WotC WotC general D&D survey just went live.

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I sure hope no one at WotC is trying to create a product line up where every player and DM will purchase every book, because they're being set up for failure.

Exactly the impression I got, as well as that they want people to play the game for the sake of...teaching others to play the game, and also be the leader of a group.

I have played and I have bought and own certien 5E books. I just haven't bought any in the last 12 months or so.

"Why not?"

"Because you are not making things for me." ;)

Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
Exactly the impression I got, as well as that they want people to play the game for the sake of...teaching others to play the game, and also be the leader of a group.

"Why not?"

"Because you are not making things for me." ;)
the fact I have the same answer and 5e is my first edition probably says something about them.


I sold all my MtG cards about a year after it came out, when I sensed that the fad was starting to end, and used the money to help pay for grad school. At the time, I thought I was a genius.
My brother sold a couple of his magic cards to pay for his wedding - including tux & the wedding gown.

I look at my boxes of 3E 3rd party stuff in storage and hate him with the baleful eye of Sauron.


Front Range Warlock
I tried to take the survey buy HOLY CARP is that thing long (my attention span petered out before the survey did).

Bacon Bits

I think they do it yearly, but it feels like they did the last one 6 months ago.

I both lambasted and praised them. They had me interested in their products up until about Spelljammer hit the shelves, and I've been losing enthuisasm ever since. Well, actually Tasha's was the first blow, but there's been books I liked since it - just less and less of their current offerings. Nothing in the upcoming year has my interest - I would have said Planescape, but not after what was done with Spelljammer.

Interesting. I fully agree with you about Spelljammer making me hit a brick wall in terms of interest, but I was pretty happy with a lot of Tasha's. The custom lineage ended up being too power-gamey for my tastes (several players I know literally never use anything else now) but outside of that I rather liked a lot of the options.

Voidrunner's Codex

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