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[WoT Adventure] OOC Thread

I disagree, I think that her threatening Tomas was warranted, and needed. He is a jerk, him not Tay-Dor. She was trying to protect her friend and trying to stand up for herself, I dont think the tower teaches Aes Sedai to be meek.

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dscrank said:
You know, Valkys, threatening someone because they look down on you just isn't that much of a justification. I'm going to have to side with Tomas on this. Besides, Sirsei's beginning to contradict herself. She says she didn't break any of the Oaths, but she also says she didn't mean the threat. Now if she didn't mean the threat, it was a lie. That, or more truth-twisting than I'd buy. If she did mean the threat, then she was willing to break the Oath about using the One Power as a weapon. Either way, it doesn't look good.

First, making a threat is *not* lying. Consider Moiraine. While she isn't as heavy-handed as Sirsei(after all, she has more experience under her belt), she was willing to threaten people at the Baerlon Gate, or at least allow them to believe she was capable of harming them with the One Power. And I assure you, Sirsei was angry enough to mean it at the time. She's still mad. However, you're allowed to have regrets after you consider your actions, right?

And as far as lying to Lila, I think her comment was *very* Aes Sedai. "If you truly feel that i would have carried out such a threat". She isn't denying that she would have carried it out, necessarily. She's laying the decision at Lila's feet. What does she believe.

And it isn't meant to look good. Sirsei is in the middle of a moral dilemma. They're hardly easy. This is her character flaw, one of several. But it's the one being emphasized most right now.

There might have been other ways to go. She attempted the witty remark. Tomas was uncouth. Now, if you're in a position like this, real life, where some one is stronger than you, physically and has refused to acknowledge an attempt at a medium of 'social combat, yet you know you have another advantage, I say you use it. If someone doesn't choose to take the hint politely, you teach them the lesson any way they choose to take it.

Tomas could have let it go with Sirsei's suggestion that he be more noble and diplomatic. He didn't. She didn't. She can channel. He can't. She used her advantage, knowing she might get in trouble for it. It's like pulling a gun on someone, I guess, when you know they're unarmed. It isn't noble, but it does teach the lesson. Of course, then the cops come after you. But as long as you didn't shoot them, and you have a permit... well...call it social self defense. In this case, the gun wasn't loaded, she just pointed out that she owned one and would be willing to use it.

And I didn't mean to rant, but I feel like you're criticizing me for the way I am playing my character. She's finding her place, and I'm still finding my stride. But I know this was in character for her.


Actually, Tomas has got nothing on you physically--he's a pansy! Str 10, Dex 10, Con 8... not exactly soldier material... So I say next time just kick his butt, and follow the oaths at the same time! Voila, problem solved! :D


First Post
Don't take it personally. If we can talk about how much of a jerk Tomas is, I can say that Sirsei went too far. Feel free to criticize Pedron and my role-playing of him. I can point out at least one, maybe two, times when he's done something out-of-character.

I think there is a bit of a difference. I comment on how much of a jerk Shalimar sees Tomas as, because Tay-dor did a good job making him come off that way. I think it was great roleplaying, I don't like Tomas as a person but I think he is very well roleplayed.

There are reasons it works for Shalimar and not for others:
1)she flat out can't hurt anyone with a slap she's not strong enough
2)She is a small and delicate person, people just don't see her as a threat (unless they know her)
3)Shes a girl, sexest but true, men are taught not to hit girls thats just the way it is
4)She has only slapped people that she knew wouldn't slap back

If a guy slapped someone it would end up in a deul or at very least a brawl.
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Ah, but I have no questions about anyone else's roleplaying. And I agree with Shalimar on this one. Tay-dor is doing an excellent job. It's very hard to play a character you know that no one likes and stick with it. I'd have succumbed and caved in already if I were in the same position.

Enforcer: Sirsei's strength is 8, so Tomas does actually have me there.

And I maintain: I didn't break the Oaths. :p

The whole point here is that I am still finding Sirsei's boundaries. If some people already know how far their characters will go, well, all I can say is Cheers! But every action so far has been a test of Sirsei's character.

If you feel that Sirsei went too far, fine. I was just telling you why she did and how she sees it. You got an inside glimpse of her personal justifications, and she doesn't think she was wrong :)

And as for the slapping, it isn't Sirsei's style. I'm still working on that. She takes herself too seriously at times. Well, most of the time. I'll find a vehicle for her to work out her frustrations... knitting anyone?


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I really hate that physical stats are so... stuck. I feel like if I you work out, you should be able to raise them... like a skill point exchange or something.

That was one thing I really liked about Rifts... the physical skills you could choose that would improve physical attributes.

Sirsei the Aes Sedai blacksmith? Sounds like I could come very close to breaking the second oath with that one ;)

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