WotC What MTG/D&D crossover material would you want to see?


So you could have spent your time doing other things instead of adding nothing to the thread?
I add something. Some of us maybe don't want the D&D team loose time for any crossover with a game that we don't like. I am against any game you have to pay for win. So, in my opinion D&D should stop any interaction with magic. The magic settings are just a waste of time. I would prefer a new original setting or some rules for the mass combat or some more modularity.
That said, how I spend my time is not your problem :)

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A crossover Eldraine/Witchlight shouldn't be totally impossible.

Other option could be a Phyrexian invasion in the plane of Mechanus, but then the sheens, other specie of biomecanical horrors also appear in the scene, and both are tainted mutually.

* The new settings of M:tG are being designed as potential multimedia franchises.

* Jakandor could be recycled as a new setting for M:tG

I add something. Some of us maybe don't want the D&D team loose time for any crossover with a game that we don't like. I am against any game you have to pay for win. So, in my opinion D&D should stop any interaction with magic. The magic settings are just a waste of time. I would prefer a new original setting or some rules for the mass combat or some more modularity.
That said, how I spend my time is not your problem :)

Ok. So I just understood the thread title differently... and your answer... maybe because it was so short that it sounded like a general: WotC evil, never buy anything again answer.
So that was my fault then for reading wrong things into it.

I wouldn't say they are committed to it. IIRC, only one of the two settings this year is to have a similar format. Planescape was supposed have the slipcase format (though the size of the books is unknown) and the Phaldelver Campaign setting is not supposed to be in that format.

However, personally I love the 3-book w/ slipcase format. I don't think the execution was great with Spelljammer, but I welcome them giving it another try. I think the would be best served by not forcing any one book to be a particular length and just make them as larges as needed.
If they were as large as needed I would obviously have zero objection, because that would be an entirely different situation.

At that point, things are a little wasteful (both in extra tree deaths - I feel like those covers have to kill as many trees as like 30-60 pages lol - and in price), but there's no inherent problem.

However 64/64/64 regardless of need, which was DEFINITELY what they did with Spelljammer is just awful, and it'll be awful when they do it to poor innocent Planescape too. Hasn't Planescape been abused enough (c.f. Faction War, 4E DMG 2 and so on)?!?!?!



If they were as large as needed I would obviously have zero objection, because that would be an entirely different situation.
Sure, but "...as large as needed..." is different for different people. Now, it is almost universally (but not quite) agreed that Spelljammer did not hit that mark.
However 64/64/64 regardless of need, which was DEFINITELY what they did with Spelljammer is just awful,...
Well again, I don't necessarily have an issue with the page count (though I am not a fan of apparently arbitrary symmetry), but it is what you put on those pages that is important.
...and it'll be awful when they do it to poor innocent Planescape too.
Do we know Planescape will have the same 64/64/64 page count? I suspect it will, but I thought we only new it is planned to 3 books in a slip case?
Hasn't Planescape been abused enough (c.f. Faction War, 4E DMG 2 and so on)?!?!?!
What happened in the 4e DMG 2, I don't recall?

Do we know Planescape will have the same 64/64/64 page count? I suspect it will, but I thought we only new it is planned to 3 books in a slip case?
We don't know-know, but it seems highly likely given it was described as being fundamentally similar to the SJ approach, and I think if it was different, they'd highlight that as the SJ approach didn't seem that well-regarded. Whatever the format it was probably locked in many months ago, because producing a slipcover three-book set has to involve a hell of a lot more planning than producing a one-book format. So it may be from before SJ was released even.
What happened in the 4e DMG 2, I don't recall?
Basically the situation at the end of Faction War, which Monte Cook swears he intended to be temporary, is made permanent. Sigil, instead of being this wildly diverse and colourful city where the Factions ineptly-but-enthusiastically run various parts of it (often in conflict/overlap with each other), becomes a city where a handful of three-letter-acronym organisations which run everything, which gives it a strangely "small, insular Midwestern city" vibe instead of the "wild cosmic-crossroads metropolis" vibe it had before.


Basically the situation at the end of Faction War, which Monte Cook swears he intended to be temporary, is made permanent. Sigil, instead of being this wildly diverse and colourful city where the Factions ineptly-but-enthusiastically run various parts of it (often in conflict/overlap with each other), becomes a city where a handful of three-letter-acronym organisations which run everything, which gives it a strangely "small, insular Midwestern city" vibe instead of the "wild cosmic-crossroads metropolis" vibe it had before.
Sounds like a ready made adventure / plot hook to me ;)

Return of the Factions

Coming to a bookstore near you!
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Sounds like and ready made adventure / plot hook to me ;)

Return of the Factions

Coming to a bookstore near you!
Yeah and in another edition I could have seen that (indeed Monte Cook was writing it, he claims, for 2E, before he was told they were done), but 5E's "NO FOLLOWUPS!!!!" policy means that's dead in the water (outside of maybe some obscure DM's Guild product).


Yeah and in another edition I could have seen that (indeed Monte Cook was writing it, he claims, for 2E, before he was told they were done), but 5E's "NO FOLLOWUPS!!!!" policy means that's dead in the water (outside of maybe some obscure DM's Guild product).
I am not sure what you mean by no follow ups, but they have not been shy about retcons in 5e.

Also, I was talking about a good adventure / plot hook for 4e, not 5e. Though I guess the same could be true for 5e, but I expect them to change the lore in 5e rather than have an adventure to change the lore.


I think they should end the idea of merging D&D and M:tG - and instead build an RPG system designed to work with the concepts of M:tG rather than shoehorn it in where the mechanics of the D&D system do not serve the M:tG Lore. D&D, for example, does not handle multiple summons right now - and that is essential to doing M:tG justice. If they do that, I'd say start at the beginning Dominaria, as the core setting.

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