What should I run next? (5e PBP)


So here is an interesting playtest report:
I'm stating up this Sorcerer, and he has over twice as many spells as a normal 5e human Draconic Sorcerer of the same level.

Yeah, I'm not sure how you got to that, myself. Care to show your math? (Curious, not doubting).
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Steve Gorak

No, there are no +1 Feats at first level.

If you're going to play with the playtest material, you should play with the playtest material. And NO, I am not going to allow PAM and GWM as Level One feats. Sorry!

Please do not use this as a chance to go crazy OP. Thanks!

(The Echo Knight is fine, though!)
Thanks for the echo knight.
FYI, I wasn’t planning on abusing, just noted some potential issues.



Thanks for the echo knight.
FYI, I wasn’t planning on abusing, just noted some potential issues.

Yeah, sorry if that sounded terse. I meant it more lightheartedly & friendlier than it came across. I meant it, but I didn't mean it with any negativity, if that makes sense. Just "watch it, buddy!" in a good-natured kind of way.


Possibly a Idiot.
OK, lets see if I am doing this right.

A featless level 5 human draconic sorcerer has 5 cantrips and 6 leveled spells. As per the table.

This Ardling Aberrant Mind Sorcerer picked up the new Magic Initiate (Arcane) for level 1, and also picked up Telekinetic at level 4 to reinforce the "mind powers" theme. The Ardling race gives out 1 Cantrip, 1 level 1 spell, and 1 level 2 spell. Magic Initiate (Arcane) gives out 2 Cantrips, and 1 level 1 spell. Telekinetic gives out 1 Cantrip. And Aberant mind gives 1 Cantrip, 2 level 1 spells, 2 level 2 spells, and 2 level 3 spells.

Which gives:

5 Cantrips for the Class, 1 Cantrip for the Subclass, 1 Cantrip for the Race, 2 Cantrips from Magic Initiate (Arcane) and 1 more Cantrip for Telekinentic. For a total of 10 cantrips.

6 (leveled) spells known for the Class, 6 spells known for the Subclass, 2 spells known from the Race, and 1 more Spell from Magic Initiate (Arcane). For a total of 15 leveled spells.

Granted, the bulk of those extra spells came from just the subclass selection, but I am assuming that One D&D is going to go with that same kind of mechanic for all the sorcerer origins going forward because they keep doing it for new sorcerer subclasses. It is just really wild to see that much of a disparity.

Oh yes, I was also thinking about picking up Silvery Barbs, if that is going to be a problem let me know.
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Steve Gorak

OK, lets see if I am doing this right.

A featless level 5 human draconic sorcerer has 5 cantrips and 6 leveled spells. As per the table.

This Ardling Aberrant Mind Sorcerer picked up the new Magic Initiate (Arcane) for level 1, and also picked up Telekinetic at level 4 to reinforce the "mind powers" theme. The Ardling race gives out 1 Cantrip, 1 level 1 spell, and 1 level 2 spell. Magic Initiate (Arcane) gives out 2 Cantrips, and 1 level 1 spell. Telekinetic gives out 1 Cantrip. And Aberant mind gives 1 Cantrip, 2 level 1 spells, 2 level 2 spells, and 2 level 3 spells.

Which gives:

5 Cantrips for the Class, 1 Cantrip for the Subclass, 1 Cantrip for the Race, 2 cantrips from Magic Initiate (Arcane) and 1 more Cantrip for Telekinentic. For a total of 10 cantrips.

6 (leveled) spells known for the Class, 6 spells known for the Subclass, 2 spells known from the Race, and 1 more Spell from Magic Initiate (Arcane). For a total of 15 leveled spells.

Granted, the bulk of those extra spells came from just the subclass selection, but I am assuming that One D&D is going to go with that same kind of mechanic for all the sorcerer origins going forward because they keep doing it for new sorcerer subclasses. It is just really wild to see that much of a disparity.

Oh yes, I was also thinking about picking up Silvery Barbs, if that is going to be a problem let me know.
Take it, it’s really useful ;-)
Also, the psionic spells tend to target int saves. This is amazing agains dumb opponents (ex: ogres and hill giants).
Have fun ;-)


Steve Gorak

Yeah, sorry if that sounded terse. I meant it more lightheartedly & friendlier than it came across. I meant it, but I didn't mean it with any negativity, if that makes sense. Just "watch it, buddy!" in a good-natured kind of way.
No worries. My goal isn’t to make an op character because they get boring.
Question for you: how far back in the unearthed arcanas can we go ? There is mention of level 1 feats in strixhaven if I’m not mistaken. The plane touched level 1 feats also make sense. So it there a cutoff?
Thanks and cheers,



Playtesting is voluntary. I will answer these questions in order:
Oh yes, I was also thinking about picking up Silvery Barbs, if that is going to be a problem let me know.
Silvery Barbs is a bit of a pain in PBP, but I'm pretty used to it. Just remind me the conditions under which you plan to use it, and accept when I blow your spell slots.
Question for you: how far back in the unearthed arcanas can we go ?
We're not playing with UAs other than the 1D&D (latest) one.
Just to make sure I'm not doing this wrong, we should take a (reasonable) extra feat even if we're not using the 1D&D playtest stuff?
Yes, that would be fine. I'm only a little concerned with feat power. I don't mind ONE of the "usual offenders" - but 3 of them at level 5 would be too much for me.
And we need to define “reasonable”. For example, I humbly believe sharpshooter is very “reasonable” ;-)
LOL. It's not reasonable (IMO) as a L1 feat, but it could be your L4 feat.
I thought we were either only doing the play test document (not all UA) or 5.0 RAW (with perhaps a free feat at 1st), but will defer to Fitz.
Right. You can chose to playtest, then you should use the playtest document and be reasonable when combining things (I'll have to look) OR you can just make a regular character with a free feat. You cannot mix-and-match partial playtesting and partial old stuff (IE take the playtest human and background to get two O5e feats at Level One). I'm not saying that you can't use old feats (we need more options), just be reasonable about whether you believe that those feats could possibly count as "Level 1" under the playtest philosophy.

In all things, Rule of FUN will win, but sometimes that means "don't ruin anyone else's fun (including mine) with your OP monstrosity".

Don't sweat it too much. It'll be a little clunky until the books are out!

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