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Wheel of Time Discussion - Spoilers(with book spoilers)


What a disappointing finale. Maybe Egwene is the real Dragon Reborn. She's the only character remotely true to the books. I will never understand the desire to make an adaptation that completely disrespects the source material. This show is an inconsistent mess

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My only real complaint is that they should have given Rand and Ishy like 20 - 30 seconds more of a fight.

Beyond that, I thought the finale was pretty great. Mat blowing the Horn was awesome, and even the (rather funny) change to the Turok fight was OK by me. I also can't wait to see more of Moghedien and the other Forsaken next season!


What a disappointing finale. Maybe Egwene is the real Dragon Reborn. She's the only character remotely true to the books. I will never understand the desire to make an adaptation that completely disrespects the source material. This show is an inconsistent mess
I don't know, I've just completed the first book and am reading the second (but at the start of the book). Most of the time the two rivers folk seem pretty close to thir book counterparts to me. Maybe there are things later on the change them, or I'm bringing to much baggage from the show to my interpretation of the book.


I don't know, I've just completed the first book and am reading the second (but at the start of the book). Most of the time the two rivers folk seem pretty close to thir book counterparts to me. Maybe there are things later on the change them, or I'm bringing to much baggage from the show to my interpretation of the book.

I don’t think the spirit of the characters is significantly different from the books. They’ve just tried to establish some things in different ways because they don’t benefit from the internal monologue that prose allows, and because they’re going to need to condense 14 books worth of material into fewer seasons of television.

I thought that the second season was an improvement over the first. I really like the inclusion of the villains more directly. That happens later in the books and I think the showrunners were wise to incorporate it now. Lanfear and Ishamael, and Liandrin, were very interesting as a result.


Season 2 a big improvement.

Vastly exceeded expectations. It's actually good.


Rated it as a golden NZ lager.

will never understand the desire to make an adaptation that completely disrespects the source material.
I don't understand the desire to adapt second rate fantasy when there is so much better fantasy literature around (cough - Zelazny - cough) that has never been adapted.

Maybe because any changes can only be improvements?
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I quite enjoyed the finale.

Highlights: The Terry Pratchett quote "Guards! Guards!"; lets squeeze in cameos from all our PCs from previous campaigns; the pantomime villains.

Lowlight: "They're retreating!" Yes Lan, when ships retreat in a downwards direction we usually call it sinking.

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