WotC What MTG/D&D crossover material would you want to see?


I think they should end the idea of merging D&D and M:tG - and instead build an RPG system designed to work with the concepts of M:tG rather than shoehorn it in where the mechanics of the D&D system do not serve the M:tG Lore. D&D, for example, does not handle multiple summons right now - and that is essential to doing M:tG justice. If they do that, I'd say start at the beginning Dominaria, as the core setting.

The MtG stories accompanying the sets don't really do anything about the MtG mechanics and summoning either though, does it? It feels like D&D couldn't approximate the cards, but would do a better job of approximating the stories.
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Book-Friend, he/him
though I am not a fan of apparently arbitrary symmetry
Not really arbitrary: 64 pages is 4 16-page folios bound together, and the combined page count is similar to other full length 5E books, so I presume it was budgeted that way to maintain the price point.


A5e 3rd Party Publisher!



I think they should end the idea of merging D&D and M:tG - and instead build an RPG system designed to work with the concepts of M:tG rather than shoehorn it in where the mechanics of the D&D system do not serve the M:tG Lore. D&D, for example, does not handle multiple summons right now - and that is essential to doing M:tG justice. If they do that, I'd say start at the beginning Dominaria, as the core setting.
I don't think summoning is all that important for a MtG setting, since you're using the setting not playing the game. Players in a MtG setting aren't planeswalkers summoning minions to attack another planeswalker, they're the people in the setting living in that world. While I would have liked the colours of magic to come into it a bit more, I still think the current settings we do have were well done reproductions of individual planes and I'd like to see more of them.

Yeah and in another edition I could have seen that (indeed Monte Cook was writing it, he claims, for 2E, before he was told they were done), but 5E's "NO FOLLOWUPS!!!!" policy means that's dead in the water (outside of maybe some obscure DM's Guild product).

I might end up writing such a product since I've been compiling planar lore for my series of deity lore pamphlets on DMsGuild.

That said, I think Kamigawa Neon Dynasty would be an interesting crossover as cyber-mage-punk is one of the areas yet to be explored in official DnD settings (Eberron is magepunk but not quite cyber).

Voidrunner's Codex

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