Wheel of Time Discussion - Spoilers(with book spoilers)

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I quite enjoyed the finale.

Highlights: The Terry Pratchett quote "Guards! Guards!"; lets squeeze in cameos from all our PCs from previous campaigns; the pantomime villains.

Lowlight: "They're retreating!" Yes Lan, when ships retreat in a downwards direction we usually call it sinking.
Malkier wasn't known for its navy lol...


New Publisher
That was quite the spell Moiraine cast there at the end.....it is always an issue with magic, how powerful are they, and why not always that powerful?


New Publisher
I'm going to ask a question....but I only want you to answer with your knowledge from the tv show.....

What does the dark one want, exactly? I think we are led to believe it wants to break the wheel, and destroy everything, but I don't think all the Forsaken want to die.....also, wouldn't the dark lord die then too? Anyway, it isn't real clear why everyone wants to fight the dark lord, other than, you know, they are the BBEG....


That was quite the spell Moiraine cast there at the end.....it is always an issue with magic, how powerful are they, and why not always that powerful?

It varies from channeler to channeler, pretty significantly. Moiraine is very powerful, but Egwene and Nynaeve are both more powerfulthan she is. But since she’s an Aes Sedai she’s sworn the oaths and is generally not able to use the power as a weapon, except in defense of her life, that of her warder, or against the dark.

I'm going to ask a question....but I only want you to answer with your knowledge from the tv show.....

What does the dark one want, exactly? I think we are led to believe it wants to break the wheel, and destroy everything, but I don't think all the Forsaken want to die.....also, wouldn't the dark lord die then too? Anyway, it isn't real clear why everyone wants to fight the dark lord, other than, you know, they are the BBEG....

Reasonably sure that the Dark One wants to remake the world to his liking, not to destroy the wheel. It seems like Ishamael wanted to break the wheel and end everything.

That was quite the spell Moiraine cast there at the end.....it is always an issue with magic, how powerful are they, and why not always that powerful?
In D&D terms, Conjure Elemental (level 5) fits. Which would make her level 11+. Lan spends ten rounds of combat defending her whilst she casts it. She has line of sight, but is too far away to be counterspelled, shot with arrows, or even noticed. A very advantageous position for a spellcaster.


Reasonably sure that the Dark One wants to remake the world to his liking, not to destroy the wheel. It seems like Ishamael wanted to break the wheel and end everything.
Where Ishmael is concerned I would say that his goal is more selfish than that, though in practice it's a semantic difference. He wants to end his own turn on the wheel. He doesn't care that it means ending everyone else, as well.


Where Ishmael is concerned I would say that his goal is more selfish than that, though in practice it's a semantic difference. He wants to end his own turn on the wheel. He doesn't care that it means ending everyone else, as well.
Reasonably sure that the Dark One wants to remake the world to his liking, not to destroy the wheel. It seems like Ishamael wanted to break the wheel and end everything.
I think he wants to end the endless rebirth and cyclical nature of things because from his philosophical point of view it makes life irrelevant. Dying isn’t a problem it’s knowing that every time he dies he will return.


I'm going to ask a question....but I only want you to answer with your knowledge from the tv show.....

What does the dark one want, exactly? I think we are led to believe it wants to break the wheel, and destroy everything, but I don't think all the Forsaken want to die.....also, wouldn't the dark lord die then too? Anyway, it isn't real clear why everyone wants to fight the dark lord, other than, you know, they are the BBEG....
To be fair at this point Ishmael is the BBEG. You don’t really know much about the dark one.

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