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What Aspect Mini Do You Most Want to See?

blargney the second

blargney the minute's son
Nightfall said:
Yeah but if they don't interfere...why would they send aspects?
Aspects are not the same as avatars. An avatar is consciously sent by a god to permit them to take direct actions. Aspects are wholly separate creatures that can be spontaneously created without a god's awareness or necessarily even involvement.

Worshippers of The Mockery could undertake a ritual that results in the manifestation of an aspect of the god. It'd probably flay then eat them, but they could conceivably do it. :)

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Jubilex and Gruumsh head my list. In addition to my fondness for the personages themselves, they would be visually interesting. Jubilex could double for many of the stranger oozes, and Gruumsh could double for a buffed cleric or even some kind of giant.

Brother Richard

First Post

I would like an aspect of Grazzt if there is not already one because i have a mountebank from Dragon Compendium thats serves Grazzt in one campaign I am in.


Penguin Herder
Grazzt would be cool.
Shar would be interesting.
Pazuzu! Everyone loves Pazuzu.

How 'bout some love for the Nine: Geryon? Levistus? Dispater? Bel? (Actually Bel would be my 1st choice: he'd be an excellent "different" Pit Fiend if your PCs are going to face two of them at a time.)

-- N


Sage of the Scarred Lands
Sammael said:
Considering that Demogorgon is often though of as the most useless rare of the Archfiends set, I think the chance of him appearing again is equal to zero. Orcus can proxy for a lot of stuff, so I wouldn't mind him, but the current no-repeats policy makes the likelyness of that happening very slim.

Yeah well I keep hoping the no repeat policy will be re-considered as minis start to be come scarce.

blargney the second,

True but the fact is I still don't see a lot of call for aspects of any of the gods in Eberron since supposedly they a) don't interfere and b) many clerics are corrupt and might end up summoning fiends instead. Just saying.

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