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Victorian Eberron (Recruiting Closed - looking for nonamazing)

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First Post
Jemal said:
How many submissions are you taking before you pick characters? Will there be a submission deadline, or are you just playing by ear?

I'm playing by ear, but probably the Friday after I think I've got five good proposals, so either this Friday or next.


First Post
I'd like to pitch my hat into the ring.

I propose Horace Greer, a human scout who serves as a frontier guide for wealthy city-folk wanting to feel a little wild. He's a steely eyed man, who cultivates the image of a cold killer in order to keep the cityfolk happy. In actuality he's an awkward man who never much learned manners or social skills and keeps to the wild to avoid embarrassing himself too awfully. His parents were poor dirt farmers in the Maradal Principalities and he mostly avoids them, given that his father is a hopeless farmer who hides in the bottle and his mother is a retiring woman who would never dream of standing up to her abusive spouse. First chance he got, he bought himself a rifle and named her Ellora and took off into the wilds.

[sblock] Horace Greer

Male Human Scout 4
Lawful Neutral
Strength 10 (+0)
Dexterity 19 (+4)
Constitution 14 (+2)
Intelligence 10 (+0)
Wisdom 14 (+2)
Charisma 10 (+0)

Size: Medium
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 170 lb
Skin: Tan
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Light Brown; Wavy

Total Hit Points: 31
Speed: 40 feet [scout]
Armor Class: 19 = 10 +4 [dexterity] + 5 [defense]
Touch AC: 14
Flat-footed: 10

Initiative modifier: +5 = +4 [dexterity] +1 [scout]
Fortitude save: +4 = 1 [base] +2 [constitution] +1 [scout]
Reflex save: +8 = 4 [base] +4 [dexterity]
Will save: +3 = 1 [base] +2 [wisdom]
Attack (handheld): +3 = 3 [base]
Attack (unarmed): +3 = 3 [base]
Attack (missile): +7 = 3 [base] +4 [dexterity]
Grapple check: +3 = 3 [base]
Region of Origin: Maradal Principalities
Languages: Common
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
Quick Reload: Rifle
Weapon Focus x1 Weapon(s): Rifle

Action Points: 7 (this level)
Skill Name Key Ability Skill Modifier Ability Modifier Ranks Misc. Modifier
Balance Dex* 6 = +4 +2 [tumble]
Bluff Cha 0 = +0
Climb Str* 7 = +0 +7
Escape Artist Dex* 11 = +4 +7
Heal Wis 2 = +2
Hide Dex* 11 = +4 +7
Jump Str* 6 = +0 +2 [tumble] +4 [speed 40]
Knowledge (nature) Int 9 = +0 +7 +2 [survival]
Listen Wis 9 = +2 +7
Move Silently Dex* 11 = +4 +7
Search Int 0 = +0
Sense Motive Wis 2 = +2
Spot Wis 9 = +2 +7
Survival Wis 9 = +2 +7
Swim Str** 0 = +0
Tumble Dex* 11 = +4 +7
Use Rope Dex 1 = +4

* = check penalty for wearing armor
Escape Artist >=5 ranks gives +2 on use rope checks for bindings.
Know Nature >=5 ranks gives +2 on survival checks above ground.

• Extra feat at first level (already included)
• Four extra skill points at first level (already included)
• One extra skill point at each additional level (already included)

• Core class from "Complete Adventurer"
• Armor class bonuses after moving are not listed above.
• Level 1: Skirmish (+1d6), trapfinding, Track
• Level 2: Battle fortitude +1, uncanny dodge
• Level 3: Fast movement +10 feet, skirmish (1d6, +1 AC)
• Level 4: Bonus feat (already included)

Class HP rolled
Level 1: Scout 8
Level 2: Scout 8
Level 3: Scout 1
Level 4: Scout 6 +1 to dexterity

Horace Greer's Equipment:
Mastercraft Rifle (Ellora)
Gear to come


First Post
Another item i would like to ask about, the boot sheath, again from Arms and Equipment. Gives you +4 bonus to conceal a light weapon. (It's 3.0, so have to change the +4 to Pick Pocket to +4 Sleight of Hand) Also, how much do speed reloaders cost?

As for my character, he's not done yet. He's a rogue, an assassin, who is very religious and kills those he thinks are evil. He's always prepared (hence the multiple weapons) and ready for anything. Recently, the church has started giving him assignments to get rid of unwanted cultists and people they just don't like.

Class: Rouge 4
Race: Human
Alignment: CG
Age: 20
Weight: 170 Lbs
Height: 5’10”
Size: Medium
Gender: Male

STR 12 (+1)
DEX 18 (+4) (+2 at 3rd LVL)
CON 10 (+0)
INT 14 (+2)
WIS 10 (+0)
CHA 12 (+1)

AC 19 (5 base, 4 Dex)
FORT +1 (1 base)
REF +8 (4 base, +4 Dex)
WILL +1 (1 base)

BAB / Grapple +3/+3
Speed: 30 ft

+4 Dagger (1d4+1, 19-20 x2)

+7 Revolver (2d6, x2, 20 ft)
+7 Rifle (2d10, x2, 60 ft)
+7 Dagger (1d4+1, 19-20 x2, 10 ft)

Point Blank Shot (1)
Rapid Reload (Personal Firearms) (Bonus)
Quick Draw (3)

Racial Features
Bonus Feat at 1st lvl, bonus skill points

Class Features
Sneak Attack +2d6, Trapfinding, Evasion, Trap Sense +1, Uncanny Dodge

Skills (10 x4 +4) + (11 x3) = 77
Balance +7 (3 Ranks, +4 Dex)
Disable Device +9 (7 Ranks, +2 Int)
Gather Information +8 (7 Ranks, +1 Cha)
Jump +5 (4 Ranks, +1 Str)
Open Lock +11 (7 Ranks, +4 Dex)
Search +9 (7 Ranks, +2 Int)
Sleight of Hand +11 (7 Ranks, +4 Dex)
Tumble +11 (7 Ranks, +4 Dex)
Use Rope +11 (7 Ranks, +4 Dex)
Climb +8 (7 Ranks, +1 Str)
Notice +7 (7 Ranks, +0 Wisdom)
Sneak +11 (7 Ranks, +4 Dex)

(2 More)

4 Revolvers (320 GP, 8 Lbs)
6 Daggers (12 GP, 6 Lbs)
Rifle (120 GP, 8 Lbs)
Rifle Sight (150 GP, 1 Lbs)
(more to come)

Light Load= 43 Lbs
Medium Load= 44-86 Lbs
Heavy Load= 87-130 Lbs
Lift off ground= 260 Lbs
Push / Drag= 650 Lbs

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drothgery said:
I'm still doing armor as AC; use armor instead of your class defense bonus if higher.

Hmmm.. just to point out, that makes an Armoured fighter/Paladin not only pointless, it's a penalty.

@ 4th level we've got the same Armour we could get from Full Plate, and no max dex/ACP.

By lvl 12, it's +5 Full Plate with no max dex/ACP.

My problem is that my vision of the paladin includes Shining Armour, but wearing said armour means I'm paying a fair amount of GP AND taking penalties just to fill RP background.


First Post
Jemal said:
Hmmm.. just to point out, that makes an Armoured fighter/Paladin not only pointless, it's a penalty.

@ 4th level we've got the same Armour we could get from Full Plate, and no max dex/ACP.

By lvl 12, it's +5 Full Plate with no max dex/ACP.

My problem is that my vision of the paladin includes Shining Armour, but wearing said armour means I'm paying a fair amount of GP AND taking penalties just to fill RP background.

Really, it's more like full plate plus five points of AC bonuses from magic -- probably spread out among enhancement to armor, ring of protection, amulet of natural armor, gloves of dexterity, and enhancement to a shield or defending weapon. That's why the class bonus is so high; it's not just replacing armor, it's replacing all that other stuff too.

The way I'm drawing things up, armor should really only be useful in specific, narrow circumstances, and at mid levels or higher, only by experts, so how about a feat... Also note that shields provide a shield bonus, not an armor bonus, and therefore do stack with class defense.

Armored Defense
Prerequisite: Str 13, Armor Proficiency
Benefit: When wearing armor that you are proficient in, you can add one half of your armor bonus to your class defense bonus against melee oponents.
Normal: You use your armor bonus or your class defense bonus, whichever is higher.
Special: You can take this feat more than once; each time you take it, it applies to a different class of armor (light, medium, or heavy).
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So half your armour... Round up or down(Remember rounding down would make b.plate, Chain mail, and Chain shirt the same)? I'll probably end up investing in that feat, makes the paladin concept more of a tank, which I like.


First Post
Jemal said:
So half your armour... Round up or down(Remember rounding down would make b.plate, Chain mail, and Chain shirt the same)? I'll probably end up investing in that feat, makes the paladin concept more of a tank, which I like.

d20 convention is that you always round down.

Voidrunner's Codex

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