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D&D 5E Why the claim of combat and class balance between the classes is mainly a forum issue. (In my opinion)

If you want a dashing swordman, why do you take a 0 BAB class with average physical stats?
You purposefully build your swashbuckler weak to prove your point, but someone who wants a good combatant would build a good combatant instead of a ladies man with not much weapon training.

I had above average dex and con... And I have played very few 18 anything characters at 1st level so if the class only works with an 18dex it will never work for me

Is. 15 not good enough? What is? Can you show me where the books tell me that my second. Est stat is a sucky one?

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Here is the thing, lets take the (IMO) way you say shouldn't work. I don't see them ditching all physicals, but lets say they go 10 Str, 14 Dex, 13 Con 15 Int, 14 Wis 18 Cha... and they say "Well I'm a swashbuckler that always gets the girl, I'm also really smart, able to fight things smarter not harder"
He is a 1st level rogue, he is human so he gets 2 feats and says "Weapon finesse is awesome... I'll take that, and weapon prof in the rapier..." then he puts skill ranks in bluff and diplomacy and jump and tumble and cross class in know arct and engineer. He has +2 to hit for 1d6 damage with an 18+/x2 crit. he can with combat advantage deal +1d6 He has 7hp His AC is 13 or 14

The druid of the game takes a wolf... it has 13hp, +3 to hit 1d6+1 damage and trip
BUT... if the druid puts any buff up he shares it... so lets cast 1 spell... ?

That was my example +2 attack stat...

10 Str, 14 Dex, 13 Con 15 Int, 14 Wis 18 Cha... and they say "Well I'm a swashbuckler that always gets the girl, I'm also really smart, able to fight things smarter not harder"

So you build it better


So in your eyes a swashbuckler is someone who wins every fight he is in. If he doesn't, he is a poor fencer?
You have a bad habit of putting words in people's mouths.
What Mistwell said.

I will requote my post:

"Using" implies a certain competence, a capacity to use that rapier to genuine effect. And in D&D this is utterly tied to how many dice you roll for damage (plus your to hit bonus, your critical range, your static damage mods etc - if you want a summary expression, you could say it is wrapped up in your DPR).

For instance, if the typical duelist my swashbuckler will be facing has (say) 40 hp and deals 1d6+8 hp on a hit, and my swashbuckler PC has (say) 30 hp and deals 1d6+1 hp on a hit, then I have basically no chance of winning a duel with a typical duelist: assuming equal to hit chances, they will take me down in 3 blows, at which point I will have eliminated around one third of their hit points.

Under these conditions, within the fiction my character will be regarded - rightly - as a poor fencer
Nothing in that implies that a swashbuckler wins every fight s/he is in. It asserts (unambiguously) that a swashbuckler has a certain competence with the rapier, and that a so-called swashbuckler who has no reaslistic prospect of winning a duel against a typical duelist is a poor fencer.

I also put forward some hypothetical numbers to illustrate the point.

Because you haven't posted your conception of a typical 3E duelist, I don't have actual numbers to work with - hence my hypotheticals. But whether the numbers are hypothetical or actual, the point remains that a character who has no realistic prospect of winning a duel against a typical duelist is a poor fencer. Hence, you cannot divorce your conception of a character as a swashbuckler from the mechanical expression of that conception via attack statistics.

It would be equally absurd to have a conception of one's character as a great orator, and then have an 8 in CHA and no skill bonus in Diplomacy; or to have a conception of one's character as a scientist on a par with Newton and then to have a 6 INT and no skill bonus in mathematics.

If you want him to be competent then why don't you build him more competent than a charismatic rogue?
Here you actually seem to take for granted what I am asserting, namely, that a character cannot exemplify a concept indpendent of the details of its mechanical build. Given that, I don't know why you are disupting my claim (which is really just a reiteration of points made by others upthread).

This seems less a problem of balance and more an idea of "competing concepts" of what a swashbuckler is.

D&D has had a problem since probably its inception about what traits define a class and whether a class adequately reflects its supposed archetype.


For some, a fencer with his thin blade and leather jerkin is no match for a knight armed with a greatsword and wrapped in steel. For others, the two should be totally comparable numerically and the fiction explains away the perceived differences
I think this is a separate issue. In my example I simply posited hit point and damage numbers (extrapolated roughly from a 6th level fighter and a 6th level rogue). I didn't say anything about armour or other weapons.

My personal view is that, if the game is going to make fencers mechanically inferior to knights, it shouldn't beat around the bush and create an illusion to the contrary in its presentation of options.

For some, the rogue is not a combat machine and is best served avoiding combat (or striking a dirty blow when presented) while others see him as an agile combatant full of acrobatic maneuvers and stunning redirections.
And this is also a separate issue (although it can become tangled up with the knight vs swashbuckler thing). If the rogue is not meant to be played as a swashbuckler, then I agree with [MENTION=67338]GMforPowergamers[/MENTION] that the rules shouldn't create an illusion to the contrary (by presenting a class loaded up with swashbuckling options like sneak attack, evasion, uncanny dodge, etc).

If the fighter is mechanically most optimal built as a knight, and the rogue is not meant to be played as a swashbuckler, the upshot will be something like classic D&D.

4e of coures takes the other tack: the fighter is mechanically most optimal built as a knight (at least until some of the Martial Power options), but the rogue is a viable swashbuckler.

Either is a viable path to go down (though I think the 4e path probably increases the overall appeal of the game). It is the path that creates the illusion that swashbucklers are viable when in fact they're not which I think should be avoided.


So you build it better

Build what better?
A dashing swordman or a swashbuckler who gets the girl?

You build the latter, but actually demand the former.

Nothing in that implies that a swashbuckler wins every fight s/he is in. It asserts (unambiguously) that a swashbuckler has a certain competence with the rapier, and that a so-called swashbuckler who has no reaslistic prospect of winning a duel against a typical duelist is a poor fencer..

Except that you arbitrarily made up your typical duelist, unsurprisingly stronger than the PC you have here, and declare that everyone who does not defeat that made up pile of numbers is not a swashbuckler.

Every level 1 character has no chance to defeat that 40 HP guy 1 on 1, so no level 1 swashbuckler exist? Is every swashbuckler born with stats which enable him to defeat that "typical" enemy? And when you fail to defeat this opponent because you are too low level will you never ever be a swashbuckler? In that case, where the inability to defeat a enemy automatically and forever revokes your "swashbuckler status" the PC, from level 1, must be able to defeat all enemies, even if technically much stronger than him like this 40Hp guy.
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Build what better?
A dashing swordman or a swashbuckler who gets the girl?

You build the latter, but actually demand the former.

Wow you almost got it... Someone trying to make a dashing swordsman who gets the girl failed to do so...

How is that diffrent from you sitting down to make frodo and being told "lazy warlord"

Useing those numbers make a dashing swordsman that gets the girl...


Wow you almost got it... Someone trying to make a dashing swordsman who gets the girl failed to do so...

Except that you did not try to make a dashing swordman (who apparently is defined by his ability to kill wolves).

So lets start from the beginning.
What do you actually want to make? A character concept? A character with the ability to kill a specific creature? Because now you are just switching between those goals at will to whatever suits your needs.

Every level 1 character has no chance to defeat that 40 HP guy 1 on 1, so no level 1 swashbuckler exist? Is everyone swashbuckler born with stats which enable him to defeat that "typical" enemy? And when you fail to defeat this opponent, will you never ever be a swashbuckler?

He is right... Lets use that class feature wolf at 1st level ;)


First Post
On swashbuckling, Merriam-Webster definition:
a swaggering or daring soldier or adventurer
We understand that a D&D character's combat prowess is represented by numbers like attack bonus and damage. However, a swashbuckler is not defined by having prowess, but swagger and daring, and thus there is no mandate that for the swashbuckler concept to be represented mechanically, it must meet a particular threshold of combat effectiveness.

If anything, to me the word carries connotations of having more style than substance. Which again, is fine if you want to make that character, just don't expect it to be anything other than what it is.

Except that you did not try to make a dashing swordman (who apparently is defined by his ability to kill wolves).

So lets start from the beginning.
What do you actually want to make? A character concept? A character with the ability to kill a specific creature? Because now you are just switching between those goals at will to whatever suits your needs.

Start here: and they say "Well I'm a swashbuckler that always gets the girl, I'm also really smart, able to fight things smarter not harder"
They roll18, 15,14,14,13,10

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