[TV] Doctor Who

What I find interesting is the River Song bit at the end. "But beware - it all changes now." I reckon we're going to see an adversarial relationship between them. I bet when they first meet, they're enemies, and will be for some time. But he'll remember her future then, and she won't (instead of the other way round) because we're moving earlier in her life and later in his.

Oh, absolutely. (Or, well, as "absolutely" as any guesses can be regarding Moffat's plans.) I'm interested to see how they can make her a believable villain, yet still keep her sympathetic enough that it'll be believable for the Doctor to later go through all the trouble to keep her mind alive at the end of the "Silence in the Library" two-parter.

And I still believe that the "great man" she kills won't be the Doctor; way too obvious. :)

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Oh, and I think "Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue" was a perfect description of the TARDIS! Brilliant!

Yep. George (the wife) and I were talking about that immediately afterward. I'm convinced that has to be one of those revelations that one has, and then simply holds it in reserve waiting for the right time to use it. (IOW, I'm willing to bet that Moffat realized the description was apt long before he wrote this episode. It's the sort of observation that one holds onto.)


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Yep. George (the wife) and I were talking about that immediately afterward. I'm convinced that has to be one of those revelations that one has, and then simply holds it in reserve waiting for the right time to use it. (IOW, I'm willing to bet that Moffat realized the description was apt long before he wrote this episode. It's the sort of observation that one holds onto.)

Yep, probably.

I loved the way he pretty much described it as that to the 7-year old Amy. He didn't say "SOSBSBSB" but he described it as ancient, stolen, brand new, and very blue; and then, of course, told Amy in the forest on the Byzantium that it was important that she remember that. And that's what brought him back. It was very well done!

And the Jacket theory was proved correct! Two Doctors? Oh, yes!


First Post
There is one thing I will say about Moffat and this series/season: he does deliberately choose ideas, images, and plot threads with care. It may or may not work in whomever's opinion, but I don't get the same "throw the kitchen sink" feeling I get with Russell T Davies.

Overall, I liked this year's series. I like Matt Smith, Karen Gillian, and Arthur Darvill. This series didn't have awesomely standout episodes like previous series, but I think it might be because Moffat planned his awesomeness to be threaded throughout all 13 episodes, which might dilute his impact.

I hope the next series will prove that Moffat and his team are only warming up!


First Post
For no particular reason and with no hint from anywhere I am convinced that Amy Pond = River Song. Yeah I know it makes no sense but it got into my head and I can't shake it.

Obviously there would need to be something else going on for that to be true, maybe she's a Time Lord that somehow got left behind.

So on the one hand, River being a Time Lord is one way for certain details to make sense--the fact that she seemed to remember Amy and the Doctor at the wedding; the fact that the Doctor made some convoluted efforts to keep her alive in Silence in the Library (despite her presumed villainous past).

But I really, really hope she isn't. After the whole storyline with the Master, it'd really feel like a bit of "been there, done that" if River was also a TL. Plus, it'd reduce the whole impact of the Master having been the last TL besides the Doctor.

And I'd also just like to see something more unexpected. :)


Well, that was fun
Staff member
So on the one hand, River being a Time Lord is one way for certain details to make sense--the fact that she seemed to remember Amy and the Doctor at the wedding; the fact that the Doctor made some convoluted efforts to keep her alive in Silence in the Library (despite her presumed villainous past).

But I really, really hope she isn't. After the whole storyline with the Master, it'd really feel like a bit of "been there, done that" if River was also a TL. Plus, it'd reduce the whole impact of the Master having been the last TL besides the Doctor.

And I'd also just like to see something more unexpected. :)

Plus she died. She didn't regenerate.

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