Tragedy at Silvergard OOC Thread


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Corath is about to suggest to Alaric that they can head to the tavern of his choice. This is too good of a chance to pass up to interact directly with a "mortal" to her way of thinking. ;)

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For Alaric, it depends on Corath's response probably. If she/it does go to a tavern with Alaric, it'll be one of the nearest taverns in the vicinity of the Guild compound. If Corath wants to head over to the dance studio, Alaric will probably excuse himself and finish Entan's errand (then go back to Entan and maybe, possibly, mention Iphithis' return, unless he feels like leaving that a surprise for Iphithis to spring on the old man), asking first where he should meet Corath again that afternoon or later.


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Valen will go help the teamster unload the wine barrels. Hopefully he can learn a bit more about the guild in this way. He will then meet the others wherever they choose to go.


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Aaaand apparently shadowmask posted in the time between me starting to type and then hitting Submit Reply. :heh:

So yeah, whatever works. Alaric's familiar enough with the city to know where the nearest tavern is to the Adventurer's Guild, without actually going to the one in the Guild compound.


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Helfdan said:
Valen will go help the teamster unload the wine barrels. Hopefully he can learn a bit more about the guild in this way. He will then meet the others wherever they choose to go.

Are you leaving Johen on his own??? Very trusting of you my dear.. :D

Johen has offered to check another inn and was kind of expecting William and his beloved Estelle ;) to indicate one since they know the city.
He also awaits an answer as to why the Adventurer's Guild was chosen and is not far from believing that someon in the group is working for the Guild's guard!! :eek: (paranoia can take you very far ... :) )

So if Valen leaves - which will puzzle him - Johen will stay with Muzdum and Aohdan and follow them to whatever inn they choose...


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crazypixie said:
The establishment is rather famous for its hydra headed ale taps, five heads pouring ale into a stone basin by the bar like a fountain. The wait staff simply dips the mugs into the basin.

Err.. Crazypixie, do you know how beer and a tap work?? lol
You would probably need some serious spells! Transmutation school would possibly do it to stop the fountain becoming a bath of froth, and Evocation to get the beer refill the tank!! :p


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I haven't had an alcoholic beverage in three years and can count the number of occassions I had one before that on one hand (almost...might need the other hand). In all that time I only ever had one sip of beer and, after making a few faces, decided I wasn't going to touch the stuff again.

So, my knowledge of such things is extremely limited, yes. :)

As for the Hydra's not magical ale...its, um, weak. Oh, bother, let me revise that, then.


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crazypixie no worries! ;)
but you should reconsider beer!!!

EDIT: like, do you mean that your tabletop games are alcohol free???? :eek:
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(Never done it myself, but a friend of mine is very good at it. )
Actually, I rarely play inebriated.
ACTUALLY, I rarely AM inebriated.


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We have a strict no alcohol in the house rule. We (my wife, Shadowmask, and I) don't allow it in the house under any circumstances, along with any smoking products or paraphenelia. Might seem a little prudish, but we figure the best example we can set for our kids to keep them from doing stuff like that is to not do it ourselves.

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