D&D 4E Will you buy 4e?

Will you buy 4th edition?

  • I will buy it sight unseen

    Votes: 283 38.9%
  • I might buy it, after initial reviews

    Votes: 163 22.4%
  • I probably will not buy it, but might eventually

    Votes: 172 23.6%
  • I absolutely will not buy it

    Votes: 63 8.7%
  • I have no idea

    Votes: 47 6.5%

I am going to predict that I will continue to buy 4e Eberron sourcebooks, but only if they continue to abide by the rule that the setting is static and if they are not simply a rehash of the 3e books.

I might buy the 4e core rulebooks if I buy into the 4e Eberron sourcebooks, if it is easy to convert 3e into 4e, and if the rules are actually good.

Of course, the only 3e books I have that are not core and not Eberron are Monster Manual 2, Manual of the Planes, Deities & Demigods, Draconomicon and Frostburn, so I am not exactly hurting as badly as many others here. I suppose with the advent of 4e, I'll be looking to pick up a bargain priced copy of XPH.
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Buying a new core book or three is something I would probably do automatically. The open questions are whether my gaming group would bother to use them, or whether I would buy and follow on supplements.

I'll buy them. I still have most of my 1st edition books, all of my 2nd edition & 3.0 books and now I'll get to add my 3.5 books to the heap in order to make way for the 4th edition books.

My wife spends money gambling. I buy RPGs. Both are not investments -- just different forms of entertainment ;)

Not really interested....

You can count me out. My group has fully emraced the coolness of C&C. I enjoy running it + I can use my entire library of gaming stuff with it. Don't need to send anymore of my money Wotc's way. They are only making the change to make a quick buck, I quit playing Warhammer years ago for the same reason. "hmmm profits are not currently equal to the Pokemon Craze??!!,, I know let's make a new edition and make the fans buy all new books!'

Nah, not me! :p

I voted the second option, but most accurately, I'll have to wait to see it with my own eyes.

My other main system, HERO, tried out a version with the FUZION rules. I hated them, and didn't buy any of the product.

If 4Ed is (IMHO) the bomb, I'll buy it.

If 4Ed is (IMHO) a pretty good game, I'll buy it.

If 4Ed is (IMHO) more akin to FUZION HERO? I'll drop the bomb on it and wait for 5Ed.

At any rate, given that my current DM is running 3Ed (not 3.5), I don't feel that much pressure to stay current. I mean, I buy the 3.5 stuff for my own use- I'm planning on running a campaign next year- but I don't need any new stuff right now, now, NOW!

And all of that is for physical books only. The digital-only stuff can...uh...rot. I don't even bother getting "web enhancements" or free downloads of the RPGs or music CD/DVDs that I buy now.

Now that WotC has said that they will take influence from SWSE and Bot9S I'm even more excited to give them my money!

4E can't get here fast enough if you ask me!

I'm bound to pick up a PHB at some point.

I've always been interested in the way RPGs are designed, so I can't imagine not being up to speed with D&D.

Whether or not I'll ever play it is a different matter. We've probably got over a year of gaming before we complete WotBS, Pathfinder should be arriving in the mail soon, and there's a ton of unplayed 3.5 adventures sitting on my shelf.

Presumably, WotC want people playing as well as buying, so I expect there'll be a big campaign to show how much fun 4th edition is to play. They might end up convincing me to give it a try.

Mouseferatu said:
This poll is just a tad premature, don't you think? We don't actually know much of anything yet. Without calling out any particular person, I can absolutely guarantee that a lot of the "Absolutely yes" votes will change to "Nah" by the time it's released, and a lot (probably even more, to judge by precedent) of the "Never!" votes will change to "Yes" once we learn more about it.

Right now, people are voting based almost exclusively on gut emotion and knee-jerk reaction.

I'm a slave to the WoTC machine, I'll probably have it preordered. Won't be able to help myself.... :heh:
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I can't imagine why I would buy it, given my current playing habits, but I will not say absolutely "no".

Very little chance, though.

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