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Just a question that came up in a session the other day, do yuan-ti lay eggs? And if so do all of them lay eggs? If so, than why do they have boobs (cause they clearly do in pics).

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If they have breasts, they probably don't lay eggs. Alternativly, you could say that the yuan-ti do lay eggs and the breasts are vestigial, and are owed to the yuan-ti's human origin.

I don't think there are any published materials specifically addressing the method of yuan-ti reproduction, so it is really the DM's choice.


First Post
i dont think yuan-ti would lay eggs.
most snakes dont, their your young are born "alive" they leave the eggs inside mum.
humans do not lay eggs,

my conclusion would be that yuan-ti; humans cursed to be snake like aberations, if they reproduce at all, via sexual means, would not lay eggs.
If they would lay eggs the eggs would have leather shells like reptiles, not calcium shells like birds.


First Post
Yuan-ti lay eggs, as mentioned in the Serpent Kingdoms book (under "Life Cycle", page 10-11).

Serpent Kingdoms said:
Yuan-ti hatch from eggs in chambers monitored by broodguards.
Serpent Kingdoms said:
After mating, yuan-ti females lay their eggs in brood chambers, marking each clutch with their parentage, then abandoning them to the care of the broodguards.

I do agree that the eggs would likely be leathery, rather than hard-shelled like a bird's.

Edit/Additional: As for the breast question; well Yuan-ti were created magically and one of the central tenets of their purpose is the subtle manipulation and control of humanoid races through guile rather than through outright force. Breasts are primarily evident on those yuan-ti that are intended to be able to interact with humanoids undetected (i.e. purebloods). In essence, yuan-ti pureblood females have breasts for the same reason they have hair - to help them blend in and do their jobs. I would sinscerely doubt they'd be funtional, however. They have breasts, but due to their natural reproductive method (egg-laying), I would venture to say that they'd lack the ability to lactate.
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Sejs said:
Yuan-ti lay eggs, as mentioned in the Serpent Kingdoms book (under "Life Cycle", page 10-11).

I do agree that the eggs would likely be leathery, rather than hard-shelled like a bird's.

Edit/Additional: As for the breast question; well Yuan-ti were created magically and one of the central tenets of their purpose is the subtle manipulation and control of humanoid races through guile rather than through outright force. Breasts are primarily evident on those yuan-ti that are intended to be able to interact with humanoids undetected (i.e. purebloods). In essence, yuan-ti pureblood females have breasts for the same reason they have hair - to help them blend in and do their jobs. I would sinscerely doubt they'd be funtional, however. They have breasts, but due to their natural reproductive method (egg-laying), I would venture to say that they'd lack the ability to lactate.

So basically their boobs don't have nipples


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xBloodCarverx said:
So basically their boobs don't have nipples

I will point out the following two things.

1. This board is a Grandma friendly board.

2. The rules forum is not the place for this discussion. (General would probably be the best place).

On a personal note, does anyone else think that this is probably the most inane comment to have hit the boards in a while?


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IcyCool said:
I will point out the following two things.

1. This board is a Grandma friendly board.

2. The rules forum is not the place for this discussion. (General would probably be the best place).

On a personal note, does anyone else think that this is probably the most inane comment to have hit the boards in a while?

Greg Focker: You can milk just about anything with nipples.
Jack Byrnes: I have nipples, Greg, could you milk me?
- Meet the Parents (PG-13)

And my mom, who is in her 70s and a grandmother, uses the term boobies because 'breasts' sounds dirty. We often ate chicken boobies...sigh.
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werk said:
Greg Focker: You can milk just about anything with nipples.
Jack Byrnes: I have nipples, Greg, could you milk me?
- Meet the Parents (PG-13)

So glib talk of nipples and boobs is non-Grandma offensive? Good to know.


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xBloodCarverx said:
hey im new to these boreds, dont pick on the noob

As a newbie, then, you should familiarize yourself with the rules of the board. They're up at the top of the page, under Help.

#2 on the rule list is this:

The Rules of EN World said:
Keep it clean: Don't use obscenities, don't use clever tricks to run around the profanity filters, and don't link to sites with inappropriate content. The "acid test" we use is the "Grandmother Rule" -- if it would be inappropriate to say to or show to our grandmothers, don't do it. I want a typical 13 year old kid to be able to come here and participate if they want to without feeling uncomfortable. This should be a minor-friendly place. Think about it this way: how do you act around strangers or work acquaintances? You watch your language and you're on your best behavior. That's the ideal we're shooting for here.

That said...do you think your comments pass this test?

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