What Are These Four Unnamed D&D Products?

The folks over at Nerds On Earth spotted four as-yet untitled D&D products listed on Amazon. Often these appear with codenames (such as when we discovered Labyrinth, which was the codename for Tales from the Yawning Portal due on 4th April) and other times they have no information at all other than an ISBN number. We don't know much about upcoming releases, other than that there is some kind of major rules expansion in the works (but it could be anything from months to years off) and that Adventure Time's Pendleton Ward helped on something. Nerds On Earth spotted the following four entries.

The folks over at Nerds On Earth spotted four as-yet untitled D&D products listed on Amazon. Often these appear with codenames (such as when we discovered Labyrinth, which was the codename for Tales from the Yawning Portal due on 4th April) and other times they have no information at all other than an ISBN number. We don't know much about upcoming releases, other than that there is some kind of major rules expansion in the works (but it could be anything from months to years off) and that Adventure Time's Pendleton Ward helped on something. Nerds On Earth spotted the following four entries.

Each has the name "Untitled RPG Accessory" by Wizards RPG Team (that's the authorname all the D&D books use). They all have a noted shipping weight of 5 ounces, which suggests maybe that's a default weight (by comparison, the Player's Handbook is listed at 2.2 pounds and Volo's Guide to Monsters is 1.3 pounds). All four are listed as "Brdgm edition", which other D&D books aren't.

None of those items are the big ticket hardcovers, which tend to have a price of $49.95. Sword Coast Adventurers Guide was $39.95, and things like Dungeonology and Monsters & Heroes of the Realms were published by other companies. DM Screens and cards and similar accessories are usually handled by Gale Force 9. WotC's Mike Mearls has hinted a couple of times about a major rules expansion in the pipeline, but the latest is that "We are still deciding what form that will take" - so that sounds like its some way off yet.

What's your guess?

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Guide of Modos
What's your guess?
STRONGLY hoping for:

RPG Accessory #1: Release date of October 17, 2017 with a price of $24.95: Complete Bard's Handbook
RPG Accessory #2: Release date of September 19, 2017 with a price of $19.95: Heroes of Horror
RPG Accessory #3: Release date of July 18, 2017 with a price of $14.95: Tome of Magic
RPG Accessory #4: Release date of June 20, 2017 with a price of $9.95: Miniatures Handbook Revised

I actually think that last (first?) one is a possibility...

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At THOSE prices? Not likely... :lol:

I'm guessing these probably aren't going to be more hardcover books. Probably a board game, dice, or cards as others have suggested above. I would be pleasantly surprised if it were a psionics handbooks or some other rules expansion, but I'm not holding my breath. The releases this edition are coming so slowly (compared to previous editions) that I'm chomping at the bit for any new hardcover book, whatever it is...

5.5 will surely come eventually. And with luck, they will hire someone who can actually write an index this time. Preferably someone who also has to wear bifocals or those newfangled "transition lenses".


I'm guessing dungeon tiles, for at least some of the releases. The board games aren't generally listed with "wizard's rpg team" as authors, nor are any of the gf9 products. Also, it does say "RPG accessory", which seems to indicate it's some sort of... rpg accessory perhaps? The brgm edition tag might mean that the tiles are in some way compatible with the adventure series board games, maybe.
Perhaps preprinted character sheets for the cheapest one? Or something like that.
Seems stuff published by "wizards rpg team" is mostly (or all?) either rpg books or dungeon tile sets.

The more I think on it a digest sized softcover printing of the Basic Rules with recycled art would be keen. The cheap giftable all-in-one product.
Right now, the jump from Starter Set to PHB/Core Rules is super steep.

The flaw with the current Basic Rules is the lack of art. Especially in terms of monsters. Art and an index would help immensely.


Don't know if it means anything, but it is worth considering the pattern of release: One, they are released once a month with a gap in August (GenCon); two, they get more and more expensive.

My guess is that they are all tied together somehow, perhaps in conjunction with a larger product to be released at either GenCon or (more likely) in November.

I would have thought the board game idea myself, except the prices go in the wrong direction. If is was a new "product line" the most expensive would be first, followed by cheaper add-ons.

It is interesting that they are exactly $5 apart and increment evenly. I also see the one month August gap as a Gen Con impact.

"Accessory", brdgm and price indicate that they are not adventures or rule book like we've seen before. (or even any type of hard cover print).

So far accessories have been done by third parties. So that is interesting.

The D&D Beyond idea is appealing, time is right from what we know. And I do think these will be digital products of some kind. But, if they were subscription levels to D&D Beyond, then they would all be at the same time and would not require ISBN's...

What types of digital products would use an ISBN?

Argyle King

A thought...

They are all currently listed as board games, right?

$24.95 is the price listed for item #1. A Munchkin set is typically $24.95.

It's a long shot, but maybe Munchkin D&D?

Cross-company collaborations have happened before as can be seen with Munchkin Pathfinder here: http://www.warehouse23.com/products/munchkin-pathfinder

Following that, the collaboration could go the other way and produce a Munchkin Monster Guide to translate the old version of the same produce (seen here: http://www.worldofmunchkin.com/rpg/monsterguide/ ) into 5th Edition. Note that the product is currently out of print, but carried a $14.95 price tag when it was available.

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