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Worst Beers Ever.

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CombatWombat51 said:
I can't remember the name, but it was the beer in China.

Could you be thinking of Tsing Tao?

As for the worst beers, I can only say what I have personally consumed.

Worst Canadian Beer:
Molson Stock Ale - for some reason this is still sold. I guess back in the day the Molson brewing company decided it would be a neat marketing method to sell the stock from which all the other Molson products were made from. Its horrid. You can only find it at questionnable establishments and in the fridges of hardened old men of the Canadian Shield!

Worst English Beer:
Crest - it contains 10% alchohol...do I need any other reason for why it tastes bad? It tastes the way dirty gym socks smell.

Worst German Beer:
Becks - I personally like Becks...I just like every other German beer better! :)

Worst Belgian Beer:
I like them all :p

Worst American Beer:
Old Milwaukee - Laverne and Shirly aint got nothin...this beer is rotten. However, it was a university special considering you could score 6 pint cans for like $8 Canadian.


That big boat beer

The worst bear I remember ever trying was a beer brewed in the maritime provinces of Canada called 'Schooner'. Although my father enthusiastically insisted it was the "Champaign of beers" and had won many international beer tasting competitions, he now keeps budweiser in his fridge. I can only assume that that foul concoction went the way of the dodo (hell, it was probably responsible for making the dodo extinct in the first place). :D


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My dad used to drink Brown Derby, which was Safeway's store brand (savor that thought for a moment...). It was a $1.45 a six pack, and worth every penny. That gets my nod.

For some reason, I just can't fathom a bad beer tasting night.



Vamprey said:
Fosters (why do you think we export it overseas - cause we don't want to drink it ourselves)....

That makes sense and Fosters is terrible tasting, in my opinion (though that opinion is not shared by my coworkers, who always order a pitcher when we go to Hooters, but as a good Texan I drink it).


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Gregor said:
Could you be thinking of Tsing Tao?



Ah, that reminds me of good times... :confused:


  • TsingTao.jpg
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I spent some time in Beijing, and while TsingTao might hold China's most widely distributed bad beer, there are far *far* worse microbrews. It seems like every city has its own brew label.

Anyways, the two bad Chinese beers that stick in my mind are:

Yanjing Draft (for $0.25 you could get a 22oz in the market)


Tiger Draft (this was a Shanghai concoction seemingly made to promote sobriety through bad hangovers.)


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Azul said:
I'm going to limit my choices for "worst beer" to beers which I have actually dared to drink.

I'll do the same. My vote goes to Budweiser, which tastes like it's been through a cat twice.

Early exposure to stuff like this made me dislike beer for a long time -- until I started trying good stuff, and acquired a taste for it. As for favorites, I'd probably have to go with hefeweizen, as I like lighter beers (with the occasional nip into Guiness country, of course!).

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