D&D 4E Will you buy 4e?

Will you buy 4th edition?

  • I will buy it sight unseen

    Votes: 283 38.9%
  • I might buy it, after initial reviews

    Votes: 163 22.4%
  • I probably will not buy it, but might eventually

    Votes: 172 23.6%
  • I absolutely will not buy it

    Votes: 63 8.7%
  • I have no idea

    Votes: 47 6.5%

Depends on the product, but right now my inclination is "no". SWSE gave me a nice d20-ish framework to build the kind of fantasy games I want to run, without any of the D&D baggage. If they made 4e based on SWSE, I'd just have to strip all the baggage out again, which would leave me with my SWSE conversion anyway.

In short, I can't imagine what they'd do with it that would improve things. And I sure as heck ain't subscribing to online-only content. So unless they come up with something that really takes me by surprise with its sheer awesomeness, I don't have any use for it.

That said, I did buy the occasional D&D adventure or sourcebook when I was a HERO-only guy too, if it had cool ideas in it -- I just threw away all the game mechanics attached. So it's conceivable I might buy adventures or sourcebooks for 4e, too even if I don't do anything with the game itself.

-The Gneech :cool:

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I figure they've been working on this for a while, but May 2008? That's not far at all. I want my core books in pretty decent condition when they're released: solid rules and top-notch editing. Are they really going to be able to do that in 8 months?

As it stands now, I will not likely be buying it. I've been slowly trying to ease off my WotC purchases for the past few months anyhow, now it looks like it's time to just cut the cord and go cold turkey.

I have far too large of an investment in 3E to really have any desire to start over. As it is I'm in the process of clearing out my already overwhelming collection of gaming materials, I don't need to be preparing to add to it.

I may eventually get it, but I figure I've got enough material to keep me campaigning in 3E for some time.
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Baby Samurai and Obrysii - if you have some conflict from elsewhere leave it there. The moderators of these boards have bigger fish to fry right now, and are not likely to have patience for your personal squabbles.

If this is somehow unclear, please feel free to e-mail me to discuss it. The e-mail addresses of the mods are available in a thread stickied to the top of the Meta forum.

4th ed will really have to completely stink on ice for me not to buy it. Otherwise, I'll have my PH in May, the DMG in June and the Monster Manual in July.

BlackMoria said:
If this is indeed an announcement for 4E, I am disappointed - not by 4E coming out, everyone know it is coming sometime, but the fact that WOTC has used disinformation on the customers / fanbase by basically stating that 4E is still quite a ways away, that it was not in active development (as of D&D Experience '07 when the alleged statement was made) and that any announcement concerning D&D will be announced at D&D Experience.

I feel like I was lied to.

I feel the same way.

Now I am not naive enough to believe everything that I am told, and I certainly knew that 4E was on the way. But the commitment that WotC made after the magazine debacle to improve communications and interaction with its customers was one that I actually believed. Their masterful disinformation campaign was well done, with every WotC voice on these boards and others towing the same line.

Kudo's to them for keeping it under wraps for as long as they did. Shame on them for feeling that was the best way handle the launch of the latest edition.

EricNoah said:
I don't see it in my future. I will certainly follow the news with interest. But as I've said elsewhere, a) I have so much 3e stuff I couldn't use it all in my lifetime, and b) I have little faith that the accompanying digital initiative will be all that great, particularly the character generation parts of it. Just based on their track record with such.


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