[UPDATED] Sean K Reynolds just rehired by WotC

He's an opinionated bald man, why can't we slam him? Probably good news. They certainly need the help.

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Why is no one addressing the elephant sitting in the corner?

SKR is a great guy and excellent author and designer... but....

Licensors??? Looks like the basic game will be OGL folks while if you want the whole kit and kaboodle, you gotta PAY UP!
Hasn't this been obvious for some while now?

Either create your support material for D&D Basic, or pay a license fee to be able to reference all the rest.

This is probably what WotC hopes let's them eat the cake while having it too. That is, being able to say they support fan material and stuff that's necessary but not profitable (ie. adventures) while still keeping others from making money on the stuff they rather would keep for themselves: the core supplements "everybody" buys (ie. character "power-up" books).


Naked and living in a barrel
I'm not sure I understand the confusion. The video games, the minis, the comics, the board games, the VTT, are produced under licensed by third parties. The APs, so far, have been produced by WotC who contracted third parties to work for them, but not under a license. Only the core books have been made in house.

From what SKR said, it seems he will help third parties have the correct story/lore/fluff when they make their licensed products. Since no RPG content as been made under license, so far, there are no reasons to believe WotC will start doing so and that licenses will replace the OGL.
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I'm not sure I understand the confusion. The video games, the minis, the comics, the board games, the VTT, are produced under licensed by third parties.

This is what he is probably working on. Things like Sword Coast Legends and the virtual tabletop could certainly benefit from a lore guru to help them along the way. Plus any unannounced projects that might need a "reference desk" as well.


The D20 license was, surprisingly, a license.

As is the Open Gaming License.

License does not mean that you have to pay, but that you have permission.

The word 'licensor' does not hint at anything we did not know.

That said I don't think we'll see a license as free as the d20. I think they'll want to keep it in tighter reins.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
He's talking about stuff like videogame licenses, not open gaming licenses. "I'm actually not doing game design... I'm helping sort out lore and other content (primarily for FR) so WotC licensors (like videogame companies) have easy access to the info they need."


Naked and living in a barrel
This is what he is probably working on. Things like Sword Coast Legends and the virtual tabletop could certainly benefit from a lore guru to help them along the way. Plus any unannounced projects that might need a "reference desk" as well.
Perkins already does that, but from an interiew he gave, he needs help. A typical days is him spending 2/3 of his time in meetings, then he answers around 200 emails, then he can start writing. Cra-zy.

Edit: Le interview.

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