TUW: Welcome to the Jungle


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
This is the fourth scenario of The Caravan Campaign.​
OOC: This uses the TUW gaming system. Information on the system can be found in the Community page: The Untamed Wilds.
The online character records are found in the following thread: The Caravan Campaign Character Records.


GM: Leaving the Caravan:
In the first scenario of the Caravan Campaign, the characters created an identity and established a reputation for themselves, aiding in promoting the development of the Southroad Fair community. Sannit was awarded the title of Minister of Foreign Relations.

The Steel Trade:
With the assassination of the town's blacksmith, the Southroad Seekers were tasked with discovering an alternative. They were able to locate and establish trade for tools with the Maldrog town of Bergbaulager. A new member, Vadin, joined during this time. Tor spent time studying with a Maldrog smith and has since been able to make minor repairs, filling in for the nonexistent blacksmith when he is in town. IT was learned that Bergbaulager, currently, has the foremost skill in metal working.

Boga City:
In the third scenario, the Seekers took it upon themselves to try to further trade and foster relations by traveling to Boga City, the trade hub and central city of the continent. Positive relations were established with the rulers and some successful trade was conducted. It was learned that Boga City has the foremost skill in textiles while Southroad Fair maintains the foremost skill in leather working. It was also noted that the construction of a new tavern is being conducted at the river crossing between Southroad Fair and Boga city.

Welcome to the Jungle:
In this fourth scenario, the Southroad Seekers have decided to travel south in an attempt to acquire laborers at the expense of Asylim. Asylim has continued to send assassins to further hostilities with Southroad Fair, hoping to subjugate the community. This preliminary southern trip is also to be used to gather information concerning the structure and workings of Asylim and any possible dissension between Magisters.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 227: Leaving the Road

GM: As the Seekers finish preparing the skins collected from the slain Volantins, they take some stock of the area making camp for the night. As the sun rises on the new day, it is already hot and only going to get hotter, with no measurable shade in the immediate vicinity. The pines that surround Southroad Fair were left a few hour back and the rough scrub of the semi-desert is all stunted. The hills to the east are the foreground for the main mountain system of the land, called the Dragon's Spine, but the hills that are beginning to rise to the west block the jungle in along the coast and cause the dryness that persist in this area.

Sheldon addresses the group.
"These hills to our west are going to become that cliff wall, making it impossible to access with our new found mounts. To take the horses with us, I think that we will need to move away from the road and enter the forest here to continue south. Travel is going to be extremely slow, but I see no other way to be able to take the horses."

Indigo nods at his decision but does not add anything for the group. She is about readying the colts and tying the dried skin on them for them to carry.
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Vadin looks at the forest, and thinks about the dangers that could lie ahead. He smiles at the thought. He looks at Sheldon, and says "The forest sounds delightful to me." He approaches Victor and prepares him for the journey.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
As San-Bolo help with chores and making camp, Bolo spies the colts and remembers the intense speed they were able to attain from the Way boost. She says to Sannit, "We should practice riding our horses while fighting. If I increase the speed of Intrinsic while I am riding her I will have solved my greatest disadvantage with archery, needing to stand still while I aim and shoot."

Sannit uses the diagram to try convince his friends that the flying endeavor is worthwhile."If we build the wings like this and they allow us to fly, then we've learned their secret, but if we build the wings and they don't let us fly then we know there's something else besides the wings that makes it possible and we would have to study them again to learn more."

San-Bolo agree to travel through the forest. Bolo adds with a nod to Indigo, "We should check for new flora under these trees as well."

Turtle stretches while the people discuss with their words. They know they don't have to ask him about whether to go back into the forest.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Merin and Tor both agree with Sheldon, nodding their approval.

Tor says, “Let’s be about it, then. And let’s heighten our senses, and be wary of what might lurk under the bushes, or above in the trees.”
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 228: Moving into the Forest

GM: Just after sunrise the following day, the Seekers leave the road and make their way over the hills and into the wood. They are subjected to a multitude of new sights, sounds, and smells, having never before been in the this area. The hardwood trees are much taller than those near Southroad Fair where the crew first encountered a hired band of Shimadow mercenaries.

It is not possible to travel in a linear fashion as would be common on the road or over the plains. The party finds that it is more advantageous to spread out laterally while they wind their way through the trees. With the tallness of the trees and the sparseness of undergrowth, it proves no difficulty to maintain horseback.

At half a day's travel, it is evident that the forest has become jungle. The trees are even taller, some spanning as high as 30 to 40 paces on the western side of the southern direction of travel. On the eastern side to ward the rising mountains, the trees are shorter and more of the variety of fruit baring types. The increase in humidity is also a new experience for the Seekers. One important thing of note is that their are no mosquitoes or biting flies, as these creatures do not exists. The most visible representatives of the insect world are butterflies, some of which are as large as a man's torso. The moisture content also increases the decomposition of fallen vegetation and Turtle happily knocks around downed logs looking for grubs.

About an hour into the jungle, Feroz begins to call in desperation. Looking up, not a patch of sky can be seen for the thickness of the canopy. The hawk comes flying in low from behind the party and on level flight. He flares out his wings and land on Saemund's shoulder, complaining constantly until Saemund can calm him. Saemund conveys that there is no immediate danger. The problem is that Feroz can no longer see the party if he flies above the canopy. He prefers to travel aloft rather than ride perched, but he must remain below the tree tops to keep a visual. Having lost its eyes in the sky, the party will have to rely on its own instincts as it journeys.

GM: Sheldon, Indigo, and Vadin all have improved skill in Divination and their perceptions are distanced in paces rather than the strides of the remainder of the crew. As a result it is most advantageous for Vadin to travel on the opposite flank from Sheldon and Indigo. Travel is much slower than in more open terrain, as moving in a straight line is far from possible. Three days pass before anything of significance is encountered.

It rains early in the morning of the second and third days. If any wind exists, it does not reach the forest floor. Perhaps in the tree tops there will be some. Some smallish pigs are seen during the first day, but the party has no need of fresh meat considering the amount they are already carrying. So after simple observation, the pigs are left to go about their own way. The second day brings the party in contact with a jaguar. The large cat skirts the party, assessing the possibility of maybe collecting a colt. Accurately judging the danger, it decides to find easier prey and moves on.

Nearing the time when the party would break for lunch, Vadin signals to the others that he suspects their to be an encampment of people farther off upon his flank, downhill.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Merin, who was about to suggest to Indigo that she should befriend the Jaguar, takes note of Vadin’s discovery, giving it top priority.

I will scout ahead and check it out,” Merin says.

Tor nods in agreement, as he watches Merin quickly (but quietly) move laterally from the party in the direction that Vadin indicated.
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Vadin says to Merin, "I will go with you as well."

Vadin goes with Merin to scout out the area where he senses the encampment.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 228: Investigating Possible Danger

Merin, who was about to suggest to Indigo that she should befriend the Jaguar, takes note of Vadin’s discovery, giving it top priority.

I will scout ahead and check it out,” Merin says.

Tor nods in agreement, as he watches Merin quickly (but quietly) move laterally from the party in the direction that Vadin indicated.
GM: The party has been traveling generally southward through the jungle while spread out from west to east. The eastern members being uphill from the western ones. The incline of the topography is such that simply riding requires care and riding downhill might prove dangerous to rider and to horse. Any attempt at mounted combat while in this environment would not even be considered a possibility.

Vadin says to Merin, "I will go with you as well."

Vadin goes with Merin to scout out the area where he senses the encampment.
Sheldon and Indigo dismount. Indigo takes both horses and moves toward Merin's and Vadin's, collecting both and bringing them aside with the three colts that are being used to carry supplies. Once this is done, she and Sheldon take up a position facing downhill to the left of the center of the party. Indigo draws her sword in preparation of possible danger.

GM: The jungle is teeming with life and the sounds of the multitude of birds, insects, and frogs create a rather loud din. As Merin and Vadin are only moving for a preliminary look, it is unlikely their movement will be noticed, especially when coming from uphill, but they are cautious, non the less.

The incline is such that even though most of the hardwood trees are 30 plus paces tall (~180'), the cause of the smell of smoke cannot be directly seen because it is blocked by the canopy of the trees growing downhill. As Merin and Vadin make their way downhill, they are able to see who is below while still about 20 paces distant.

The encampment is comprised of 2 male and 4 female Aedaman, having medium-dark brown skin. There bodies are sparsely clothed and covered in decoration and ornamentation. The quick recon indicates enough to know that this campsite is not at all permanent. It appears to have been makeshift for a meal. Though never before encountered, the appearance and behavior of the people make Vadin and Merin think that the clan is of the tribe of Katalians, a fully psychotic people of known headhunters and possible cannibals. Even from there points of observation, it does not appear to an animal on that spit.

Merin and Vadin quietly return to the others to convey what they have seen.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
San-Bolo dismount with the others. Sannit strokes his beard as he contemplates the Katalian camp. "Looks like it is that time again, friends. Perhaps we can use this as an opportunity to test our Way abilities. Could we simulate someone being injured, crying out for help, and lure them into a trap? I am willing to be bait again unless someone else wants the chore this time." He shifts under the uncomfortable weight of his armor.

Bolo gets a gleam in her eye and says, "If they try and shoot at us perhaps we can create some kind of flare with Way to blind them."

Turtle looks around at the teeming life, and enjoys the new smells. It's gotta be time to eat soon, he thinks to himself.
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