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What STICKY is your STICKY?

Which of the STICKY threads do you use?

  • Maps and Other Campaign Resources

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • pbp Ettiquette Guide

    Votes: 4 25.0%
  • The Divine Records of Exalted Deeds and Vile Darkness

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • The Play By Post FAQ

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • None of Them

    Votes: 7 43.8%


This poll is about the four different sticky threads we have in these two forums concerning the PbP games here on the boards. I'm interested in condensing these threads a bit, taking Kitanna's thread and William Ronalds and adding them to the FAQ... and cleaning up the FAQ.

I'm polling to find out what's most useful. Please select all of the STICKY threads you use, and submit your answer for me. If you have any comments or ideas concerning this stuff, or I guess anything having to do with the forum, I'm really anxious to find out.

I'm thinking that the Etiquette Guide is really redundant with the FAQ already around, but that's just my opinion. I want to find out what the rest of you want, afterall, I'm only doing this job so that I can make these forums better.

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First Post
I don't think that the Etiquette guide is redundant at all. It is an an OOC thing and should stay in the OOC forums. These threads are not about the same things, so they should not be rolled into one. I wonder why there is a perceived need to roll everything up into the FAQ which I know for a fact some people have avoided reading because of what it has developed into something not very FAQish at all.

All of the other threads cover different things then the FAQ, they should not be swallowed up into something that isn't even suggestive of them. Unless you plan on renaming the FAQ:

FAQ + Etiquette guide + Maps and Other Campaign Resources

Its a bad idea. A very bad idea because people wont even know that these things exist, and that would mean that in a few weeks the threads will pop up again. I know that Gary was the one that Stickied the Etiquette Guide, so I would leave moving or unstiky-ing that thread up to him.

Though a good cleaning of in-jokes and other off topic things from these threads would be very welcome.
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Well, actually, since I can't remember the last time I talked to GaryH, I've been plotting the complete revision of the FAQ if that helps. I was going to go for something more vague and applicable, in particular, something that uses the wisdom of the concepts behind the Eric's Grandmother rule.

I'm also of the opinion that the Etiquette guide is rather useless, since every game and situation is different, and isn't worded properly just yet.

Exactly how do you plan on using it? The use that I've foreseen is it's use as a mandate or dictation, and that just isn't it's purpose. It's meant to overlook mandates and dictation and provide a little advice, is it not?

Williams works are very useful, but I don't think that it's an 'announcement' that needs to be permanently assigned to the forum, so my goal is de-stick it and leave it as easy to find as possible. If I get down to the revised version of the FAQ, it'll have links like that a-plenty since they happen to be things people can always use more of.

Also, does anyone think we could use a list of 'free-source' material? I know that having links to the SRD are everywhere, but there are other free service things that I could see being very applicable to different games.

Edit: Namely things like Monte's Ranger, the Mind's Eye, the alternate Psionics PrCs, and other such 'more common' variants from the normal classes.
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I voted "None of Them"

I agree with Creamsteak in that the PBP Etiquitte seems a bit redundant. Most of it is a given and I haven't seen that many rude players, if any, in all of the PBP games I've joined in (and that's ALOT of games! ;))

The FAQ doesn't seem too useful in its current incarnation, but I'm sure its a help to other players.

I applaud William Ronald for his thread, although I don't really use it myself. Perhaps if it was unstickied it could be given a link in the FAQ thread.


Yeah the Ettiquette thread seems fairly self-evident, I mean thats pretty much how things went before it existed. Well apart from the Live for The Swarm Thing, which I think doesn't need to be done anyway.

I don't really use any of the others, but FAQs and Directories are certainly useful, and a Maps thread and a Resources thread seem appropriate too.


First Post
The Etiquette guide isn't about diction. Its common sense things to understand and remember. It isn't specific to any games unless you believe this only applies to specific games.

4. Be careful of the language you use. What may seem ok to you maybe be offensive to someone else. Keep in mind that this is a multicultural community. My suggestion is to keep it as neutral as possible unless you know the person and know it is ok for them.

Well, actually, since I can't remember the last time I talked to GaryH, I've been plotting the complete revision of the FAQ if that helps.

No, not really, if you are going to do something to a thread he has specifically done something with, it is only polite to ask his permission to do it.

Williams works are very useful, but I don't think that it's an 'announcement' that needs to be permanently assigned to the forum, so my goal is de-stick it and leave it as easy to find as possible. If I get down to the revised version of the FAQ, it'll have links like that a-plenty since they happen to be things people can always use more of.

Also, does anyone think we could use a list of 'free-source' material? I know that having links to the SRD are everywhere, but there are other free service things that I could see being very applicable to different games

Well the title of that announcement is Maps and OTHER CAMPAIGN RESOURCES, it would be the right place to insert those other materials. There is simply no need for massive changes, unless changes must be made just for the sake of changing something.

Hrm, originally I wasn't going to add this, but since people are undecided a bit I'd like to voice out my opinion about the PBP Etiquitte Guide, no offense to Kitana or the rest.

I honesty don't see a single use for it, most people already adhere to the rules-it's a bit obvious. The people who are rude or disrupting to other games certainly wouldn't read those rules in the first place-or if they did, it wouldn't really effect them.

Furthermore, I think its a little bit overly haughty or arrogant that some people post what rules that they think others should follow, it's just their opinion, they're entitled to it-but why should others follow through? As I said, I really don't see a point in it.

Just my 2 copper.
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Guilt Puppy

First Post
The etiquette guide can probably be condensed into a "What rules of etiquette apply to PbP?" paragraph of the FAQ. Leave it sticked for a while in case there's any other useful suggestions people haven't posted, but ultimately I don't think it needs a whole thread.


First Post
I think they're fine the way they are, though I don't really use any of them. Of course if this was my first time here they'd be more useful. However, I think if people are set on un-sticking them, then they should all be unstuck. Put these resources on their own page somewhere - a 'Guide to PbP at ENWorld.' As sticky threads they just create clutter, and also invite debate and commentary that's been less than constructive in some cases.


First Post
hiya all

The ettiquette thread was not intended to be a "you must follow these rules" thread. It was completely intended as a "suggestion" thread. People may or may not read it, and they of course can or cannot follow it at their leisure.

Its more a "how to work with others" thread which players of all levels of experience can read if they would like to see the differing opinions out there. The opinions posted (and yes the ettiquette thread is really about opinions on pbp ettiquette) are not regulated in any way other than I don't allow it to be used as a forum for attacking others.

Personally I find it an interesting read just to see what people's opinion on proper pbp ettiquette is.

I do agree with Krizzel's sentiments though.

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