59
Cockatrice feathers: 1 pair, (Motility & Cohesion +3)
Cockatrice venom: 2 measures, (toxicity x4)
Jackal Canines: 8 pair: (Strength +3)
Jackal Dew Claws: 7 pair: (Strength +3)
Jackal Hearts: 8: {+strength x 3, +athleticism x 3}
Quillion Quills: 1: (Health +3), {toxicity x4}
Lizard Claws: (Motility & Strength +3)
Ram's Horn: 1, (Will +3)
Spectral Spider Fangs: 1, (Cohesion +4)

Nebulastone: 1, (Confluence +4)
Nightstone: 1, (Adhesion +3)
Slickstone: 1: {- heat x2}
Sulfur: 1 brick, {heat or acidity x4}
Waterstone: 1, (Motility +3)

Copper: 1, (Persona +3), {shock or -Mind x4}
Manganese: 2, {any Mind x4}

Mend Leaves: 10 measures, {Mend x2}
Seeds: 2 measures, ??

modified cave west of Boga City
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal intentions. Provided a random roll.

Voidrunner's Codex

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