[UPDATED] Sean K Reynolds just rehired by WotC

He's an opinionated bald man, why can't we slam him? Probably good news. They certainly need the help.


First Post
First test should be getting out of Jury Duty.
For any WOTC hire.

Though I do find it odd all males on R&D these days.

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First test should be getting out of Jury Duty.
For any WOTC hire.

First test before THAT is for a business to have enough cross-trained and authorized people so that the entire department is not hamstrung by one jury summons -- but I digress.

Welcome back, skreyn.


Sean has updated his FB post (and accompanied it with a tweet to the same effect):

I've taken a contract position at Wizards of the Coast to help manage lore and other content for D&D and FR, in order to make it easier for WotC and licensors to make stuff.

I was wondering if they'd brought him back on board for FR, given the vast amount of work he did on that setting for 3e.


Anyone they hire that goes against absolutes is a good thing. Unless that lack of absolutes is absolute. Oh wait...

I'm glad a d20 expert is back into the mix. Not only to avoid the excesses of 4e design, but just as importantly of 3e's. Being intimately familiar with the mistakes of the past two generations of D&D is a terrific thing in a hire for 5e.

Good for Wizards landing him. The two sets of books that I purchased went towards something.

But I find it so ironic that I was just mentioning how I didn't like their idea of fixing a balance issue in basic D&D with a feat fix in standard, or a substandard PHB option with a strictly superior option in AU. And his blog mentions the arms race of immunity vs immunity piercing feats escalation.

As well as the disavowal of absolutes. Like the absolute ability to completely negate any chance of an AoO when a swashbuckler runs around attacking 3 things a round. They could have done so much better, like say such attacks are at disadvantage, or he has resistance against such attacks. Literally pertinent in so many ways to the latest AU article they just published yesterday.

Hopefully he brings another voice for rational game design to avoid such absolutes or endless arms races or power glut that 3e and 4e were cursed with. But I see a lot of the issues of 3e and Pathfinder could easily have been fixed through errata yet weren't. Many people believe 3.5 is not much of an improvement over 3e for many classes. And Pathfinder is well known for having many classes like Summoner that are pants-on-head _________ed.


It's a little weird for me to see SKR as some bonafide old school designer, but he was with TSR when TSR was still TSR...albeit not by much. :/ He's living history.


Interesting, I'd always thought of SKR as a crunch guy (in fact didn't he coin the terms fluff and crunch?). In any case, good luck Sean!

Jeremy E Grenemyer

I am glad somebody with experience working on the Realms is back to work on the Realms.

IIRC he wrote a lot in the past about the difficulties managing third parties, yet that seems to be what he is doing here.

He's super opinionated too. Will be interesting to see how this all shakes out.

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