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Where is the National Guard?

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Sky falling? No. Voter suppression? Yes.
I also note that whatever onerous restrictions you think the left are putting on gun ownership, somehow we manage to have more guns in Americans' hands than we have Americans.

If I'm being completely honest, I own six firearms.

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Harder to fully participate in defending yourself without exercising 2nd Amendment rights, though. Self-defense is much more primal than voting rights ('specially in our current Tweedledee vs. Tweedledum system).

A person without a firearm can fight with deadly force to protect her own life. A gun can make that fight more effective, but it can also lead to accidentally shooting yourself (which is especially common when there is a struggle for the gun). Put another way, you're confusing the ability to participate with the ability to win.


Naked and living in a barrel
That's an oversimplification. Yes, Islamic State uses religion for rhetoric and mobilization. They also happen to actually be Muslim fanatics. Yes, communism was used for rhetoric and mobilization...by communist fanatics.
Fascinating how you skipped my third example of people who use ideologies to mobilize people. So, the nationalists of the US revolution weren't fanatics? Only communists and islamists are fanatics?


There are myriad barriers (all erected by the left, or the statists, or both) on various forms of 2nd Amendment rights that are far more onerous than getting an ID (try the form for SBR/suppressor some time), and the left doesn't give a crap. Ergo, we're not really discussing principles when it come to voter ID.
Sure we're discussing principles. Here are mine!

I believe voter participation should be encouraged. Therefore, registration should be easy. At the very least no more difficult than it is currently. This is a principle.

I believe gun ownership should be neither encouraged or discouraged, however, it should be well-regulated. More so than it currently is, at the federal level, and with fewer loopholes in the sales of. This is also a principle. An entirely separate one, in fact!

I've got no truck with gun owners. I know them, have gone shooting with them, and respect their rights. Gun-fetishists, on the other hand, make me twitchy.

Also, what do you mean 'statists'? Is it like a dog-whistle for 'Communist' or something?
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Lord Twig

You're on the internet. Are we to believe that you only visit right wing sites?

That aside, you choose to characterize the entire right by way of your listening to a radio show. That's extremely ironic.

Yes, you are right. There are other sources that I use. So I go back to my original statement. It is the Right that is far more likely to misrepresenting the Left. I'm sure it does happen the other way around ("Cling to God and guns" for example), but it is far less prevalent.

Go back through this thread and see who assigns beliefs to the other side.

And again, I'm not assigning beliefs to the other side, I'm just pointing out that it has been done.


I want to clarify something. Morlock seems to think anyone not toeing his line is a leftist. Based on the things he's saying, that's like saying anyone left of Trump is a leftist. Which is pretty odd, to say the least. For example, the vast majority of Americans (something like 80%) support things like background checks. Clearly not all of those are leftists, or otherwise every city in every state would look like Portland, OR (with Koi fusion, clean streets, huge PRIDE parades, naked bike rides, unicycle Darth Vaders playing bagpipes, more microbreweries per capita than any other city, etc, etc).

I am not a leftist. I support equal rights for everyone, am against every from of bigotry (my son is black, so I've seen first hand what white privilege is and how it manifests), and fully support background checks, training, and regulation of firearms. That does not make me a leftist. I like to think that just makes me a regular person. Why would you have to be a leftist to support those things? The first half of them are taught in the Bible, and the second half are common sense.

I own several firearms, and grew up in rural areas around guns all my life. Here's a picture of me in the army. Because I support universal background checks on all gun sales and getting rid of the 3 day loophole (which would have prevented Dylan Roof from getting his gun if that loophole wasn't there), and support mandatory firearm training that makes me a leftist? I'm a pretty odd one then.

Oh, and Morlock keeps talking the tough guy talk about being ready to kill 24/7. That's such a load of bollocks. Let me tell you dude, from first hand experience. You don't ever want to know what it's like to kill another human being or see another human being get killed in front of you. EVER.


Lord Twig

I have 3 guns currently in my house. Now that my kids are getting older I'm considering getting rid of them.

My grandfather had a gun behind his bar. My dad always had a gun in the house. And in the past 80 years (okay, actually only 77 or 78. I think it goes back to 1938) we have never needed it. We did go out target shooting a few times, that was fun, but hardly worth risking having someone shot.

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