You settle to the bottom of the ocean and take a rest after the close encounter. Thankfully, nothing bothers you.
If someone would like to attune to the ring, you can find out what it is. You may also cast Identify on it.
Once done, you head on to the city. You only travel a short ways before cresting a ridge, which turns out to the be top of a cliff. There, in what would be a valley had the water not sunk it, was the city in all its majesty. The buildings, originally made of marble and stone, were encrusted with barnacles and choral. Many were, incredibly, still intact, though a number of them were at least partially crumbled.
As you overlook the city, the sunlight barely gleaming down enough to illuminate it, you see three main structures a ways off from the cliff. The closest one looks like a dome, with only a small part of the done crumbled to form a hole big enough to get into. The dome is very large, large enough for thousands upon thousands of people to have gathered in at one point or another. A stadium, perhaps?
A little further down is a straight, metal tower, reflecting light from the Sun far above. It juts out over the city, towering over most of the other buildings, and seems very different in architecture than the buildings around it.
Further, barely seen in the gloom of the water, is a palace of some kind, as large as the dome and a thousand times more ornate.
What do you do?