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What are You Looking Forward To?

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Stuff that I'm looking forward to (in no particular order):

Nyambe. It's a big chunk of human myth that hasn't been covered in detail yet.

Underworld, 2nd Edition. I followed the design columns for this game on rpg.net pretty closely, back in the day. The setting really interests me, but the system doesn't; since there will be a d20 conversion in the second edition, I might actually get to play it now.

Farscape. I probably won't ever get to play this one, since I'm the only one in my group who watches the show, but I want it anyway.

Pirates and Musketeers from AEG. Swashbuckling is good. Plus, the sample setting will be Theah, which includes faux-Elizabethans and faux-Russians, along with fate magic, shapeshifting, courtly intrigue . . . these are a few of my favorite things.

The Dangerous Land of Zo. Nothing's been heard from New Retro Games in months, so this is probably vaporware. I still want it.

The Epic Level book. Our Greyhawk campaign has been running fior about 15 real-time years, and we're well into Epic levels by now (using FRCS and now Dieties and Demigods rules.) This will make my life soooo much easier.

Stuff that I've playtested for. I'm not as feverish in my anticipation for this stuff, since I already essentially have it, but I look forward to holding the books; in particular I look forward to the Liber Beastarius, the Second World campaign setting, and Oathbound.


First Post
Re: Looking forward

Word said:

Green Ronin's spell compendiums
A great idea that I'm thrilled to see in practice.

I second that. I'm also looking forward to Hammer and Helm and Book of the Righteous from GR (320 pages of pantheon and churches; sign me up!).

Nyambe looks like it'll be cool.

Monster Manual II.

Any issue of Dungeon/Poly. The best bargain in gaming.

Path of the Sword (FFG). Maybe fighters will finally get a decent book.

Demon/devil counters from Fiery Dragon. I love this kind of crossover product.

It's interesting seeing other people's lists. There's stuff on them I wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole, but I guess variety is one of the benefits of d20.


First Post
D20 Modern - We need to standardize some rules. I hope that other publishers are getting some sort of sneak peek at the rules because otherwise we will havewe a bunch of non compatible material. That's frustrating. I also hope it sells like gangbusters so that maybe we'll be ale to see not only additional support material but "D20 Future" which IMO is sorely needed.

Mutants & Masterminds - I'd love to be able to play The Authority or Planetary some day. I'm a fan of games like Aberrant so hopefully this will allow me to do play that setting as well.

Scarred Lands Campaign Setting - It should be out any day now. finally we'll have a good look at the Ghelspad instead of snipets here and there.

E-Tools - I've always had a kick creating PC's and NPC's. It's a passtime when I'm not reading gaming material or actually gaming. This should make it easier. Hopefully they'll build upon it.

Windhaven - I love cities. The only thing better is a detailed city.

I'll second that request for a Burning Sands campaign, although I think it might be a couple years away.


First Post
What I'm not looking forward to:
I'm dreading the Epic-Level Handbook because one of my groups is full of rules lawyer/power gamer types who want to squeeze the rules for everything they've got.
I'm also a bit apprehensive about d20 modern because having looked at Shadow Chasers and the other main d20 modern game around, Spycraft, I get the feeling I'll just be comparing the two and there's little to no way that Modern could compare.
I am looking forward to d20 Modern though as it might make an interesting setting despite a cover that has very little character. The Shadow Chasers setting looks interesting but you do know Eden Studios is doing a Buffy RPG?
If Dark Matter is carried through to d20 Modern then I'll be over it like a rash, but I get the feeling it won't be.

What I am looking forward to:
Kenzer & Co's Villain Handbook. Their Player's Guide was brilliant and they have done so much with Hackmaster that I'll almost blindly trust them with my money. One thing, is the Kingdoms of Kalamar Player's Guide going to be noticed by WotC as a real book? Will they cite it or acknowledge it as Core Rulebook IV when Monster Manual II comes out?

Anything Spycraft/Shadowforce Archer. I was in love with the system and the game last September at GenCon UK at a demo of it and have preached it to my customers. It's leaving the shop as fast as the PHB did when it first arrived.

Swashbuckling Adventures. My group have moaned to me about how 'complicated' 7th Sea is. I love swashbucking and fence regularly so that annoyed me. Now we can do it d20. The only thing is that they've gotten irritated with everything being d20. But I'm interested to see how they've fitted that many classes in one book.

Chaosium's books for Cthulhu d20. The main book was brilliant (thanks to a lot of the Dark Matter team being behind it), Chaosium are a great company and I think their books will sell just as well in d20 (see, I'm thinking as the concerned retailer as well as a GM of two groups).

Dragonlance d20. I LOVE KENDER!

Fading Suns d20 products. I want to see if they can help promote a non-pavlovian approach to the d20 system and help not to encourage those power-gamers.

Finally one thing I really like is that the d20 system is getting the other companies to think about what they're doing.
-White Wolf's Storyteller System: Still going strong, big revamps for Dark Ages and still the best fluff in the business filling their pages (not an insult, I LOVE their Hunter books).
-Hackmaster: I wish people wouldn't just scoff and say "It's a gag game." It is, but it is a real RPG as well.
-Unisystem: Huh? Who? I only found out recently, it's the system behind the cool All Flesh Must Be Eaten who are doing the Buffy RPG.
-CODA: Decipher's d20 rip off? I think not. It's actually more of an Alternity meets d6 system.

Hopefully one of these companies will produce enough good competition that WotC will finally pull their fingers out and publish something good (Stronghold Builder's Guide???) and on time.

Anyway, that's all my rantings. Enjoy them. Shout back if needs be but make it constructive. My WotC zombie customers give me un-backed up arguments and blind faith in a higher power to last me a lifetime.

Chosen 23

Erik Mona

The City of the Spider Queen is seventh, because I'm planning an underdark campaign using all the material from 1st-3rd edition I can get my hands on and culminating with "Queen of the Demonweb Pits"

You'll really want to pick up Dragon 298, then, which features wall to wall drow. The Living Greyhawk section has a 16-page article on Erelhei-Cinlu, the metropolis that straddles the line between the Upper and Lower vault. I think the article will really help your proposed campaign, and it's a heck of a read, to boot.



First Post
Erik Mona said:
The City of the Spider Queen is seventh, because I'm planning an underdark campaign using all the material from 1st-3rd edition I can get my hands on and culminating with "Queen of the Demonweb Pits"

You'll really want to pick up Dragon 298, then, which features wall to wall drow. The Living Greyhawk section has a 16-page article on Erelhei-Cinlu, the metropolis that straddles the line between the Upper and Lower vault. I think the article will really help your proposed campaign, and it's a heck of a read, to boot.


You should also check out DUNGEON #94, which has a fantastic adventure tied to City of the Spider Queen. Your foes aren't drow though, but another greatly feared Underdark race.

Mmmm . . . brains . . .


1) D20 Modern
2) Farscape
3) Mutants & Masterminds
4) Silver Age Sentinels d20 (more of a tie with M&M alphabetically)
5) T20 Traveller's Handbook

Obviously, I'm more inclined to new games than unmarked D&D supplements at this point...

Things I'd really like to see:

1) D20 Future (with Star Frontiers and Gamma World among the sample worlds)
2) Mystara D20
3) Stargate SG-D20 :D


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On my list for must have -

Farscape d20 : All about the setting and characters. AEG does setting and characters well, so I'm all there.

Monsternomicon: I adore the Iron Kingdoms setting just off the little bit I've seen in the Witchfire Trilogy. Must have more IK.

Monster Manual II: Need more critters to kill PC's with. Plus since I do RPGA stuff, "official" sources of critters is even better.

Mutants and Masterminds: Hoping and praying that this is a supers game that I can stand.



First Post
Chosen23 said:

I'm also a bit apprehensive about d20 modern because having looked at Shadow Chasers and the other main d20 modern game around, Spycraft, I get the feeling I'll just be comparing the two and there's little to no way that Modern could compare.
I am looking forward to d20 Modern though as it might make an interesting setting despite a cover that has very little character. The Shadow Chasers setting looks interesting but you do know Eden Studios is doing a Buffy RPG?
If Dark Matter is carried through to d20 Modern then I'll be over it like a rash, but I get the feeling it won't be.
Chosen 23

Talk about different opinions. Spycraft is OK but they changed too much when it comes to combat to make it compatible with D&D. Normally I wouldn't care but I just don't understand why they did it. D20 COC didn't need it.

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