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Worst Beers Ever.


Oh, I forgot to mention my worst beer of all time. Goose Island had a special Christmas beer, which, I kid you not, tasted like sausage. I know they were going for a smoky thing, but the result was an overwhelming flavor of summer sausage. It might be decent if used for cooking.

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One of the worst tasting beers I've had, happens to hail from my own home state, and bares the nickname of the state, Lone Star. Gaw, that is one terrible tasting beer, just thinking of it brings the taste back, ack.


*Reads thread for the first time since posting*


But who had the affrontory to name Guiness the worst Beer ever? Firstly, it's great tasting and good for you. Secondly, it is actually classified as food. Any beer you can eat with a fork can't be all bad. :)

Keep 'em rolling...


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
I have to say Budweiser, Bud Light, Busch, Old Style (fortunately, I believe that is no longer available, but I could be wrong), and Pig's Eye rank as the worst beers I've every had. Corona comes close to making that list. Any beer you MUST add a lime to in order to have any flavor is bad as far as I'm concerned.

Steve Jung

Aeolius said:
The key is consistency - a can of Bud brewed in 1970 will taste the same as one born yesterday. A lot of effort goes into that.
I'm not sure I want a beer that tastes like it was brewed in 1970. :p


First Post

Natty Light is great cheap nasty drunk. However, let me say Natural Ice is the worst drunk I've had except (and diaglo called it) for Private Stock. Colt 45 used to have Cool Colt (menthol malt liquor) which was the most vile thing I've ever put in my mouth (and I used to shake room temperature beer cans for cigarette butts) to kill the snake that bit me if you know what I mean.

Ah, the good ole days


actually the worst beer i ever tasted was when i was in Nicaragua. i think it was brewed with formaldehyde. i can't even remember the name of it tho.. it burned away my memory banks. i just remember it was bad. real bad.


First Post
Most disgusting beer: Thankfully now defunct in the UK (I think, hope, PRAY), Stones Bitter was a foul, muddy sour tasting waste of drinking time that came in lurid orange cans. It cost about 12p a can and had so little alcohol that you could drink as much as you liked, but you were guaranteed a hangover waaay before you felt even slightly tipsy.

Most ill advised beer purchase: At a beer festival with a group of friends I ordered the strongest Belgian beer from the menu. Machismo eh? I admit it. I should have smelled a rat when they told me they would 'prepare' it for me and bring it to our table. I do not exaggerate when I tell you that the glass it came in was 18 inches tall, twelve wide, in the shape of an overly elaborate brandy glasses with sculptured petals like a tulip. Oh, dear reader, how my companions did mock me. I suffer the shame to this day. The fact that the beer was a nasty smear of undrinkable embalming fluid was entirely secondary.

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