WotC What MTG/D&D crossover material would you want to see?

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It would be. I especially think a campaign set during fallen empires just as the ice age is about to begin would be an interesting setting, it'd have that sense if impending doom as the world slowly freezes.
I think the Dark Age on Terisiare and the wea of Fallen Empires in Sarpadia were roughly concurrent as well so you might could get a twofer.


If I ever get to run Curse of Strahd it will be set in Innistrad with an all human adventuring party. The imagery from the art book is so vivid.
Much the same. It was the imagery from the art that really pulled me in. I would be tempted to use Shadow of the Demon Lord to run it.

A New Phyrexia level 1-20 Megadungeon adventure, like the New Phyrexia in the last story screamed a megadungeon adventure with descending through it's 9 spheres.

The problem with crossovers is most of the MtG settings are designed to be good settings for D&D, although I suspect that the rest of Arcvious might eventually be expanded into a kind of D&D setting, I mean it's weird how they did a huge map for the main contenient and the edges of the second when so it really had very little connection to the Strixhaven set. Plus the D&D races in Strixhaven Cirrulum and of Chaos.


Honestly the whole Dark - Fallen Empires - Ice Age - Alliances - Coldsnap era would be great.
I don't want to give WOTC money, but throw in a Brothers War book, a Weatherlight Saga/1st Phyrexian War Book, and content for Serra's Realm and Homelands, and I'd happily buy it all...


I mean it looks like the current plan for MTG is to reboot and go back to the beginning and do the classic expansions with a modern sensibility so why not do D&D tie-ins?


... Players in a MtG setting aren't planeswalkers summoning minions to attack another planeswalker, they're the people in the setting living in that world. ...
If you're doing M:tG as an RPG, the PCs should have the option to become Planeswalkers - and to have mechanics that support that design. It is the core of M:tG.


If you're doing M:tG as an RPG, the PCs should have the option to become Planeswalkers - and to have mechanics that support that design. It is the core of M:tG.
Sure, but I don't think that summoning is core to being a planeswalker, it's a core part of the card game, but not a core part of the story anymore. I also think that being a planeswalker is separate to have a MtG plane as a campaign setting, planeswalkers aren't all that important if wanting to play a game in Kamigawa, Theros, or Dmoninaria.


Sure, but I don't think that summoning is core to being a planeswalker, it's a core part of the card game, but not a core part of the story anymore. I also think that being a planeswalker is separate to have a MtG plane as a campaign setting, planeswalkers aren't all that important if wanting to play a game in Kamigawa, Theros, or Dmoninaria.
Without the facets that tie it to Magic, these are just fairly generic fantasy realms. What makes it a M:tG setting is the manifestation of the mechanics of M:tG.

We need Planeswalkers, summoning magic, magic based upon colors, mechanics to support all those variations on blue magic manipulation, etc.... I've played a couple short M:tG setting D&D games - and they disappointed for not feeling like what they are advertised to be.

Let's be honest. There isn't that much special about the M:tG worlds outside the lore - and if the rules are not there to suppor the lore, you're not going to get the feel of the setting right.

Voidrunner's Codex

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