Tragedy at Silvergard OOC Thread

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Not sipping but not Chugging. The normal speed you drink something when you're in a conversation, whether it's beer, water, milk, or soda.


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Ok, sorry I haven't been present much in this thread, folks. I didn't realize it'd be used much. ANyhow, I have a couple questions:
1) How do you make the little buttons for OOC or whatever? Similar to the [sblock], but you can make your own caption.
2) Crazypixie, I had an idea about character developement I wanted to run by you, can I email you?


First Post
Yttermayn said:
Ok, sorry I haven't been present much in this thread, folks. I didn't realize it'd be used much. ANyhow, I have a couple questions:
1) How do you make the little buttons for OOC or whatever? Similar to the sblock, but you can make your own caption.

exactly like sblock, but add "=whateveryouwant" after the sblock in the first bracket

[sblock=whateveryouwant] that easy :) [/sblock]


First Post
Ah, I can see it now...

Several weeks down the road, in the middle of who knows where, fighting some ugly beasty...

Aohdan or Estelle says to no one in particular, "How exactly did we end up in this predicament?" To which the other answers, "We were drunk, it sounded like a good idea at the time."



First Post
ethandrew said:
Estelle points at Iphithis, "Well how do we know yer not just gonna take us to some back alley and kill us, huh? How about that, Mister?" She grins over at Johen, obviously teasing him.

LOL! good one!

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