D&D 4E Will you buy 4e?

Will you buy 4th edition?

  • I will buy it sight unseen

    Votes: 283 38.9%
  • I might buy it, after initial reviews

    Votes: 163 22.4%
  • I probably will not buy it, but might eventually

    Votes: 172 23.6%
  • I absolutely will not buy it

    Votes: 63 8.7%
  • I have no idea

    Votes: 47 6.5%

I will do the same as I did with 3e and 3.5e. I will buy core rulebooks and I will be very picky with the rest. I have about 4 additional books to 3e and yet another 3 to 3.5e. There is no need to have everything. You then are only unhappy with new editions. ;)

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I'm definitely buying the core books, but I plan on being a lot choosier about which supplemental books I buy. I've passed on a lot of the 3.5 books, after being an obsessively indiscriminate 2e gamer with an insane number of settings and supplements.

I have not bought much D&D material in the last 2 years, but I will buy 4E. I will not be able to say if I will switch to it until after reading the books - I bought 3.5E too, but don't use it.

I'm pretty sure I'll pick up the PHB, DMG and MM and little else (unless they put out some good adventures). Overall I hate 3/3.5 and gave up on it several years ago, if 4E seems like a better system then I will give it a try if not I'll stick to C&C.

Yeah, I'm in.

WotC hasn't produced anything I've wanted in the last three years, so I've been playing C&C and M&M instead. What I've heard about 4e sounds promising and it'll be good to have a large pool of potential players again.


I suspect that 4e might be quite similar to Star Wars d20, and I quite liked what they did there. Having said that, I'll probably have a look at the SRD and rules first before I decide to take the plunge, much like I did with 3.5e.


I voted for the 'After Initial Review' option but since sleeping on it I realise, who am I kidding? I'll buy it on the day it's released, and the campaign I'm currently working on will now be 4th Edition from the get-go. I can't imagine WotC producing something so unutterably bad that I won't want to play it.

Exciting times.

I voted "Probably not" mostly because I have no interest to buy it, but might end up with it as a pressie from somebody...roleplaying buddies like to play silly jokes like that after all. :p


Well, yeah, I'll buy the books. Most of my friends will certainly leap into it full-bore, so I will definitely get all the damn books.

I'm not thrilled with the timing though, and the thought of invalidating my entire library of 3.5E books, that I have spent thousands and thousands of dollars on, well, I'm angry for damn sure.

But I'll buy the 4E books.

Semper Fidelis,


Gah! I wish I could say “No”, but I suspect I will eventually crack and get it. :\

My bookcases are groaning under the weight of my rulebooks (from all editions of the game), and I still raid my 1st and 2nd edition stuff from time to time, to throw something “new” at my groups without making it up. However, I don't think I will invest heavily (again) unless the rules are at least moderately compatible with 3.0 / 3.5 – I just don't think I have the heart to start converting my home grown campaign stuff again. Besides I really, REALLY like 3.5, and find it to be a very nicely balanced and fun game...even if it does take me a long time to generate Epic Level opponents, and the grappling rules get a bit confused from time to time.

As for this “spells per encounter” business – that sounds awful. Goodbye drama, and hello cakewalk. Bah!

I'll wait and see... :D

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