• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

What old books do you still own? The first OD&D box anyone?


at one time in my life i owned a literal ton of RPG stuff.

practically needed a forklift to get my stuff around.

currently i've got maybe 800 lbs worth in my current location. my parents' attic has a bunch of my original stuff. all of that is well loved and purely for game use only. no collector would want my cola stained booklets.

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First Post
I've got the 1e DMG. It was to first D&D book I ever owned...and I got in in ~2003-2004. For the tables. Especially the Parasitic Infestation table.

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
My oldest stuff, probably in order:

Metamorphosis Alpha (1st edition - my first ever RPG, yay!)
Supplement 1, Greyhawk
Supplement 2, Blackmoor
Dragon issue #4

Other milestones include
1e DMG (one of the first 400 to arrive in the UK)
RuneQuest 2nd edition
Traveller 1st edition


Entire Planescape product line*.
Select Ravenloft Van Richtens Guides
2e FR Deity Book Trio F&A, P&P, DD.

1e MM2
1e Deities, Demigods & Heros w/ Cthulhu etc
1e Manual of the Planes

*(though we will not talk about the O'Henry'esque tale behind my finally getting that still sealed, mint copy of 'Hellbound the Blood War', 'tis a sad sad expen$ive story...)


First Post
A few old items

I own:

1981 Fiend Folio
1983 Red books (players and daungeon master)
1983 Expert players book
1985 Master players book
1985 Book of Marvelous Magic
1987 Forgotten Realms-DM Soursebook of the Realms
1988 Forgotten Realms- The Magister
1989 Greyhawk Adventure-Gargolye
1990 The Complete Wizards Handbook
1991 The Complete Psionics Handbook
1992 Dark-Sun The City-State of Nibenay
1992 Ravenloft-Oaths of Evil
1995 Shaman
1996 Players Option: Spells and Magic

Infernal Teddy

Thanks to the fleamarkets I own the german "red box" first edition OD&D, and the 1983 boxed set of the World of Greyhawk. Other old bits are the german version of the rules cyclopedia and the city of greyhawk boxed set.


First Post
OD&D boxed set--but, man, are those three booklets beat. Little did I know I wasn't supposed to write in them. And paperstock covers aren't great for longevity.

Supplement I -- Chainmail


Demon Lord
I still have all of my pre-1E and 1E (as well as 2E) stuff. Never have gotten rid of any of it (been playing since 1981-82, so Ive collected quite a bit of stuff).

Just a bit of what I have:

* The 'white box' D&D set
* The red box set (Basic), Blue (Expert), and so on
* All of the 1E hardbacks (PH, DMG [both covers], MM, MM2, FF, DDG, UA, and so on)
* ALL 1E, Basic, Expert, Companion, and Master series modules
* All Dragon magazines from that era (including the pre-Dragon Strategic Reviews)
* The original miniature box sets (Fighters, Rangers, Paladins; Clerics, Druids; etc.)
* All of the original D&D supplements (Greyhawk, Blackmoor, Eldritch Wizardry, etc)


First Post
Funny this thread came up. One of my players surprised me at today's session by giving me the gift of a near mint 1E Monster Manual that he got free from someone who gave away all of the gaming supplies when they moved.



Moldvey era Basic and Expert (great, great books). The book of maps (Dungeon Geomorphs).
1st ed. PHB (demon statue cover), DMG (efreeti holding the babe cover), MM, MMII, FF, Dieties and Demigods, Unearthed Arcana (falling apart), Oriental Adventures (REALLY falling apart), The "Rogues Gallery" book (lots of NPC's).

I had other stuff (followed Mentzer's stuff to the Masters), but don't have them no more. And none of the above is anything like mint, although the first ed. phb, dmg, mm and ff are surprisingly durable.

Someday, I will play a 1st edition dual-class 13th Assassin/14th Illusionist. Some day... :)

If you guys want to get 1st ed PHBs, by the way, there is a gaming store in vancouver selling em for like $10. (Drexoll's Games). I am sure that they could be gotten in other stores, ebay, etc.

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