[UPDATED] Sean K Reynolds just rehired by WotC

He's an opinionated bald man, why can't we slam him? Probably good news. They certainly need the help.

That's the question then, isn't it - will this have any impact on the tabletop release schedule? It doesn't sound like it, if this gig is purely lore-keeping for licensing, without any game design. Personally my views on game design are orthagonal to SKR's so I'm rather relieved to know he won't really be influencing future 5E mechanics. Sounds like he's landed a real dream job, though, so I'm pleased as punch for the guy.

It's possible this is an indicator we'll be seeing a FRCS, but I'm skeptical. My money's on the APs being the setting support, in that they'll each focus on a different area of the Sword Coast and that after maybe 6 of them they'll put out a "Sword Coast" setting book.

I do remember someone's suggestion that they might put together a wiki or other online portal with the complete Realmslore - given how suddenly they've announced the Fantasy Grounds and Dragon+ news, it'd be cool to see that dropped on us with no warning in a couple of months. I mean, SKR is developing and compiling all of that material anyway, so it's be an easy way to kill two birds with one stone and score some major points with the fans.
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People often start in one job then float up (or settle into) the job they are best suited for. I wouldn't be surprised if after a while his name starts showing up in game design stuff as well. At least that's what I hope.

Interfacing with third parties will also likely highlight any kinks in the system that need ironing out, and his decades-long experience across multiple editions and companies will surely benefit the kind of high level reasoning it needs. Even if he doesn't do game design himself per se, I can't imagine that he won't have any influence at all in future splats. Or hopefully in correcting current issues. I don't think Basic D&D is going to remain static and unchanging. And from there the core books follow. Mostly the minor issues could be corrected in certain spells, feats, abilities, without making systemic alterations but still allowing 5th edition to get honed and improve over time.

And by improve, I don't mean power bloat.


People often start in one job then float up (or settle into) the job they are best suited for. I wouldn't be surprised if after a while his name starts showing up in game design stuff as well. At least that's what I hope.
Judging by the many hate threads across the internet of which he is the subject, and the rejoicing that occurred when he left Paizo, I think you're probably in the minority.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
I've never before seen a contract where the duration was "until jury duty ends"...


Greg K

That's the question then, isn't it - will this have any impact on the tabletop release schedule? It doesn't sound like it, if this gig is purely lore-keeping for licensing, without any game design. Personally my views on game design are orthagonal to SKR's so I'm rather relieved to know he won't really be influencing future 5E mechanics. Sounds like he's landed a real dream job, though, so I'm pleased as punch for the guy.

It's possible this is an indicator we'll be seeing a FRCS, but I'm skeptical. My money's on the APs being the setting support, in that they'll each focus on a different area of the Sword Coast and that after maybe 6 of them they'll put out a "Sword Coast" setting book.

I do remember someone's suggestion that they might put together a wiki or other online portal with the complete Realmslore - given how suddenly they've announced the Fantasy Grounds and Dragon+ news, it'd be cool to see that dropped on us with no warning in a couple of months. I mean, SKR is developing and compiling all of that material anyway, so it's be an easy way to kill two birds with one stone and score some major points with the fans.

I didn't particularly care for Savage Species (I disliked the Monster Classes in it) and did not agree with him about Drow magic items and sunlight. However, I met Sean at Gen Con So Cal and he was a really nice guy. I liked several of his postings on his website- especially, "Fewer Absolutes" (despite disagreeing with him on one or two points). I liked his Greyhawk deity articles in Dragon. If I were to see more things like those that I agreed with from his website, I would be happy to see more design work from him.
As for his postings at Paizo's forums, I disagreed with a few things he wrote, but he is also on record as stating that it was his job to publicly defend design decisions with which he disagreed on the forums and having to do so is one reason why he left Paizo.
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Interesting, I'd always thought of SKR as a crunch guy (in fact didn't he coin the terms fluff and crunch?). In any case, good luck Sean!

He did, in the context of a post essentially saying "We kind of went out on a limb with Silver Marches, with a much higher ratio of fluff to crunch than in other FR books. If that's the kind of thing you like, you'd do well to buy the book so my bosses will know that's what you want."

Jeremy E Grenemyer

Actually he was calling on people to buy Silver Marches to show the bean counters at WotC that people really did buy books for lore, so as to combat the bean counter's position that Realms sourcebooks needed more crunchy rules at the expense of fluff, because the bean counters believed people bought books for crunch alone.

They did not go overboard with the fluff/lore content in Silver Marches.
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I'm all for WotC hiring people. But dealing with licenses sounds like "non-TRPG stuff". Hopefully the Adventure Time guy will bring us more than just another adventure path.

I'm all for WotC hiring people. But dealing with licenses sounds like "non-TRPG stuff". Hopefully the Adventure Time guy will bring us more than just another adventure path.

Heh, given the choice between working on "TRPG-stuff" or "non-TRPG stuff", I'd rather the Adventure Time guy play to his strengths and give us a D&D cartoon. :p

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