• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

What are You Looking Forward To?


Greatwyrm, if you like desert-style adventures, you might add Dry Lands to your list. It's coming out this summer (I think) from Thunderhead Games. It's on my list. My details are fuzzy since I'm not working on it.

What I am working on, I'm eagerly anticipating. Now, if I can get off my duff and finish it, it will rock! :)

There are still some books that are already out, that I have yet to acquire. Freeport, Gothos, some of the PDFs by DarkFuries. I want the Common Ground thing by Bard's Production.

I'm looking forward to future supplements for Dragonstar.

I'm not DM'ing right now, so that really affects my buying habits. As a player, there's only so much I want or need. On that note, I'm looking forward to Quintessential Bard by Mongoose. And I still need to pick up the Quint Cleric book.

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Epic Level Handbook
Book of Vile Darkness
Monster Manual II
Tome of Horrors
The Banewarrens
The Silver Marches

Dreading a plethora of unneeded and mediocre products on the horizon.

Aaron Webb


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Assasin's Handbook by Green Ronin (LOVED the Shaman's book)

Chainmail rulebook

Slaine RPG by Mongoose (Over the top, pseudo-celtic....what more can you ask for?)

EQ RPG (for the alt. classes)

Dragonstar Galaxy Guide

Just about anything SKR gets around to publishing.
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1. Fey Magic (Mongoose) - It fits into a concept from my campaign so I am curious to see their take on it, aslo all the alternate magic systems are good for me...

2. Swashbuckling Adventures (AEG) - I have been movig ever more steadily away from Tolkienesque fantasy towards that more resembling that of G.R.R Martin or even adventure novels of Dumas and such. This book should help.

3. Masters of Arms - I am a fan of all those wierd weapons (glaives, guisarmes, tridents etc) and also it seems that this book will have some of the best new rule-concepts for d20 yet.

4. Elementalism (Mongoose) - Again a alternate magic rules...

5&6. Quintesential Witch and Enchantment (Mongoose) - As above.

7. Windhaven (Affinity) - I love big cities. Lots of things to pouch for my own not to mention city based rules etc...

9. Cities: Born of Stone (VERGO) - As above...

9. Book of Vile Darkness (WotC) - This one is either going to be so bad that it will be worth having as a relic (sanitised Disniesque villany + silly 1ed demons) or it will be one of the best things ever from WotC.


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1. Monster Manual II
2. D20 Modern
3. Everquest (S&S)
4. Tome of Horrors (NG)
5. Chaimail Rulebook
6. Anything to do with new races
7. Anything to do with new monster
8. Mutants and Masterminds (GR)
9. Epic Level Handbook
Thats all I can think of at this time. also waiting for E-tools.


Bard 7/Mod (ret) 10/Mgr 3
There are four projects I'm really looking forward to buying:

1. Epic Level Handbook (WotC) - I've got several NPCs in my old homebrew campaign I want to convert over. Now I'll be able to.

2. Book of Hallowed Might (Malhovoc Press) - The two Books of Eldritch Might were of such high quality, with such good spell ideas, that I'm looking forward to holy, crunchy goodness in this one.

3. Tome of Horrors (Necromancer Games) - Not a .pdf, not a .rtf, but an honest-to-goodness hardcover chock full of classic monsters. Oh, frabjous day! Caloo! Callay!

4. Heroes of High Favor: Dwarves (Bad Axe) - It's a very good book, and I'm not just saying that because of my name under the playtester entry. :)

That's about it. I'll probably pick up the MM2, and I will look at the Book of Vile Darkness to see if it would be useful to me. Slayer's Guide to Dragons will get a look also, but from Mongoose's prior track record and my cold reaction to Gygax's Canting Crew, I will not count on picking it up unless there's cruchy goodness (the new dragon types in there pique my interest).


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die_kluge said:
Greatwyrm, if you like desert-style adventures, you might add Dry Lands to your list. It's coming out this summer (I think) from Thunderhead Games. It's on my list. My details are fuzzy since I'm not working on it.

What I am working on, I'm eagerly anticipating. Now, if I can get off my duff and finish it, it will rock! :)

If I'm not mistaken, I believe Dry Lands is scheduled for release in July.


Bard 7/Mod (ret) 10/Mgr 3
I should also have added:

5. Green Ronin's spell compendiums - I'm a big fan of having everythign in one place, and of havign the ltest errata in the descriptions. I will buy this one depending on which d20 products are referenced by it.


First Post
A World Builder's Handbook that steers away from the level of climate/physical detail that the other Dungeons and Dragons one seemed to settle on. It's probably not going to happen but I would like to see a nice long template for me to be able to plug in features like politics, government, organizations, societal factors, and whatnot which really drive home the act of world-building. It's entirely possible such a book would be heavy and long winded and maybe only good for a lesser percent of the gaming community but that is a book I would spend $40 on and not think twice.

MT/E-tools? I am really happy with Campaign Suite, but it might be nice to see a program capable of handling in-game combat and skill checks with a click of the button. Right now DM's Familiar is the only option and it's not quite versatile enough for me to add every PrC, Feat or whatever odd thing I can find in Dragon alone. I don;t think E-Tools will provide that though.



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Looking forward

I like atmosphere, modularity and options (whether I use them or not).

Nyambe: African Adventures
All of the above. I like the real-world ethnographic and mythological connections.

So long as it's pretty, I'll read it for experimental purposes alone. It's not if Farscape can be done in d20, but how AEG has done it.

Traps & Treachery II
I don't have it yet.

Green Ronin's spell compendiums
A great idea that I'm thrilled to see in practice.

I'm forgetting stuff, sure.

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